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Posts posted by myrlin

  1. Originally posted by blueangel:

    She's just SERIOUSLY confused. That's all. cwm6.gif


    When I meet the person, and know they are for real, perhaps then they can imbibe of my very good advice. I actually do like to help people out, I seem to have a unique view sometimes (Except it does get clouded when it comes to me, lol)

    Confused, bored, who knows. We shall see!!!




  2. Well, Im quite happy so many people are interested in this. I was unsure if there would be a reply for me wink.gif

    So, I would not suggest after the dinner. Allow me to take at the calender and I will come up with a day of the week after work probably. Suggestions are welcome and lets have a little fun wink.gif





  3. Since everyone loves my blatant honesty, I am just gonna have to say it. Ive heard enough people talk about people with the propensity to make inanae posts.....I think our newbie friend is at the top of that current list.

    To bitch, is human, to whine uncontrollably is, hmmmm.....enter yur own catch phrase.

    In short, pardon the language, but she needs a good ______ smile.gif

    Yes, even us nice guys become nauscious at certain peoples atitudes...lol

    Course, I dont believe people exist or are who they say till I know them wink.gif





  4. Sitting here at 10 am waiting for a cable guy to fix my line when I know there is a 2 hour window possibility.

    Knowing that the guy who comes could know nothing about computers or he could have forgotten something important like a new cable modem or a line switch.

    Sitting here without being able to run an errand since I have to wait patiently....ARRRRGGGGGGGGG

    Help! cwm11.gifcwm6.gif




  5. Originally posted by deanna11:

    i want to shoot them. my roommate, from the moment she barges in to the moment she's emitting a strange smell in her sleep, has in depth conversations with herself and every visible thing in the room. i blatantly ignore her (a lot of people do) but she's the type to just go on talking to you even when you have headphones on so you can hear a buzz or squeal of her voice through the bass. even right now, she's addressing me and saying something. i don't know what, and i don't give a fuck

    DAMN, dude...

    OH my. Let me know if you need help, Ill come by and stuff a SOCK in her mouth to shut her up wink.gif




  6. Originally posted by noiseboy:

    claudio. . . you never fail to surprise me my friend. . . i freakin' LOVE that show. . . bought it for my mom last christmas when i saw it. . . we always watched it every christmas, and the first year i had to watch it alone when i moved to the east coast, i almost broke down. . .

    we should all get together and watch that and the charlie brown x-mas. . . cwm35.gif

    I think that sounds like a great idea for one of these days before Christmas. Well just have to figure out when and where...hehe.




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