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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. mysteriousss

    attn: risa06

    Hmm .. Ask me a question and then block my messages? Lol.. "We're sorry, but the recipient you've entered does not wish to recieve private messages from you."
  2. Lol.. The showers don't help.. Just don't put us in the freezer!
  3. Thanks Neptune, I'm russian.. Just wondering coz name Yanna is sort of common in russia too.. Zoya is actually a greek name as you might know Greek ppl always ask me if I'm greek. See ya soon!!!
  4. God that song got on my nerves..
  5. Goood, misery loves company I see you're both from Brooklyn, too. Again, coincidence? I DON'T THINK SO!!! *hugzzzz* Zoya.
  6. Ok I'm usually not like this but I gotta say it. Daaaaaamn, I wanna meet some of these guys And girls, you'll have to hold me back. You know me, I'm a little shy but I think that will be cured FAST Saturday night.. Rally, if you get out of work on Sunday, I will NOT forgive you. If I'm the only one having to leave early, I'll be MAD. And instead of smokee(?), you're the one who'll get a beating But if you're cute (I trust Lola's taste), then it will be more like spanking so you can enjoy it
  7. I never work weekends. Only in critical situations like this one.. Next weekend is definitely better. I'm sure I won't have to work unless I get real lucky 2 weeks in a row! yey!
  8. I can't do Sat night but have fun guys. I need to get some sleep before going to Factory coz I'm going straight to work afterwards and NEED to be awake..
  9. Heheheh, you guys are too funny
  10. V, this is cruelty at its worst.. I'll go crazy with all these cuties! And none of you better tell me "look but don't touch".. *drool*
  11. Lol, put that fishing rod away and stop fishing for compliments. You know exactly what every girl who sees that picture will say.. I'm sure you heard it about a billion times before, but you're a cutie Who are the other dudes?
  12. I'm always downstairs Rarely come upstairs, used to do that in the summer to cool off but not too often.. Yanna? Are you Russian?
  13. mysteriousss


    I'd hate it if my bf called other girls "sweetie, hunny, sexy, etc".. I'm not really possessive or jealous, it's just very disrespectful to the girl, don't you think?
  14. I didn't go last week, got stuck home with the flu.. I'm usually there, pretty much every saturday is SF night for me. Who are you talking about "everyone else"? Deeper ppl? I'll be there Sat night so I hope we get to meet..
  15. lol, yeah, post your pic if i remember correctly you're not a bad looking guy.. go for it neptune! or anyone else for that matter!
  16. I know I wasn't talking about that.. I meant I'm in trouble coz I got you talking about whips Bringing out the wild side
  17. Oh shit, I think I'm in trouble. Help!
  18. I don't care what ppl think all that much.. But sometimes it does get to you when it's done in your face or you know that ppl talk shit behind your back. I have no problem having casual "relations" but I do prefer the real thing over a casual thing. Not that I do the casual thing all that often.. once in a blue moon No cheating though, that's my definition of being a slut..
  19. Lol, you will "submit" I'm not into S&M but I can play along!
  20. scramble - she "can" do it, but ppl will still call her a slut.. nobody says she can't. right or not, there are still a lot of people who thing this way -> a guy fucking around = stud, girl fucking around = slut.. personally, i don't agree.. but most ppl still think that way.
  21. LOL You go boy! But seriously, I think that guys WOULD think that.. Not that it would stop them from screwing her at all...
  22. sin - i hear ya on that one.. my first bf's penis was the biggest one I've ever had to "deal" with.. first time was not pleasant at all.. still surprised i tried it the 2nd time risa - SHARE DAMN IT
  23. notforkids - sorry but I didn't get a good look at your lips last time but you are very handsome, I gotta say that.. khm is not an old skool abbreviation it's just my way of doing *cough* when I'm embarassed
  24. I usually get there between 4 and 5..
  25. LOL, yeah.. I'm REALLY slacking here.. My screen name is ZaiChikX
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