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Posts posted by myrlin

  1. Originally posted by misskittie:

    NO!!!!! We like knowing people are *watching*


    And how far will they watch, Hehe.

    I think I just scared every girl that talks to me with this thread....LoL

    I have to enjoy being crude once in a while, being nice 24/7 grates on my nerves every now and then, Buahahhaa




  2. Ok folks, here it is.

    Ric and I will be hitting the drink meetup by about 5:30....Who will be there????

    After we eat and have a few laughs, we will proceed to go get rdy for the evening.

    By 11, we will be at Twilo. That is my plan and Im sticking to it.


    Who will be at drinks early, and who is gonna be at Twilo afterwards.....Speak up

    We always hang out in the back left of Twilo on steps, between DJ booth and Back Bar




  3. Originally posted by misskittie:

    Well....at least your not like a friend of mine. He NEVER got laid, so he cut a hole in his mattress and lined it with rubber and well....you can get the picture of what happened there! cwm27.gif

    Hmm, i think I might be too picky, but oh well. I dont think I would resort to anything of that measure, I like women too much....=)




  4. Originally posted by dznyc:

    Thats the beauty of the internet. I haven't really posted a lot because I was more of a vouyer when i first found out about this site. I read some really good threads, but now some of the topics are just ridiculous. Where did all the industry posts go?????

    I think it goes in cycles my friend. Recently, people have hung out in RL so the topics have changed depending on what happened last. If people make "industry posts" youll start seeing a lot more replies. I think some of the new people dont ask or mention what they normally would cause they are shy or think we wont respond.




  5. Originally posted by misskittie:

    Hmmm yea I was gonna say...I didnt picture you to be a "roll over boy". Esepcially since you always have massive amounts of energy. I bet you fuck like a rabbit on acid....hahahahahaha

    I just laughed out loud at work, hehe thank God my area is all techies, hehe.

    I get no complaints, though its been a while **grin** And Im getting ancier every day ;p




  6. Originally posted by misskittie:

    WHOAAAAAA there cowboy! How did this turn into sex??? lol I should have known with YOU it would...but rolling over to sleep?? Uh oh...Im an *all nighter*...haha

    can u handle it?


    You misread my content, I met to say "Guys rolling over after? Hah not me" I was taught to do things right or not do them at all....=)

    Hmm, dunno, it just turned this way I suppose, Must be cause Im very horny...LoL....

    Talk like this scares away the shy types, haha.




  7. Originally posted by missincognito:

    Only as evil as the men that surround her, sweetheart!

    If that was true, then Id be surrounded by sweethearts ...... ;p

    Its not so difficult to let your true self shine, even if the people around you suck. If you cool, show it!

    Noone says Im evil.....unless I want them tooo....

    **Mad Laugh**




  8. I have Strawberries in the fridge for lunch today.....**grin**

    I would love to find a lady to fit my desires....mentally and physically. Of course, there is nothing wrong with finding a lady who meets my current desires either......**evil grin**

    Just be honest with me =) I cannot stand dishonesty.

    Ah, the love. And yes ladies, feel free to keep it up...I already know you are all evil and the only thing harder to find than a non evil girl is...o.....the answer to existence...;p

    **sardonic grin**




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