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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. I LOVE this song! Especially the mix that JP plays at Factory!!! I didn't hear the rest of her stuff but I heard that the CD is VERY good..
  2. No way in hell am I gonna spend my PVD time in the VIP room.. HELL NO!!! I'll be RIGHT in front of his CUTE FACE You'll have to hold me back coz I love the guy! See you ALL (OMG, EVERYONE will be there) next Friday! Hmm, an idea. Do you think we could PAY OFF the bouncers at the door so they don't let anyone in and have our OWN party. Just another little CNYC get together with PVD at TWILO?
  3. It's "out there in the cold" you MORON!!! Just kidding!!!!!!!!!! Please don't get offended! I could not resist bustin on ya Just seems like everyone knows all the lyrics to all the songs
  4. Oh god this is a tough question.. I love it ALL.. I always say "oh this is my favorite song" to about 10000 songs! Annoy the crap out of some ppl Here's a "short" list of my favorites: Comfortably numb Shine on you crazy diamond wish you were here hey you run like hell what do you want from me sorrow learning to fly breathe brain damage (!!!) and SOOO MANY more.. I'm still to discover the majority of their albums but the ones that I know, I TRULY LOVE.. It's like a drug. I need it once in a while as if my ears are begging to hear another guitar solo or Waters/Guilmor's voices.. I've never had any other band affect me that way and it's an amazing feeling.
  5. Goodbye blue skies - the cartoon in the movie gives me CHILLS.. With that bird/plane ripping a piece of soil and the ground bleeding.. OMG.. I cannot imagine a person coming up with those images. They have an interview with the guy who did these animations on DVD and he looks normal. But daaaamn, that animation is SCARY.. PS: I **LOVE** my Friday dose of CNYC Pink FLoyd You guys RULE!
  6. OMG Lola, you will LOVE him! The earlier you go, the better. Coz if you go later, there is a good chance that they will stop letting ppl in! Last time I was INSIDE the club at 12:30 and it was SOOOO packed. But he is WORTH every elbow, foot, or hair in your face. I cannot wait already! See ya there
  7. PVD SUCKS!!!!!! Just kidding. I LOVE him, I really do. He looks like such a sweetheart too! I just wanna hug him every time I see him up there.. I cannot wait for next Friday! See ya there.. And be NICE to us, JP fans
  8. Easy there girl... Relax... It's only a PM. Ignore the losers, it's that simple. And I don't think it has anything to do with looks, it's all about what's in their heads (uhm, top ones )
  9. Like everyone already said, there is NOTHING worse than cheating. You will feel like SHIT if you do, especially since you say that you love this girl.. You're probably afraid to tell her that you want something freakier in bed coz she'll think that you're sick or something. Is she really closed minded about these things or are you just scared to even approach the subject? If the ONLY problem in this relationship is sex, talk to her or slowly make it more and more "fun". Every other time do something new and see how she reacts. She might get freaked out, then ask her why she doesn't like it. Some ppl are just not very open to new things no matter what they are. But MAYBE, just MAYBE she thinks the same thing and WANTS you to get dirtier with her. You never know. It's always those quiet ones that are the true freaks Bring it out in her, she'll love it! Let her discover new things that she'd never even thought of. Part of why sex is so much fun is because you get to discover new things all the time about you, your body and your partner..
  10. I guess you didn't catch my HUGE smiley face next to "i hate you" I know you're just trying to get on our nerves and you're succeeding ) Love ya Lucie!!! Paul - you come up to NYC at all?
  11. Hey girlie Fridays rule except when you're home sick! I'm just PRAYING that it will go away by Sat night I wanted to go to Carl Cox too but I guess some other time! Tell me if you like him if you go! Have a great Friday!!! *hugz* Zoya.
  12. mysteriousss


    A nice long wet kiss to start with.. Then a slow full body tongue-massage
  13. Never had Brazilian food before.. But most likely I'll be there too!
  14. Girlie, You're never alone I'm only a call/IM/PM/e-mail away! Can't wait for Sat! Whoever will be there, let us know. Lucie's the sweetest girl ever so you GOTTA wish her a happy b-day in person if you can! *hugz* Zoya.
  15. I hear what you're saying.. I guess it depends on the girl.. Obviously I can only judge by my own experiences or what my bfs/male friends tell me..
  16. Well, Sin said it above.. Add to that, usually some moaning (of course with exceptions), some trembling (of course with exceptions), heavy breathing.. Personally, I don't think it's possible for a guy NOT to know when I have an orgasm. I'm relatively loud, my whole body tenses up like crazy, my low back is arched too and after an orgasm I get EXTRA sensitive everywhere. If a guy touches my stomach after an orgasm I go nuts.. As well as every other spot. I need like a minute to regain my composure and then I can actually say or do something Is that a good enough description Lola?
  17. -oops, double post [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 11-01-2000).]
  18. Well, it's noon already.. I'd trade an hour of lunch for an hour of sex..
  19. Hmm.. You can definitely tell if a girl has an orgasm.. If she's not that experienced yet, that's even better for you. More things to show her and more things for her to discover Just keep on doing something new and ask her whether she likes it this way or that way. Or she can just tell you what she wants to try..
  20. I don't think any guy would be thrilled with that idea..
  21. Nah, chego im obmanivat???
  22. Ok you're freaking me out... First you quote the whole South Park song.. I watched SP AGAIN last week.. Now you're quoting American Pie which I saw last night... STOP IT You're scaring me LOL
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