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Posts posted by myrlin

  1. oops, I screwd my post up =)

    I work in Computers and the Web, am 27 and currently enjoying myself as I can. Lousy long term relationship ended the beggining of this year and Ive re-learned how much fun life can and should be.

    I believe people should be up front and not bother to hide things because ultimately, it hurts yourself to be dishonest wabout what you want. Everyone is entitled to their views and opinions as long as they back them up. You have to respect people's convictions





  2. 1) I probably above averagish except among hard core dancers. Course, I like to have fun so it doesnt matter to me

    3) I prefer to be friendly with people if they are. I love meeting new people, it gives you such a great persepctive when you see how other people react and think.

    4) Live in NJ. Usually end up driving into the city or taking the Path. Makes it a bitch if I am not staying there or if Im flying solo.




  3. Hey all, just got back from losing some cash in Atlantic City but hey, those are the breaks, hehe.

    Few questions that people might like to answer


    Are you good? Are you Bad? And does it really matter as long as your having fun?

    2)In a pure dance hall, how unattractive is a guy who is sweating profusely from dancing?

    3)Do you act "cool" or are you friendly with the people around you as long as they are as well?

    4)Do you liive in the city? If you dont, how do you go in and out?

    Just a few silly questions




  4. Gawd,

    And what do women do when presented with someone who doesnt want to lie and cheat. What do they do when they have a man who is honest and nice to them?

    They shit on him. Yep, Ive been nice and Ive been mean and being nice has gotten me screwed over.

    Lets face it, women need to remember that any man, friend or foe, if given the oppurtunity to fool around with a women, will do so regardless. (Unless he has a gf/fiancee/whatever) Sure there are guys that break that rule but I dont happen to be one of them and wish the others would stop giving us a bad rap, hehe

    But the point is, women should be nicer to the average guy, and mean to the prick son of bitches they complain about.

    I dont particularly like being grouped with the assholes out there just because I am a man, and I deserve to be voted on by merit, not by past actions of the human race.

    Hell, women piss me off to no avail but damned if I dont give them a chance.




  5. Curious for those of you who live in jersey.....Do you stay somewhere in the city overnight or do you **gasp** drive home or do you take an alternate way of transportation.

    Transportation is about the only thing that keeps me out of the city when I WANT TO BE THERE...hehe..




  6. Ya, if u walk into the upstairs, walk to the near right side bar then move towards the dance floor. I was right there.

    With all the shoving going around, I prolly bumped you once or twice, lol. Yeah, Id rather be going to the city myself but I do what I can, when I can, =)

    **Always have fun, be serious when you need to be, but dammit ENJOY LIFE**




  7. Well. I was at a small party with people from work when we decided we need to hit a bar or something. We were about 5 minutes from Tequila Joes and a few people werent' "dressed" for the city and the like so we said, wtf and went about 12:30.

    When I first walked in, it seemed like it would be cool and we went to the top dance floor area and sorta moved into an area.

    Thats when it got lousy. Muscleheads standing in the dancefloor, not moving trying to look cool. People walking THROUGH the dance floor like it was a fucking highway. People bumping, being rude and we even had to pry a hand off my friends fiancee's ass twice. Needless to say, without rom to dance, breathe or have fun, it sucked.

    Sure, I saw alot of ladies there but 1) can barely get near em through the crowd 2) guys jumping all over any girl by herself and 3)the overall rudeness just sucked

    I almost got on the bar myself just to get away from all the rude assholes. I tried dancing far right by the bar as u walk into the upsatairs and was there for a bit but too much crap. Few hotties in that corner if you happen to be them, lol.

    Sheesh, I like to have fun when I go out but just once I want to be able to either chill with a lady I meet or hook up with a lady I meet without a hassle, without bullshit and without having to deal with junk. I know, I know, it doesnt happen but I can dream, I suppose. These morons wouldnt look so tough when all 5'3" of me puts them on the ground, lol.

    Had to vent and I hope anyone else who went had a better time than me. Id rather be in the city, too bad I cant just go there by myself. (If only I had a place in the village, hehe)

    Cheers or something...hrmphhh, just bummed out =(




  8. I think half of the crap kids get nowadays is ridiculous.

    They have lousy Power Rangers whereas we had VOLTRON and Fraggle Rock, hehe. Seems things have degenerated alot for the next generation but I suppose every group as they get older think that.

    I will note that kids nowadays have no respect for people they should. I never got out of line with my parents because I knew Id get a big whack. One whack really all it ever took for me to not want one again.

    Morales and Values are non existant in some families and households which is depressing because that might be why i cant find a damned honest girl!!!!! Sheesh.

    Life is hard, yet fun at the same time.




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