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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by kimberlyco

  2. Bye bye cutie pie... we will miss you too!!! When you comin back?
  3. Hey wait a gosh darn minute... you an't sayin that our jobs aren't impotant are you??? I know that b2b's job pays him some $$$ cause he is like one of a handfull of people that can program in the language he knows... me... I can be replaced sure, but why would they want to get rid of a firey irish girl is beyond me
  4. with red bull and vodka too
  5. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT (I am glad it is someone besides me fighting with bb this time )
  6. Good call!!! I blame peeps too!
  7. You just described a good night out for me
  8. hey mr. travel and weddings every weekend... you hanging out this weekend?
  9. I got a question.... why the hell would you put your resume on that page with all those funked up people, and tell possiable employers to go look on it....
  10. (slapping knee) good one wombat!
  11. This is a long time away, please remind me as usual
  12. YEAH! Bring me some!!!! I s & v chips... all kinds every kind, I think you are right B2B it is the Irish coming out in me!!!
  14. Hey brandon, did you tell B2B my salt and vinagar lust?
  15. Read my signature... And just so you know, men MAKE women pains in the asses!
  16. Remember tommy... remind me!
  17. Hey starrkid, welcome to the board!!!!
  18. And I only have a few left too!!! Then off we go! Hope we can find some box to dance on!
  19. Thank you peeps cute isn't it!
  20. HEHEHE!!! Make him clean em while he is down there!
  21. Ugh, so much freaking negativeness... like i have said... IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T FREAKIN GO WITH US... Me and david are just going to have an unbelievable time, then be able to rub your noises in it on Monday! right david!
  22. I have TOTALLY herd of the godfather of house music Mr. BB!!! I love house, it was the first music I got into after college... (after Dave Matthews in college) I am totally ready for a huge night of dancing. Hey you don't have an ID b2b??? I think you should email Tone on the fusion board... under Kustom Friday, he is the one hosting it... maybe he can help you out??
  23. I loved Kevin and Carl they were amazing, Oakey was dissapointing again.... ignore my spelling I am super busy today.. B2b, you need to give me directions so we can meet up before Kustom on Friday, I am so looking forward to it!!! Thanks for being my dancing partner on the box! Everyone else it was so good to see and hang out with you!
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