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Posts posted by myrlin

  1. Originally posted by misskittie:

    Claudio, we will flip u over and make u see butterflies, stars, fishies, angels...all that good stuff!

    And you already know u cant handle me! DOH...Stop trying to play it off like u can handle all of us!

    ----Oh yea...and remember.....I KNOW what u LIKE!! ....(think back to the speaker....the convo! AHEM)

    **cough** Who practically carried who down the stairs Saturday night? **cough**

    Nuff said.





  2. Originally posted by vampienyc10:

    On the contrary....I was SOBER at recess..(scary thought, yes I know LOL!!)...and I will def be out this weekend?? what are we doing???

    Both Ursula and Marcella will be with ME on Friday prolly at Cream Early... smile.gif

    As for what I want or need. Cant say I need much, unless some sense knocked into me counts.....

    As for wants....Someone who fits me maybe?.....hmmm.....

    Dunno, really....if I see it, though, Ill let you all know. **grins**

    Hah, bet everyone thought I was gonna say "You vampie" , proved u all wrong ;p




  3. Originally posted by MarioNY:

    Yeah I saw it when I got back to my pc. Forgot to add your name to my buddy list. Send me a message now so I can add you. I'm online!

    Hehe, cant use aol at work...we making a new proxy so Im working on that.




  4. Originally posted by translucent:

    We asked him if he was from the board, and fortunately for us, he was (Hi myrlin).

    Myrlin took us to the CNYC are, where we proceeded to meet the rest of the board members.

    Hey there! Yes I remember yas. GLad to be of service, its one of my failings, im too nice, lol. Come back anytime!!!!! Let me know in advance too so you dont have to spend that "uncertain" time alone...hehe

    Drop me a line if ya need me... smile.gif





  5. Originally posted by misskittie:

    His birthday is the 1st!!

    But I didnt know u were gonna be 28 Claudio!

    (I feel like such a baby anymore!)

    Ok quit fighting,.....its the 28th, however, America celebrates it on the 1st (since its a friday)

    I thought I made that clear previously, I do apologize...

    cwm11.gif I just excited sometimes....lol.




  6. Originally posted by peeps:


    Hold up here, kids. It's now 8:15 on a Monday morning - we can't have this depressing talk right now - it's too damn early on a Monday, no less.

    I feel you pain, but can't this wait until, oh I dunno, after lunch or something?

    I feel like going and buyig a pint of ice cream, some bon bons and a couple of jumbo Kit Kats and eating myself into misery...

    Stop the madness!!!! At least it's not raining out...

    hehe, sorrry just read the reply... wink.gif

    Fresh new week, full of wonder and possibilities, Sundays are just the end.... wink.gif




  7. 1) What would you consider the top 5 songs they have played in the last 6 months, either seperately or together. If there are multiple mixes, please state which one.

    2) Which is the best set you have seen them play this year (2000) Please include which venue and why it was so good.

    Lets get the ball rolling. (pun intended) cwm29.gifcwm29.gif




  8. Originally posted by artful:

    One of the most depressing things I've ever seen is MY LIFE starring me.

    You ever wanna cheer yourself up and laugh your ass off at some sad shit, Claudio.... check that one out... that fucking thing is over 219,000 hours long..... you'll definitely want to do some fast-forwarding.

    Hah, thats the double Christmas package with the bonus CD of MY life starring ME....lol.....

    Ah misery loves company, better than being miserable alone, haha




  9. What can I say? SpoonyD rocked the house at Leopard Sat night. We were all chillin, bulshitting on the couches when Spoony came on. He had us up and dancing within 5 minutes! A few people, including mikey, mentioned there was never that many people still there by 4am. ITS CAUSE Spoony was SLAMMIN

    Noiseboy, all I gotta say is "Rock the Casbah" .... hehe

    Mario, Zoya, .. we had the best spot in the house....

    Kittie.....blinding us with that damned flash, always an event with you haha

    Aztec, yo bro, that shit was fun last night. Yur always a trip my good friend

    The new peep, Frankie? and his gf, nice meeting you..

    And spoony, of course, who just plain kicked some ass.




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