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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. I will not even bother replying to your first question. And NEVER ask me that again, got it? Yes I was at LL on Friday.
  2. Haha, did you try it? I was joking but going with the prof's answer, it would be true..
  3. mysteriousss


    Am I the only woman in the world who doesn't like vibrators? I'll take a MAN over 100 vibrators any day (or night ).. I need it all, not only a one-spot-vibrating-thing. I always get surprised looks from guys when they ask about it and I tell them that I really don't enjoy vibrators at all.. They always say that women LOVE them more than they love guys..
  4. Divalicious - 5 kinds? Hmm, I got some research to do.. Damn
  5. Nope, it wasn't you.. I don' think anyone I met this weekend was named Pete.. No pimps for me either thanx
  6. Haha, bydem sidet vmeste znachit!!!!!! Razvrashat zakluchennix LOL..
  7. Just wondering how many guys would actually mind sleeping with hookers.. Probably not too many..
  8. I could but I told ya that I'm sort of seeing someone.. Bummer He was definitely sweet/cute *sob*
  9. I completely cannot count my own My brain gets all screwed up and if you ask me a question, my response will be HUH?? But that's only when I'm REALLY enjoying it. The record for my partner was 6 though. I was SHOCKED. The guy came 6 times within 10 minutes I SWEAR. I was on top and he would not even let me get into it! No he was not a virgin. No it wasn't our first time (we were together for 3 years at that point). No there were no drugs or alcohol involved. But that was definitely unusual
  10. Lola, I met a really cute Greek guy at SF this weekend. Should've taken his phone number for ya!!! He was so sweet too.. As for this post, I don't think I have a preference.. It differs from person to person.. Lets just say I'm OPEN MINDED LOL
  11. Yep, you are SO right.. I'm seriously horny after clubbing. Don't know why but when I get home, I definitely get someone to ease that tension for me Best sex ever...
  12. mysteriousss

    what do i do??

    Okkkkkkk.. Don't want to be rude but DAMN.. Don't you have any respect for yourself??? Letting 5 guys stick their fingers into you like that? Shit.. No surprise you got some infection or something. Next time be smarter and instead of having 5 guys stick a finger into you, let 1 guy stick 5 in!!!!!!!!
  13. If you are looking for a reason to break up with someone, you'll find one. That already means that you want to break up. I don't really understand what your "problem" is... Either you wanna be with a person or you don't.
  14. Evan, once again HOLY SHIT.. You got some stories man... Daaaaaamn Guys must be dying of envy here LOL..
  15. I'll let you know next time I have a meeting scheduled You can tell me something sexy before I go and you KNOW what I will be thinking about during the meeting Mmmmmm...
  16. Haahahahah.. This was AWESOME PS: does that mean that it's sweet when you lick it with the tip of the tongue?
  17. I'm back!!! You probably all left already But CUM to Gatecrasher!!! Lola, I'll call ya when I get home ok? James, you GOTTA CUM too!!! Divalicious, see you there girlie! And you're NEVER alone with being naughty ~~~~
  18. James!!!! There is NO end to the cruelty huh? I'm GLAD I didn't read that before going to that BORING meeting. I'd be the only one with a huge grin there Drooling and fidgeting the whole time LOL.. That was nice and graphic Divalicious - I LOVE the tease but it drives me NUTS...
  19. Hahahahahah.. Otkyda eto??? Ya ne pomnu sovershenno.. Kewl, I don't know if I'm going for sure but most likely yeah You are going next week though right? Halloween baby..
  20. I *HATE* when guys do that. TORTURE!!!!!!
  21. Greedy girl you I'm good, you? Feeling better? How's the weekend looking?
  22. My mouth is getting all watery
  23. Hahahhaahahahahahahahahahah... OMG this is funny..
  24. Yes, banana splits are AWESOME.. I don't know if my mouth is big enough for both at the same time!!!
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