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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. I was wondering where you've disappeared to.. Thought maybe you found a dumber bunch who knew even less about sex so you can teach and preach to them Hope everything is going well. Work sucks, so take a break and party! *hugz* Zoya.
  2. Huh??? That wasn't even funny... And not all girls are stupid!!! I know I'm not
  3. Hehehe.. I'd keep my control chained to myself. God forbid someone decides to play a trick on me at work or something Scary.. Although I'll take a man over a vibrator ANY day..
  4. Hmm.. naughty and dirty? How would you know???
  5. Oooh it worked (thanx Lola!).. Ok here's my $0.05. I get about a 100000 times more sensitive when I'm on e.. My whole body becomes ultra sensitive and every touch (especially cold) gives me such a rush.. Love the feeling. I don't know why you get numb, definitely strange.
  6. Isn't it wierd that I can reply to some posts and not others? I wanna reply to the sex on E thing but I can't Oh well.. I don't get it..
  7. Hahahahahahahah.. Oh my god that was funny Am I glad I'm not a blonde..
  8. ANNOYING.. I can't reply to anything
  9. mysteriousss

    So... who's horny?

    Me? Fangs? Whaaa? /me didn't get it...
  10. That's very hypocritical if you ask me... What goes around comes around also. Don't forget that. As the old saying states:"treat ppl the way you wanna be treated"..
  11. mysteriousss

    So... who's horny?

    Oh boy, sorry to hear you're having nightmares
  12. mysteriousss

    So... who's horny?

    Steve, you are such a sweetheart.. *blush* *hug* *blush*
  13. No offense taken here.. You're right, a lot of people are stupid/blind/naive/idealistic/etc/etc/etc... They'll learn some day..
  14. mysteriousss

    So... who's horny?

    Oh my god James. You crack me up! ClubNYC orgy lol.. Bring the whips and other kinky stuff that you like. Some ppl on this board are pretty raw
  15. It's really confusing and difficult to be alone after a long term relationship. At first it's hard, but after some time goes by, you realize a lot of things that you've never stopped to think about before. About yourself, about other people, about life in general. I believe soul searching is the appropriate term. Just take your time getting over it all. If you rush into another relationship, it'll only make it harder on you and your new gf..
  16. Lol, everybody told POX "something". Remember it ALL Jack
  17. mysteriousss

    she knew...

    Playing with fire is no fun. You're setting yourself up to get burned! I'll bring a fire extinguisher to nj tomorrow for ya
  18. mysteriousss

    she knew...

    rockdaddy88 - I can challenge you on that record I'm just kidding. I'm actually very lucky and only 1 of my relationships turned into a nightmare (out of 4 serious ones). I always get the nice guys But you know what, what goes around comes around. I've hurt a couple of "nice guys" before and trust me, I got it all back times three. It's very easy to get hurt when you give your heart to someone. And there is no way to ensure that you won't get hurt. So I guess dat's life for ya...
  19. I think ALL women LOVE it. I don't know a single one who doesn't. You gotta KNOW what you are doing of course.. I had the pleasure of knowing a few guys who LOVE going down on a girl and were quite good at it too
  20. mysteriousss

    she knew...

    Andy, You're absolutely right. I know that. But it's easier said than done (at least for me). It's one thing when your bf/gf stops loving you one day. Of course it hurts very bad. Actually, I just recently got SO fucked over that I think my mind went into that mode where nothing gets to me anymore. But that was 1 guy. Whatever. It's different with close friends though. It hurts much more because you KNOW that bf/gf's come and go, but friends (I mean closest ones) are supposedly forever. Not true. And about being alone, you ARE alone in this world. Everyone who's close to you at the moment can stop being so close at any given moment - be that bf/gf, best friends, family, or anyone else.. Sad, depressing, but true .. Oh man this is a sore subject Sorry guys, didn't mean to get so deep on you..
  21. mysteriousss

    she knew...

    Andy, it's not only girls. We're talking about friends here. I've been hurt/betrayed by ppl who were supposed to be my "closest" friends soooo many times, it's not even funny. I don't have any more faith left in people. Every time I get close to someone now, I stop myself from getting close to them to avoid getting hurt again. Yeah I know, it's sad. But whatcha gonna do... I don't think I can take any more pain in this lifetime. People are such selfish assholes...
  22. Definitely not the first child.. But then again, does it really matter whether it's 1st or not.. If it came out of my body, it's mine no matter what. There's always adoption..
  23. That would be a very difficult decision to make.. If it was my sister or a very close friend, I think I'd do it. It would definitely be tough knowing that it is YOUR child and to know how you fit into their life.. I don't know..
  24. mysteriousss

    she knew...

    fatchikthrilla - that wasn't too nice... POX i'm sorry you're sad.. Hope you feel better.. If you need something let me know, ok?
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