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Posts posted by myrlin

  1. The key to happiness, is trusting yourself. Being shy isnt a bad thing. Being shy because your afraid is.

    You are who you are, and if people dont like it???? Fuck em. Pardon the French. The ONLY way to know your true friends and the people you can trust is to just be yourself.

    Theres MILLIONS of people out there, find em...be happy.....Listen to the magic man, he knows!!!




  2. Originally posted by pnazarian:

    whoops!! sorry bout that.

    ok let's see...Clubs I've been to: Speeed (a while back though).... SF..Exit..Limelight..Tunnel

    Lounges: Au Bar..Etoile..Magnum(aka 357) I'm planning on going to Spa soon.

    kind of music I like: Everything but Country!

    my favorites though are techno and hip hop

    So...how can you help me now?

    Clubwise, if you havent been to Twilo on a good night, you havent experienced the "vibe"

    SF and Exit have their moments but if you are about the music, you will understand the difference on the right now. Its easy to get annoyed at the larger clubs, like Exit, for example because of some of the "elements" there.

    You might need to go somewhere you wont be hit on every 5 seconds wink.gif

    Lounges, Leopard Lounge is always a good bet depending whats up, Cream is good (They have hip hop in one room) and there are many others. Ive found that the "vibe" is really what makes or breaks things.

    Experiencing clubs or lounges with the right people and the right vibe can change you entire perspective on things. Sometimes you just need an epiphany to realize it.

    I do not know what type of people you hang with and what they act like but I do know, its all in the crowd

    Hope this helps.




  3. Originally posted by a12345:

    HUH ? I'm a whirlwind ? Whirlwind ?



    YEah - I also have another crazy story.

    Do you know why I read sites like this ?

    To see what my fuck buddy is up to.

    I miss him and people write posts about him .

    There you have it - THat's why I read a club site.

    You don't have to believe me.

    You can knock this post all you want.

    It's cool..

    Interesting view. You went from one thing to another. Wonder if the same person even writes these posts. Glad to see someone who posted about some things speaks this way in posts.

    Thank you for solidifying my case dear one.





  4. Originally posted by a12345:


    I do not fear a damned thing about you. I appreciate freedom of speech, I appreciate honesty and God knows I appreciate different viewpoints.

    If you ever read a post of mine, you would understand. You are a whirlwind with no desire to stay put. Evidence is the fact you say you are too old and leaving. Please girl, empathy and friendliness has been my downfall most of my life...;p

    You can state whatever you like but only if you can BACK UP what you say. An opinion is yours when you have a reason for it, not just cause you felt like breathing air.

    Our opinions and ideas are what make us unique, what seperates us from animals and what makes human life so valuable. However, most people can actaully back what they say with a reason, not silence, avoidance and silliness.

    Good day to you.




  5. Originally posted by mysteriousss:

    Hehe.. Claudio that's not very nice of you smile.gif I agree that the posts are ridiculous and I'm always the first one to jump down her throat.. But I do feel bad coz I think this girl has major issues...... I dunno, I would like to meet her too just to see what she's all about..

    Thats my point. She/He/IT is anonymous and in the middle of an influx of new people. Asking odd questions, not having conversations and not answering.

    I put zero stock in anyone who randomly talks, doesnt exist and/or is doing a class project on msg boards. heh.




  6. Originally posted by pnazarian:

    I started clubbing when I was 15. You guys are probably wondering how I get in to all these clubs!?

    Nope, i don't have a fake ID....I use my sister's ID. We look a lot alike (and I also look much older than my age...easily 20/21) My first clubbing experience was awesome. But now it seems I'm getting kinda bored of those big commercial clubs. Lately, i've been wanting to lounge out more. Is it because I started really young??

    since ya dont read pms, ill post. What clubs did you do, what nights, what music you like. If ya like help, we need information.......**grins**




  7. I just saw a commericial for a new reality based show where they take couples to an island and there are 30 singles on the isalnd waiting to attempt to seduce them.

    This has to be the absolute, most ridiculous show I have ever seen in my life. Im actually a bit nauscious.....WTF!!!! I thought the show where the bf/gf go out on a date with someone else was bad.....

    If your are in a serious relationship, OMG, Its not even worth saying anymore...Disgusted I am...disgusted.


    Its one thing when yur in it for the fun and you state that up front, its another when you SUPPOSE to be serious.....




  8. Aside from your posts being overly annoying, ridiculous, and you seem to argue without facts, hmmm......I dont think there is an aside.

    Perhaps the fact you dont even put where yur from or your sex on your profile stems from serious issues. But alas, I suppose ill just ignore anything with your name on it from now. It is a free country after all.

    Come to the meetup, Id like to see a living pond of confusion walking around.





  9. Friday night about 4:30ish am, Deep Dish dropped a hard mix which kicked into a women with a beautiful voice singing. Long mix somewhere between 4:30 and 5. I know they have a a mix of Blue Skies by Tori Amos (listening to it now) but dont know what else they might have.

    Any help is appreciated.




  10. Originally posted by deanna11:

    speaking of which, the bid for my roommate is up to 40 bucks and is not yet closed. as described in previous posts, 5'7'', brown dreads, multi-ethnic, 34 C cups, self-proclaimed "very flexible", very nice ass. pm me for a picture

    I bid for deanna's ass....uhm...I mean. Wait...oops......I hate when i think aloud.




  11. Its pretty safe to say that your friend doesnt really give two shits about you or your situation. if anything, you did the right thing in telling her what you said.

    Ive found the ONLY way to handle situations like these is to be quite blunt. I absiolutely DETEST drunk annoying people. No matter who they are.

    Sucks your friend isnt thinking nor trying to eb a friend back, however, you do what you have to do and you learn who your true friends are then.




  12. Originally posted by schwingep:

    Yo bro...great hanging, glad you made it over to Cream smile.gif

    As for Twilo...did I even hang with you? LOL HAHAHAHA...yes Twilo was a bit fuzzy, and there were sooooo many people there that I don't quite recall everyone I spoke to, it was one of those, awesome nights where everyone was bouncing around being social butterflies, great time bro.

    - Pete


    HAHAHAHA Yeah we talked a bit, haha.





  13. Alright, so I decided to post up things that we all deal with everyday and hopefully, it will help a few people out.

    Dont you wish people would just be up front about what they want? Dont you wish people would just quit being uptight? And most importatly, dont you wish people would STOP being so peevish about SEX?

    Ill explain. If I cannot speak openly with a girl (Friend or possible partner), what good is trying? Many people, although quite free, have erected uptight walls from hell that make our lives miserable.

    We owe each other, at least a BIT of honesty. If two people ust want to have fun and not be in a relationship, they should be able do what they wish, while knowing what the other is thinking.

    I have spoken to more than half a dozen girls who are afraid they guy they would like to "play" with would become emotionally attached. Men, of course, feel the same way.

    Why dont we just be up front? There will always be the liars, the cheaters, the pricks and the bitches but if the rest of us would just be open about what we want and why (To each other as well as to ourselves) our lives would be that much easier.

    There isn't much better than feeling good and comfortable in a situation that fits you. Harder to hurt each other in this respect and would make alot of us happy

    Food for thought, after all, we all have to look in the mirror in the morning? Those of us that CARE what we see, would take heed to good advice. There will always be people who dont care, I am not one of them (Although SO MANY times I wish I was)




  14. Originally posted by shiraz:

    I am curious is it the water of New Jersey ? Is it the air ? Is it the food ? What is it about the people from New Jersey ?

    I notice so much hostility in most of them. We have the same problem with people coming from Brooklyn or Queens or Long Island. Why do you hate your fellow human beings so much ? The men use words like "fags" for their fellow men and worse words like "slut" and "whore" for their fellow women.

    If you hate men and women so much what are you doing on a club planet message board? I don't know about you guys but I would go to a club to meet different faces. Otherwise get a CD compilation and dance in your room.

    Don't you realize that if you say cocky things or if you insult someone by putting them down you lessen the flow of love. If you feel there is too much love then go to a mountain for most people go to public places like clubs to get more love.

    Don't use words that degrade or insult an entire class of human beings like women or homosexuals etc.

    Thank you...

    I think, pretty much, you haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about. I have been in many states, many countries and many parts of the world. In every single one of them, I have encountered people, like you, who just aren't "right"

    To possibly classify an entire area because of a few bad experiences puts you in the realm of John Rocker and any other seriously misinformed morons.

    Its quite obvious by your comments, by your estimation, that everyone from your area are a bunch of degenerate, slime wielding politicians.

    Open your mind, and take your own advice, otherwise, you are just a biggot. Look in the mirror and perhaps maybe you will think you are from NJ, eh?

    And, since Im from NJ, Fuck You and the Horse you rode in on.





  15. Alrighty then, I had a good time last night and just wanted to toss out some things to the peeps I met and my usual crew.

    Dave H - Thx for everything as usual buddy.

    Pete/Russ - Thanks for spinning some very nice music before we headed over to Twilo.

    Rebecca (sp?) - Very friendly, attractive girl and her cute friend, was nice meeting you.

    Ooana, Toby, Crystal, Mariah and Beth at Cream.

    Hmm Twilo gets hazy, although I was sober, I was in my own world.....sorry to anyone I seemed out of it, lol. Too many people knew me be4 i knew them haha.

    Ashley, spoony, vegita, uhm some names I dont remember (Hehe dont hate me) Abstrakt...uhmmm and some others.

    And of course, the usual bunch Mikey, Mario, Andy, Mikey "yes Myrl left early" M (hehe), uhm and stuff....lol

    See you all later!!!!




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