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Posts posted by myrlin

  1. Look out NYC, i will be in the village soon..... wink.gif

    I will be buying something to wear tommorow possibly... wink.gif Although Ive been told to come naked several times, lol.

    I am also thinking of putting a handful of blonde streaks in my way, for those that know me whatcha think? I got a yay and a nay so far from peoples who opinions i respect greatly (these ladies know who they are)....hehe (And dont start yelling at me that I didnt ask, Im asking right now, its easier in bulk...;p)

    Or oyu can spank me....haha





  2. Originally posted by risa06:

    one of the partners is going to SoBe for New Year.....so he wanted to know what clubs rest., bars he should hit while there.....so one of the girls told him to ask me cause I just came back from there and I went out clubbing and stuff......the guy was sooooooooooooooooooooo surprised when he found out that I go out to clubs and stay out late and sometimes come to work only on 2-3 hours of sleep......hahahaha....they think I'm a nerd smile.gif ..........too funny


    PS...you should've seen the way he looked at me when they told him that....like I have 3 heads.......... smile.gif

    Well, you havent shown your face in so long......Hehe, I got the same thing several times but because people see me dressed up fancy sometimes and think Im not "into" those things, lol.

    I like to surprise people and I always do wink.gif




  3. Originally posted by blueangel:

    I'm still waiting for someone to clear up some information for me. cwm6.gif


    Casey, they play hip house in one room and house music in the other. Russ Reing (from the board) will be djing at 2am. The place is a fairsized club from what I am told.

    Age requirement I think is 21 but verify with Az-tec or Toxic, they promote the club wink.gif




  4. Yea, im actually looking at the various possibilities. The problem, right now, is price. For example, the little Sony one that is so small, you can clip it, only carries 64 mb memory. In reg song length, thats only like 12 or less songs.

    Might as well carry around cd's you know?

    I think the Nomad style, there are a few others, are gonna be more predominant as they make them smaller and cheaper. Always pay premium for new things.....Depends how badly you want them.

    I agree with you, I want something light that holds what I want, it will come out eventually....we like to spend money on gadgets




  5. Eventually, yes. When? WHo knows.

    I like to keep to my guns about when its gonna happen, it will. When that girl comes around who will knock me off my feet and fit me, it will happen.

    I am enjoying myself right now, and would like to have fun and when I least expect it, it will happen.....

    Just a romantics view




  6. Originally posted by mattsta:

    That is the day me and my friend arrive in NYC from London. Coming would be quite cool if we would be welcome, you can give us some tips on what to expect.

    You are , of course, quite welcome. Just let us know when youll be around and where youll be and we can give you directions/tips.

    My pms are always open wink.gif




  7. Originally posted by bre5379:

    Whoops...sorry Claudio! Didn't mean to steal your post..I am glad you are having a good day so far. How have you been?


    Not so bad whatsoever, you gonna come to Cream Friday? Work day is about to begin, shirking some time right now, lol




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