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Everything posted by kimberlyco

  1. kimberlyco


    Gee, sounds like I would have just so much fun............. Thanks for the warning guys!!! Remember we are finally meeting up next saturday at Psycho's b-day party at crobar!!!!!!! ------------------ "Computer games don't affect kids, I mean, if Pacman affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
  2. kimberlyco


    Anyone been to Kustom at all on a Thursday yet? I am planning on checking it out tonight... whatyathink? ------------------ "Computer games don't affect kids, I mean, if Pacman affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
  3. kimberlyco


    Ahhhhh, that would of been perfect, however, this weekend I am going to visit my old friends at SIU. We were going to go to Mistress Barbara though. Next weekend??? We will make it a plan to all meet up. Kim ------------------ "Computer games don't affect kids, I mean, if Pacman affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
  4. Tommy your thinking saturday..... the gal said Friday Man are you excited!!! Fridays are good at Fifth Floor, Rive Gauche, Transit and Zentra. That's the only places I have been to on a Friday. You can go to www.metromix.com and search for the club name for the times/happenings/price etc.. for these clubs. Hotel: Check out the Congress, Right on Michigan Ave. ??? or check out travel on yahoo. http://www.chicago-scene.com/ has good resturant opinions. Flat top is one of my favorite places. So does http://www.chicagomag.com/ Ok I think that is enough..... haven't we've done this before???? Kidding.... hope that all helped. ------------------ "Computer games don't affect kids, I mean, if Pacman affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
  5. kimberlyco


    This may be a stupid idea.... who knows.... but it seems that each one of us goes to the same places, and there are like five of us on this board. We should try to make some connection, or meet eachother to let the other know where the afterhours are cause pretty much every Saturday we find afterhours, but at the end of the night when we did the networking thing. ??? Let me know what you guys think? ------------------ "Computer games don't affect kids, I mean, if Pacman affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
  6. Tell me how it went though, gotta visit some friends at SIU. ------------------
  7. kimberlyco

    yo, kim

    small club world ------------------
  8. kimberlyco

    Week NIGHTS

    So we all have found out what we like to do on the weekends, and since we seem to have a lot in common, what is the weekNIGHT events? I have been to Fuse on Wednesday and the music is INCREDABLE! Also since I am from the burbs, Voodoo (Schaumburg) has a line up of Loverboy, Dropout, and Paul Curtis with $1.75 drinks, then we would head to Crobar if feeling crazy! I know some of us work or have school, I am a 8-5er myself. I was just wondering what else is out there. ------------------
  9. b2b: Very good analogy! Deep thinking shows a creative soul! Don't ever say sorry for that!! ------------------
  10. Unfortunately, I think that without liquor you would loose money and patrons. Not everyone does the club scene just for the music or the place to party. A place like XL can get away with no liquor because there isn't anywhere else to go at that time and so can Raves cause they are one time a month or so events. But even some of my friends don't do the "other" and they go out to drink, and they would not want to go to a club without the booze. It would be classified as more or less a "teen" club, which we all know doesn't fly. As far as the Drink. That area is PERFECT place for a good club. It is HUGE, and with the right atmosphere, music, and people it could maybe tie with Crobar. Good luck to those who are venturing into the business!!! ------------------
  11. I have mentioned this before on other posts, Mission is just like Crobar on Fridays, to bad it is in the burbs though. Other than that, I totally agree, "noturnal" like clubs blow ass, where is a happy medium? Anyone checking out Big Wig next Saturday for Mistress Barbara, or anyone been to that club? ------------------
  12. I love anything that makes me feel something. Whatever kind of music it is, it has to make me feel/move to like it.
  13. kimberlyco

    Sig test

    Yeah! You got it! Good job!
  14. kimberlyco


    Yep, I decided sunday morning, break for me til then too.
  15. I don't know if my computer is just stupid, or if my posts just aren't updating.... but I will type it one more time to see if it shows up.... No I am not in the least bit a stalker, this is a close friend of mine that I don't know is even alive still. I would really like it if anyone has info to help out, and anyone else be nice and just ignore the post then. Thank you much!!! ------------------
  16. kimberlyco


    Didn't make it to Circus.... Friday went to Mission and ended up getting like three hours of sleep on saturday, ended up going to Crobar last minute, I was just going to stay home, and it was MAD crowded. Guess the kids going back to school didn't matter. It was fun though, spent the night with the stair railing holding me up Did you do anything fun?? My aol is kimco77, I get to have it on at work all day, the perks of working in computers.
  17. Stalker? This was a very close friend of mine, whom I don't know is even still alive, I really just wanted to find out if he is ok. Stalker?? Not even remotely close.
  18. kimberlyco

    Sig test

    ok it didn't what is the site you are getting the gif from? let's try one more time; ------------------
  19. kimberlyco

    Sig test

    <IMG SRC=http://wombat1975.freeservers.com/wombat.gif I wanna say it is because you have to have the img to be like this: ok if the above worked, you have to have it like this so you just had the tag wrong... but let's see if this worked.....
  20. kimberlyco

    Lost Friend

    I am looking for a old friend of mine, last I herd he could be in FL, WA, or Chicago, so I am tring to put a post on each place to see if anyone knows him. His name is Anthony (Tony) Bottalla, about 23, born in November, about 6', brown hair. If you happen to know who I am talking about please email me ASAP! Thank you so much in advance!!!! Kim kimberlyco77@yahoo.com ------------------
  21. I am looking for a old friend of mine, last I herd he could be in FL, WA, or Chicago, so I am tring to put a post on each place to see if anyone knows him. His name is Anthony (Tony) Bottalla, about 23, born in November, about 6', brown hair. If you happen to know who I am talking about please email me ASAP! Thank you so much in advance!!!! Kim kimberlyco77@yahoo.com ------------------
  22. kimberlyco

    Sig test

    did ya need some help with the image thing?? I just figured it out myself, feeling proud, you know? ------------------
  23. kimberlyco


    Sorry fellas, now that I figured out how to get a image into my message I am going nutz with it.... they're kool!! *tee he* anyone recognize that one??? Blame it on bored at work!
  24. kimberlyco


    ok, this thing is going to need to be instant messanger pretty soon Anyone have AOL? B2b- No car huh? Do any of your friends drive? Some of my friends do come from the city but it is rare. It is a shame that you can't see what it is like though, SO much room to dance about!!! We are always forced to go to the stairs @ crobar, or right by the side bar. The bartender thinks we are nutty dancing all about, it's alright though, nothing that he hasn't seen before right! ------------------
  25. kimberlyco


    Yeah, we either decide to go all out on Friday @ Mission or go all out on Saturday to Crobar or something. But it is only one night a week! We decided to ster clear from Crobar this saturday and hit a commerial club, maybe Circus on Saturday they are having that urchicago thingy with free drinks. So tonight it is all out!! But the Mission is about a 45 minute drive from the city, we have gone to Transit before hand and then drove to Mission for the last two hours, but I live in the middle of the burbs and Chicago so that is fine for me to drive home. ------------------
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