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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. That's strange.. We used to go to the Poconos every New Years. Rented a house and it was always nice and clean and not ugly at all... This one place has beautiful houses but they are small (2 bedrooms + room upstairs ->> beauuuutiful house).. Joey - snowmobiling!! I wanna go.. Never tried it but it looks like so much fun! I can't drive up there though.. I will get killed in my car in bad weather..
  2. Yes, come to the meetup and I will tell you to STFU to your UGLY face!!!!!!
  3. My russian is bad?? Whaaaat? A po jope?
  4. Hehe See ya tomorrow! We'll make someone real happy
  5. Oooh DO TELL /me razvesila yshi.. You're coming to PVD right? I don't know whether I should go to Twirl first. I wanna get to Twilo as early as possible to avoid standing in line long. I'm going with Lucie, maybe we can meet up at Twirl, get a few drinks and head over to Twilo? Sounds like a plan? IM/PM/e-mail/call me
  6. Ok the simpsons thread got me going with the cartoons. Who saw a "king of the hill" episode (hate that show) where the Mom was supposed to teach sex ed at school. She couldn't even say the word Penis outloud. So she was practicing.. Happiness..Ha-penis.. It was DA funniest ever
  7. I was just telling someone about this episode the other day!!! Did you see that South Park episode where they fed bacon to a pig? "disturbing"
  8. "It's still good, it's still good! It's just a little airborne!" I was DYING of laughter during that.. When they were having a picnic and roasting a pig. Then it went flying all over the place. Monty Burns was looking out the window when someone was asking him for charity (?) and said that he'll give $ when pigs fly And here we have Homer's pig being "airborne".. The funniest thing ever
  9. Ok, first things first.. You are developing an inferiority complex and that is the worst part of it all. I'm not psychologist but girlie, don't do this to yourself or your bf. If he's sticking around for all this time, obviously he's not in it for sex. Do NOT tell him that he'd be better off with someone else because they'll be able to have sex. If you break up with him "for his sake", it'll be the stupidest thing you will ever do and you'll regret it forever. Do not feel guilty or bad for him because he knows exactly what the situation is. I admire the guy for sticking around because god knows not many would. Most guys don't give a fuck about anything, and only care that you sleep with them. So do yourself a favor, keep this guy around and you'll get through the hard times together.
  10. I wanna be a ski bunny too. I can't ski either...
  11. LOL, relax Rach.. I'm not talking And for the sickos like Joey, NO I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FACT THAT RACHEL IS NOT HORNY TODAY!!! jk.
  12. You said it as if being considerate is a bad thing!
  13. To whoever said that hotels are crappy there.. We def should find out for sure before going coz I'm sure nobody wants to end up sleeping in a 2"x5" room and sharing a bathroom with 100000 other ppl. I'm not a spoiled brat but decent conditions are a must
  14. Yes, I agree that my ex's gf is totally insecure. But the main problem is that he's just as insecure. Which ironically is my own fault. I hurt him really bad when he was nothing but good to me. Now he's afraid to leave her which is really sad.. She's really bitchy and controlling and possessive and jealous. He can't break up with her either even though he told me many times that he tried and she kept calling back and crying until he couldn't take it anymore.. I feel really bad for him but there is nothing I can do. I'd wanna be friends with him but that's not gonna happen until he realizes that he needs to get rid of that girl. It wasn't a mutual agreement as in your case, and he's the one suffering even though I do miss him very much.. Some girls are bitches though!
  15. Lucie plz put my name on that list too when you find it.. Thanks
  16. Just say when/where I love ski trips.. Make sure there is a little something in the house for me though.. You know what I'm talking about right Joey?
  17. I guess I'm an exception. I don't like bad boys. I don't like being mistreated or disrespected. Every guy that I've ever been with (except one) treated me like a queen. I never understand why women run after these bad boys that treat them like shit and cheat on them all the time.. Intrigue or challenge is fun and games but you're the one who'll be played at the end. No thanx..
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