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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Yep, they did when they saw us taking pictures.. The bouncer agreed not to throw it out and said to come pick it up later. Don't know if he got it back or not though.. Haven't seen any pics..
  2. I love telling him to STFU But I think he got my point already. Although he's still blabbing on and on! I'll try to ignore the dumbass though.
  3. LOL! I've never been there myself, been planning to go forever but never actually made it. That's why I'm really curious to hear ppl's opinions on it..
  4. LOL I was just joking hun.. Come Sat where?
  5. Hehe, I don't know who goes there on Friday, never been there to see for myself... I was just joking about Prodigy
  6. OK, gimme some strength I honestly don't think I can wait any longer! 4 more days
  7. Just a little tip for next time. Go AFTER 4am.. The music/crowd gets a lot better after 4-5am. I loved the music this Saturday even though I had to leave VERY early
  8. 9 1/2? I agree -1/2 for ZOMBIE FUCKING NATION LOL! Mikey, ok, now that I listened to this cd, when do I get the next one? Thanks sweetie! *hugz* Zoya.
  9. Steve, Thanks for all the details! You really shouldn't have spent soo much time going on and on about the things that you liked and what you thought of the music and etc etc.. Ok, I'm just mad I couldn't go.. Glad you enjoyed it *hugz* Zoya.
  10. I think you're enjoying yourself a little too much at this moment..
  11. Holy shit! I thought Carl Cox was COOL! LOL.. ***HATE*** Zombie Nation with passion..
  12. I don't care how me (and all of you) go! As long as we GO!!! I cannot wait already.. But I think most of these decisions (sober vs. not) are made based on how a person feels once they get to the club. Sometimes you "need" something, sometimes you don't But with or without drugs, I know I will have a BLAST Hope everyone had a great weekend *hugz*
  13. LOL.. I just had a nice mental image of this kid in a long sleeve button down flannel being kicked off the line at SF.. Hahahaha, this is too funny. What's wrong with Prodigy?
  14. He might be talking about Fridays. Never been there on a Friday but that's what I heard.. Mostly underdressed teenage ravers. If he's talking about Sat - then this person is definitely either blind or went to a different SF than I do..
  15. I'm sooo there next time for Carl Cox.. Sounds like you had a blast!
  16. LOL, Isn't it funny that after you reply to a topic on the Sex board, your Inbox is filled with PM's with the subject of that post It is gross what a lot of these guys write.. If we write that we like something, that doesn't mean that we will let any random guy do it to us. I guess it's not that clear to some people. Rachel, just ignore them...
  17. Lola, your crazy ass will end up at SF, right? I sure hope so! Yeah, send a bottle or two my way! dirtyslapper - oooh that should be interesting!
  18. *sneeze* Thanks Rach You're the best!!! This definitely calls for a celebration! *cough* *sneeze* *cough* *hugz* Zoya.
  19. Girlie, I can only imagine how difficult this must be... But you know that he needs this time to figure things out. And if both of you want to be together, you will be. I don't believe in this meant-to-be stuff, but the only thing I know is that when 2 ppl want to make it work and they love each other, it will all work out in the end... Just be patient and understanding, and I hope he can do the same for you. Good luck
  20. Ok, I guess you did NOT see me say that I'm JOKING about a 100 times... Damn, some ppl are SOOO sensitive.. Can't even get a joke..
  21. He's not HOT. He's just very cute, looks very shy... I've never seen Boris, what does he look like? Rob, in Factory? OMG.. I can imagine him WHINING the whole time how bad it is!!! JK Yeah, watch out for the juiceheads. If you say 1 bad word about SF, you'll be crucified
  22. OMG you're crazy He didn't ask for advice on how to give this girl a heart attack
  23. Well.. You gotta take things slow. Obviously things are going too fast if you are so confused and keep changing your mind about it. And if you have ANY doubt whatsoever that you want to be WITH this guy, do NOT tell him that you DO wanna be with him. That's just a really HORRIBLE thing to do.. And it hurts. Nobody deserves that emotional rollercoaster when a person keeps changing their mind all the time! Just go with the flow and see what happens. No need to rush into a serious "relationship". Being in this state of uncertainty and just messing around while figuring out what your feelings are is totally ok IMO. As long as there are no promises or serious statements made. I just hope you don't hurt this guy - that doesn't mean that you HAVE to be with him, just explain how you feel and don't constantly change your mind on him (at least don't tell him if you do).. With some time you will be able to figure out whether you want him as a bf or a friend..
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