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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Holy shit Lola! I never knew orgasms come in a pill Gimme some of those will ya.. Those could come in handy if there are no guys around LOL..
  2. I didn't know thong was an accessory
  3. robocock.. Tell me which clubs you go to. I will STAY AWAY from there. That is just SICK if you ask me.. God.. Some ppl need help
  4. Do tell Mikey PS: I read your message too late yesterday Sowwwwwwwy, lemme know next time though *hugz*
  5. Holy shit Evan!!! Daaaaaaamn boy Those are some stories...
  6. I said it a 100000 times already and I'll say it again! ICE CREAM baby! (also read as I SCREAM - coincidence? I don't think so)... And tell her protein is really good for her body! She should look at it as "medicine" which doesn't really taste all that good but she HAS to take it! Every day LOL.. Oh I'm in a silly mood.. Now I want my ice cream... mmmmmmm
  7. Come on, give the girl a break.. 24/7 on your knees has got to be tough! And the guy won't feel a thing after a couple of hours.. It will go numb and fall off!
  8. Best thing from a girl's point of view? Definitely the huge grin on the guy's face. They are the sweetest for the next few hours so you can get them to do ANYTHING for ya And I mean ANYTHING..
  9. Haha, "overlook the little things".. LOL.. Pun intended? LMAO..
  10. dlish LOL!!!!! Too funny but NOT TRUE!!! hahahaha.. Good though
  11. Unless it's an orgy or a sex party meetup, I don't think anyone wants to hear about it here.. You pervs *hugzzz*
  12. Mmmmmmm, you said the magic word.. BEACH... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I need a vacation.
  13. Oh god you just made me choke on my lunch.. Rainforest cafe LOL..
  14. Sorry hun Long distance relationships SUCK.. I hope you have a nice reunion when he comes back ~~~
  15. I don't like the topic of this post... Gets me mad every time I see it... Grrrrrr...
  16. Haha.. Brandie. He's probably sitting in front of a voodoo doll or something and using telepathy to contact every girl he knows IM me.. E-mail me.. IM me right now...
  17. steph, I'm not judging you.. it's your life.. it's just that in my personal opinion, it's as disrespectful to yourself as it is to your bf to cheat. i cheated on a bf too. 3 years ago. more than that actually. i never felt WORSE in my life. i never felt lower or dirtier either. i promised myself that i will never do that again. and haven't done it since. never will either. but it's only me.
  18. Oh shit.. I IM'ed you before reading this post.. Too funny..
  19. Now you check yours Thanks hun, you're sweet..
  20. Being friends with someone is not exactly "subjecting" yourself to them.. Unless I'm misunderstanding your point..
  21. Why do you use different names to post? I AM an exception! I thought I sensed sarcasm in that sentense
  22. Oh shit! I don't even wanna know what that would do to me... Permanent brain damage..
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