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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Oh cool. I doubt that I will wear sneaks though.. Mine are all sporty looking so I'd have to wear baggy pants and stuff with them. Art, thanx but no trash bag for me ------------------
  2. I wish I could wear sneakers.. I wore sneakers to Oakie this summer and I was on my feet for hours. The next day I didn't even feel sore at all! Does anyone know if they let girls in if they wear sneakers? Although that kind of kills the whole look.. Nah, I'll just wear shoes ------------------
  3. You're too funny alpha ------------------
  4. It was like a little over $900. ------------------
  5. Lol, I'm not sure what my signature says about ME.. But I'm sure people will notice it. Just trying to bring a quick smile to people's faces ------------------
  6. Just wanted to wish ya a Happy Birthday ------------------
  7. What is this? Democracy? Hell no. I'm all for anarchy.. ------------------
  8. OMG, Artful, you're hillarious And yeah.. You lost some mass there on your post. I hope they didn't take the pictures away! Vejita has a great point. SUSHI NEXT TIME! ------------------
  9. That wasn't very nice... It's just pictures, relax.. ------------------
  10. Smiley, let me know next time you don't have someone to go with I'm also new and going tonight to see what all these people are like. Better be a nice crowd. Just kidding ------------------
  11. Oh, good you found it. I was just going to give you the link for it ------------------
  12. I stopped by there once with a bunch of friends. Someone told them to check it out. All I can say is that I've never had so many 40 year old guys staring at me like that. I was dressed for SF and most of the crowd there (MUCH OLDER) were wearing suits and ties! Needless to say we RAN out of there FAST. ------------------
  13. LOL, yeah, the graphic is awesome. I hope it doesn't offend anyone or ppl at work don't see it That would be something! Hope to meet you some other time then! ------------------
  14. spreewell, your signature is there but the link doesn't work. make sure you have the right address and use the right code. ------------------
  15. sgbrooklyn - definitely scan the pictures and PJ's sound sooo comfy.. I wish I was home right now, too. Enjoy yourself for all of us who are stuck in the office. ------------------
  16. I got a Network Error in the chatroom and now it says that I'm already logged on Bummer.. ------------------
  17. Happy B-day Wish ya all the best! Zoya. ------------------
  18. mp3some - he was also here this summer. so it's not ONLY for Thanksgiving.. hope you make it to see him soon. he was good this summer. ------------------
  19. Lol, nice picture of a little paradise on earth ------------------
  20. Oh I know. I love amalka's signature (the lyrics). But the unicorn is definitely cool ------------------
  21. Whatever you do, don't go get a "couple" of hours of sleep. There is NO way you are getting up after 2 hours of sleep and writing anything... Vivarin or stacker2's are probably a good idea ------------------
  22. My sincere condolensces to the family and friends.. ------------------
  23. Mine is not really a signature but I thought it was funny ------------------
  24. One picture is enough.. No pictures would be way too boring though. ------------------
  25. This has got to be the most retarded post ever.. ------------------
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