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Posts posted by myrlin

  1. I can't find the rhyme in all my reason

    I've lost sense of time and all seasons

    I feel I've been beaten down

    By the words of men who have no grounds

    I can't sleep beneath the trees of wisdom

    When your ax has cut the roots that feed them

    Forked tongues in bitter mouths

    Can drive a man to bleed from inside out

    What if you did?

    What if you lied?

    What if I avenge?

    What if eye for an eye?

    I've seen the wicked fruit of your vine

    Destroy the man who lacks a strong mind

    Human pride sings a vengeful song

    Inspired by the times you've been walked on

    My stage is shared by many millions

    Who lift their hands up high because they feel this

    We are one We are strong

    The more you hold us down the more we press on

    What if you did?

    What if you lied?

    What if I avenge?

    What if eye for an eye?

    I know I can't hold the hate inside my mind

    'Cause what consumes your thoughts controls your life

    So I'll just ask a question

    What if?

    What if your words could be judged like a crime?




  2. Ive felt the hate rise up in me...

    Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...

    I wander out where you can't see...

    Inside my shell, I wait and bleed...


    Pardon me while I burst,

    Into Flames

    Ive had enough of the world

    and peoples mindless games

    Pardon me while I burn

    And rise above the flames

    Pardon Me

    Pardon Me

    Dont ever be the same!

    And its




    [This message has been edited by myrlin (edited 11-21-2000).]

  3. Oddly enough, that sounds about right. Make music, tour, write it then make it again. It just gets a bit frustrating though when all you hear is the same tunes over and over again.

    This happens every year, hehe, you would think Im used to it. However, since people were talking about music, it makes it stand out more.




  4. Originally posted by lexxxi:

    2 things....

    2. (I am ssssoooooo sorry BIG POPPA to use your thread to my advantage. I will try to never do it again) MYRLIN...you gots to help me with that "signature pic" thing too. I have tried but I keep messing it up.

    I am NOT EVEN IMPORTANT ENOUGH for a new thread?

    Bah, women are ALL alike cwm21.gifcwm21.gif




    [This message has been edited by myrlin (edited 11-21-2000).]

  5. I am not sure anyone else noticed this but It seems that alternative rock is asleep right now. This spring and summer aot of good hits came out, alot of bands made their move and alot of good concerts were a plenty.

    Seems I have been listneing less to alternative rock and more to other stuff for lack of new songs. Sure, I still like the ones I used to listen to but nothing great has come out, in my opinion, lately.

    There is always a cycle, I suppose, new music comes out until it gets too stale then it comes in waves again. 92.3 rock is now commercial but it still plays good music, and Modern Rock 106 is no G106 or something but same music.

    ANy thoughts?




  6. Well then everyone. Easy question. I will attending a little gettogether (In Bergen County) early in the evening, Im talking 7:30ish. I will most likely be bored to tears by 10. So, who is gonna be at Twilo early, who is gonna be there late and what else is there to do! (course I have to change as well...grrr I need a place in the city..hehe)

    So cast your vote, for your time preference. I just want to have fun...and I do like going early...hehe.




  7. Originally posted by p00h:

    ok since so many cats are gonna show this friday, here's a suggestion i have. i'm assuming some of you will come early, like around opening? well those who do, lock the bleacher area down thats right across the power bar. also, grab all the space to the right of the powerbar, right under the bitches' booth. this way we'll have a base of operation throughout the night, and people wont have to make 45minute migrations to get to the powerbar to meet eachother. i need some volunteers for this operation, newbies need to pay their dues so...

    and when i enter the club in the am hours all shall bow down and respect my authorata, ok? now get back to work u slackers!

    Hmmm, Im gonna suggest the back left between dj and back bar, more space, better area, MUCH LESS walking through traffic....I will post officially soon wink.gif




  8. Originally posted by misskittie:

    Sorry guys but I have to cancel...shoot me. I didnt realize something that I made a prior commitment to was starting this weekend. So, we need to push it back to say, the following friday...uh oh no no...the following saturday after carl cox???

    Let me know...shoot me later!!!

    No only am I gonna bop you on the head, Im gonna.....do those things we talked about....BUahahhahahahahaha

    **Cackles Madly**




  9. Originally posted by guido215:

    Me and a couple of my boys are gonna be headin up to NYC for the night on Friday...we were thinkin either Exit or Twilo...which one would be better? Or is there a better place to go..what u guys think??

    Mike. cwm13.gif

    Friday night at Twilo is Sasha and Digweed....awesome....fabulous music.

    Its all about the vibe and music

    Exit, Im sure, will be cool and Limelight has a special party that being promoted.

    Depends on what yur into really.




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