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Posts posted by myrlin

  1. For the simple fact Ive seen him.

    Hes actually given me a few pointers on a few spells I had issues with. I think the last time we hung out was a while ago though, maybe early 16th century.

    He did come by and get a Martini with me at the Marriot Marquis though, last year.





  2. Originally posted by blueangel:

    Claudio, what you said is absolutely true when it comes to younger girls. Because in reality they really don't know what they want. That's what we call "Trial and Error" phase. However, once that girl becomes more mature with age and becomes a woman . . . WE know what we want.

    And in reality, we want a man that not just comfortable with who we are but also comfortable with who he is. We want someone who is not afraid to change and compromise . . someone who will listen and ask instead of jumping the gun and assuming. We want someone who can say when they're confused instead of taking the advice of other people who have no knowledge of who we are. All these things are true with BOTH sides. Until he or she is old enough OR mature enough to understand that EVERYTHING has it's ups and downs, there is noooo such thing as perfection, compromise and communication is the golden key . . . they're never gonna be happy with what they have.


    The point here is I agree that there are people out there that can "fit" and be very happy. Unfortunately, it becomes tedious to wade through all the ones that aren't after a while. I have certain beliefs that will never change and certain values that have been instilled in me.

    Honesty and Fidelity are the ones that come to mind. Now, dont get me wrong, If you are in a "whaetever" "fun" relationship, the rules do not apply. If you arent sure or whatever and its up front, thats fine too. Its when you get close and worry about people do, thats where the trouble begins.

    I like to have fun, everyone who knows me would agree. I like to flirt...hehe....Its just this issue is NOT black and white and Ive been around long enough to see the various shades of grey. In time, I will meet the person who fits me. Currently, Im trying to enjoy myself without taking things too seriously.

    In the end, love catches the right way. Its this belief in me that is strongest and keeps me going. Hope, is a wonderful thing, and I thank the people i know that remind me of that everyday, as I try to do for others.

    When you stop dreaming, you die. I will never stop dreaming, I wont give up hope, I wanna be a Toys r Us kid.... wink.gif (Had to throw a joke in...hehe)





  3. Originally posted by ooana:

    <ducks for cover> No, never read them. Been purposely avoiding the addiction I've heard they cause but I'm sure I'll fold sometime soon.

    Heard almost only amazing things about the series.

    If you like Sci/Fi Fantasy however...you must run to amazong/BN whatever you use and pick up Dan Simmon's series Hyperion. Best sci fi read I've ever had. First book is mostly exposition, hard to get through but VERY worth it. Think of it as the first chapter in a long saga. Read it, for all that is good and holy in the world read it! ;-)

    You won't regret it.

    Silly girl, Already read those... wink.gif Long time ago. We do think alike it seems, hehe.





  4. If you have read them all, including the last one, let me know. Hoping to find someone who actually thinks to go over a few things.... wink.gif.....The people on their msg boards are morons ... lol

    Gotta get away from the real world every now and then.......besides the weekends, lol.





  5. Originally posted by back2basics:

    No you can use these hacking tools to view what somebody is doing, even record key strokes, delete file, take control of the mouse etc. The thing is it opens up you network to attack... but it is possible and easy to do. Thats why you need to be carefull when installing these games people send in the email. The hacking software is sometime built in, then they just need your IP to mess up your network... this is how Microsoft we had recently.

    You mistake my intent. Sure, there are ways to hack, and there are programs which make a copy of your keystrokes, BUT, the original question was aimed at if companies do this to regular employees. To that I say no. Sure, a tech can hack your pc to monitor you but the only way to "watch" someone in a corporate environment costs more money.. wink.gif




  6. Ok big brother wannabees.

    First of all, to MIRROR your screen, it doesnt happen. To actually see what is on another pcs screen (Not counting terminal server for server administration) would be highly difficult and very expensive.

    Companies can monitor what websites get hit, and who hits them if they wish but they would have to have good reason.

    I can prolly find out all the software on this I want (I am a technical web administrator) but basically, I doubt anyone is going through the trouble to monitor you unless its a known persistent problem (IE, we booted someone from work who kept large amounts of dirty email)

    Sure, there are ways to do it but cost, and efficiiency usually will stop people from watching you, the every day worker. Hell a button sized camera behind yur chair would be easier... wink.gif

    Just dont make enemies with yur IT guy wink.gif




  7. I tried to ignore it, I tried but I just couldn't. Time to spank Trisha.

    In reality, that sounds great. In reality, all of those things should make a man quite a catch. In reality, women who get what they want, should be content.

    In actuality, its harder to find a girl that appreciates those things than a man who will try to be that way. In actuality, once people get what they want, they grow tired of it.

    If a man shows hes too weak, he loses. If a man tries too hard, he loses. If a man is too confident, hes arrogant. If a man once in a while does what he wants, he is selfish.

    THIS is the way many women think, regardless of what some say. I have been friends with many women, have met many and have dated my share.....If a woman was that easy to please, life would be easy......

    The "connection" between two people is what is important. Even then, it isn't enough. There has to be a driving force within you. Fidelity nowadays is treated like a joke and it turns my stomach sometimes.

    If im "Involved", Im only with one women. If your dating, thats a bit more loose of an association. Point it, the only way a nice guy finds the right women is to be very, very lucky. Hell, 75% of the women out there are in relationships they despise, dislike, arent happy with, are just comfortable with. There is a stigma of being single in your 20's for women.

    However, I am not being mean or vindictive. I am merely replying to the original statement. I love women, always have, always will.....something about the way their eyes light up when you make them happy or the way their smiles widen when you make them content.

    Im a hopeless romantic, on a splintering raft, riding the tidal wave of life.




  8. Sitting here waiting to head out to dinner. Company is hooking us up for some work we did on the weekend a few months ago.

    So I, of course, am reading the board... wink.gif

    Should have cable modem fixed soon, thank God, dial ups are evil....EVIL

    Hope everyone is a bit happier after reading this uselesss post... wink.gif

    **Cackles** cwm11.gif




  9. Originally posted by misskittie:

    Okay no it has nothing to do with her.

    I happen to know a few other girls he has rumbled around with and same thing. No foreplay just sex.

    So, now, what is ur response. If it happens with all of them then it cant be the girls. There has to be some other reason for this... cwm15.gif

    Only way to handle this is a direct question to this fool....I mean guy. There are some things you just dont have time for and immaturity happens to be one of them.

    Sex should be an open topic, only way it will be good, (weve had this conversation b4 hehe) and Im actually quite tired of people being so secretive and picky about it. Sure, some things stay private but stuff like this ridiculous.




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