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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. I just call them "hunny", "sweetie", or "baby"
  2. Yeah, ppl always complain.. I hate that.. I'm definitely going! Can't wait
  3. Hahah, that's what all of the "cool 15yo's" think..
  4. They did check ID's at the door in July. I have no idea what the age was, 18+ or 21+.. But why would they check ID's if they let 12 year old kids in??
  5. LOL, now I'll be paranoid as hell when my bf uses one of these.. Thanx Mikey for the peace of mind
  6. Whaaaa.. That's crazy.
  7. I went last July and had a great time. As for kids running around on E.. damn, will ppl ever stop bitching and just enjoy the music?
  8. It totally blows when a guy gets done too fast!
  9. Oh shit! I didn't even notice the signature.. DUH!!!
  10. Hahahaha Did your neighbors come over with a bottle of vodka and ask you for a little sexual favor too?
  11. Sin, I totally understand what you are saying. Me personally, I will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart for my 1st. But NOT because he was the guy I lost my virginity to. Because we were together for 3 years and he was my first everything.. That bond between people will never die in most cases. BUT.. There is a HUGE difference between loving someone from your past (passive) vs. loving someone right now (active). Passive love for past bf/gf which meant something special to you will never go away. It will always be there. Every "special" person in your life leaves a mark in your heart. Especially if you're as close to them as a bf/gf.. BUT, again, that does NOT mean that this passive love is taking away from your relationship. Not at all! It's very complicated if you ask me but at the same time it's very simple. He's with you. He loves you. No matter what happened before. Of course he has his memories and feelings but who doesn't? Thinking the way you do will drive you crazy. Take it easy on yourself and enjoy it, not try to find a reason for doubts and uncertainties.. I honestly hope that you don't let these thoughts ruin anything with your bf. Everyone has a past. But it doesn't matter. Like I said before, if you guys are good together, nothing can change that. Not an exgf, not 10 exgf's..
  12. Sin, I think you misunderstood my post too.. Girlie, you gotta do whatever makes you happy. Wondering what could be or what if this or that won't do you any good. Mad props for waiting for the right guy. Not too many girls out there value that.. As far as him having slept with others and not you. I can understand, I'd feel a little jealous myself. But remember that he's with YOU now. Regardless of who he's been with. He's just more experiences (just joking). But seriously, if he's good to you and you guys have a good relationship, don't worry about those things. If you get curiuos yourself on what you are missing out on.. I don't know, you have to think if it's worth giving up what you have with your current bf..
  13. Hmm, my first was THE right person.. Obviously we are not together anymore but I don't think I could ever wish it was someone else...
  14. You didn't think I was being serious...
  15. I vaguely recall reading a post by some guy.. I think his name was Rick.. He seemed like he knew a lot about the subject. You might wanna dig that post up from the archives. I'm sure you'll find the info helpful. Remeber, practice makes perfect ~~~~~~~ *kissez*
  16. Mikey! Sorry your girls taste like Tuna.. You should get them a gift certificate from Bath & Body Works, they'll smell and taste much better trust me
  17. LOL, I do that ALL the time hahahaha.. A lil selfish but whatcha gonna do
  18. Haha, which college did you go to????? I should've applied to that one JK..
  19. A few of my ex's asked me to hook up with a girl... Never did though, I'd feel really wierd and uncomfortable.. I'll stick with guys I got them all figured out already LOL..
  20. #1 choice is Enigma.. It is SOOO amazing.
  21. Hahahaha.. I hope this was a joke.. It freaks me out
  22. misskitty - been there.. Definitely ruins everything..
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