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Everything posted by ichi_gami

  1. VOTE NADER VOTE NADER VOTE NADER VOTE NADER!! ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!
  2. My $.02, worth what you paid for it - Interesting article in Money Magazine about what each candidate has, and did for it. Bush actually has worked for his millions, selling the oil wells without them going bankrupt...but never making a profit either. Arranging loans and investors to buy the Rangers, then making money when it was sold at a profit...seems to me to be a businessman, getting in however possible and getting out when the getting is good. Al Gore was literally handed everything he has gotten, whether by waiting for relatives to die, or having his dad arrange gifts or personal loans later written off. He fails to admit to his personal wealth, which definitely would put him in that "top one percent" that he rails against. Curious, why Gore hasn't given his personal wealth to charity if people with money are so eeeeevil. There's just so much more for me to dislike about Gore that I could not live with my conscience if I ever voted for him. ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!
  3. Went to see a friend's band play in Newburgh NY (upstate-ish), got all sloppy drunk, spent Saturday recovering and getting evacuated from the Palisades mall because of a bomb threat. Sunday, was boring, a fundraiser in the morning, and a dinner I had to go to. Hope everyone else did something FUN. ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!
  4. Dogg, you stay away from that elementary school, the cops are watching you. Yeah, I'm voting. Early and often. ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!
  5. Bush, Lazio. (never thought I'd be saying "I'm going for Bush" LOL!) ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!
  6. Cap'n, disturbing report from the Park Avenue Command: The chief of operations just checked status here and informed me that since I have nothing to do I ought to be looking at porn. If the boss says slack, then is slacking officially work? ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!
  7. oooh, yeah. spanktacular! ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!
  8. GOTTA BE...a tie between "Shine On You Crazy Diamond", and "Us And Them". ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!
  9. funny thing is, you all bust on don 'magic' juan, but he is a real individual...a former pimp, now a man of the cloth, as they say, taking his message of salvation to the ghetto in a green and gold rolls and shiny green and gold suits. the pic in the sig is legit, even if the guy posting is an impostor. just in case he isn't, mr. juan, how can i get me some "hos" of my own? i promise not to workthem in your territory... ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!
  10. working for a small, conservative brokerage house. the other people here are WASPish types who prefer ballet to clubs. ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!
  11. Boarding @ Hunter? It's ice, corn (groomed artificial snow) and too damn many people. Utter crap. ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!
  12. price:value ratio is way too high to be considered a great spot for anyone but a tourist. ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!
  13. if only i could...walked in to SLAMMIN not s l a c k i n. oh well, will get me through the day. ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!
  14. dammit, it's gone... ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!
  15. OUCH! ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!
  16. Mmm ... licorice! Strong and edgy, you're the flavor of black jellybeans and Good 'n' Plentys. Some people absolutely love you (in fact, they might even find you addictive), but you're definitely not for everyone. But that's okay with you — you'd rather pick and choose your companions. When you have time for friends at all, that is. Powerful and very potent, you're goal oriented and ambitious — you don't let much stand in your way. There's nothing sweet or sugary about you; you're a serious taste that's best suited for the truly focused. Lingering, enigmatic, and a little hard to pin down, you're a truly tantalizing treat. Any men looking for a lick on a licorice stick? LOL. ------------------ New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC! [This message has been edited by ichi_gami (edited 10-24-2000).]
  17. If you don't mind an answer from a guy, try pineapple juice. It works wonders making your cum sweet. - a fizznagg oughtta know - ------------------ Don't hate yourself in the morning -- Sleep till noon! Carpe Noctem - Anything worth doing happens after dark!
  18. what's the story on cords this year - outside of clubs, i mean. no consensus among the opinions i've gotten so far as to: cut? jeans or slacks cut? wale? wide or old skool narrow? or skip them altogether? my fashion statement of the day: HELP!!! ------------------ Don't hate yourself in the morning -- Sleep till noon! Carpe Noctem - Anything worth doing happens after dark!
  19. socks with sandals works on a college campus, where everyone is trying to make a statement. even if the statement is I am lazy and hung over. other than that, i tend to agree. ------------------ People suck. Some better than others...
  20. *bump* yeah, Artful, I PM'd him about that, no news yet... ------------------ People suck. Some better than others...
  21. happy b'day hojo. 23 is a great year...after this ya gotta start growing up. Now bust outta work and start driunking - it's lunchtime on a FRIDAY. ------------------ People suck. Some better than others...
  22. heya - i only been here a little while, but the word is the best happy pills to be had are in DC, but the hott clubs are Tempts, Hunka Bunka Ballroom, and Tequila Joes <- that's in Newark. If you juice, you can go to Sound Factory, but I guess you have to check your 'roids at the door. At least that's the word on this board... ------------------ People suck. Some better than others... [This message has been edited by ichi_gami (edited 09-29-2000).]
  23. 15...seems like yesterday, but it was over in the blink of an eye A LOT has changed in the 8 years since. ------------------ People suck. Some better than others...
  24. ichi_gami


    lexxxi, the way you describe it, you almost make me want to be str8 for a night! ...well, almost. ------------------ People suck. Some better than others...
  25. ichi_gami

    name ur fetish

    i like to licke the sweat from her ass crak. its like shugar, so sweeat. ------------------ People suck. Some better than others...
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