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Posts posted by myrlin

  1. Originally posted by misskittie:

    I think wrapping myself in cerran wrap is outtie! Its too damn cold to wear thin plastic...who knows...i may go bummy

    We should shop Saturday...lol (Course I doubt it since i wont wake up till like 3 ... lol




  2. Originally posted by misskittie:


    why do u say it be scary? im gonna have a ball with this. ill start with one this month and then move up to a couple others....dont worry I wont do anything that doesnt fit my personality! lol j/k

    Hah, thats what makes it scary... smile.gif (Can you say American Pie?)


    Hmm, just dont let it film my butt....;p




  3. Originally posted by misskittie:


    i was tired yesterdy and very forgetful...but I do rememebr the talk the other day about u me and leopard lounge..haha

    Youre still a CHUMP!

    Bah, thats not what you say in private. Hehe, you me and the lounge, gonna be fun...

    cwm11.gifcwm11.gif Now if I just figure out what to wear that day.




  4. Originally posted by lexxxi:

    You should get a copy of George Carlin's piece with regards to Stuff and Other People's Stuff......how your stuff is stuff and other people's stuff is shit....about what happen's to stuff when you get rid of it!!!!!


    I don't want to be-little your comments because they are valid BUT this will give a funnie spin on the whole topic. Myrlin...you will laugh your ass off!!!!


    Used to have it memorized... wink.gif Carlin rawks




  5. Redoing my computer room, and moving about tons of stuff, I came to a thought. We always accumulate too much "Stuff" for the space we live in. My question for you to ponder is....

    "When you thow away all the extra stuff you dont have room for, do you throw away bits and pieces of your past as well?"


    "Do you retain your past within your head and memories."

    What do you all think?




  6. That sucks and is bullshit. Go enjoy the show with people worth hanging out with. Your "friends" are those that are there for you, not the ones taht arent. People have alot of issues sometimes cause they argue that "weve known each other forever" but when friends go bad (and they do, i have experience) its time to move on)

    Friends arent always forever, thats why you need to keep close the ones that you are "tight" with and who always got yur back.




  7. Here we are on hump day. Some of you dont work friday, some of you do (like me) and I will be gad fo rhte day off tommorrow.

    I am most likely staying in this evening to finish resting up for this weeeknd (yes, i know its like th biggest party night) but unless im guaranteed to have a good "hump" night, Ill chill.....LoL.

    Happy Wednesday all....;p




  8. Since my bday falls on a damned tuesday (this upcoming one even) I think I shall count this weekend as my party weekend.

    BE FOREWARNED, my last years bday weekend could count as one of the worst times in my life....so....Im gonna have fun at all costs.

    S&D seems like a pretty good start! So EVERYONE must be in their "fun" mode this weekend and go crazy with me =)

    Who loves me baby?





  9. So im sifting through my closet and find a short sleeve button down that say City Dog Catcher on the left chest....looks like a mechanic shirt cept instead of saying a name its says dog cacther.

    Is this Twilo material? Speak up!




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