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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Yes! You're so right I love different music also and agree that one style can get pretty old fast. Variety is the way to go. Some styles take a few tries though before you get into it. I'm not the biggest S&D fan but I'm definitely going this Friday. So many ppl can't be wrong. Gonna give them another try. Being open-minded is important and then you won't miss out on some great music that's out there.
  2. You go girl! Don't matter if 10 ex's are there, all that matters is that you are happy. Glad to hear your b-day went well. And don't take CM's advice - don't F the ex
  3. cholo_40, hmm this is strange that you say that philly people are not used to the DT type of music and like harder stuff like JP. A bunch of my friends from Philly went to Transit to hear JP for the first time since I've been brainwashing them about how much I love him. They go clubbing in Philly a lot and in NY too. They said that JP was waay too hard for them. Of course different people have different tastes in music but it's just wierd since you say that the Philly crowd likes hard stuff.
  4. xmike - another fan created or addict? hehe, i think i'm the latter. or both.
  5. I happen to like that face Eerie yes, but when put into context, awesome. PFloyd40 has the best pics as far as I'm concerned. No offense Artful, hehe.
  6. xmike - the change might have something to do with the way he was being bashed by even his die hard fans (deeper). Obviously he does care what his fans think of his performance and whenever he sees disappointment, he tries hard to redeem himself. He definitely did that on Sat night in my opinion.
  7. gabrielll, I hear ya on that one. That was me this evening. My parents came to NY for the weekend to visit. We had a nice Sunday night dinner and I was barely able to keep my eyes open. I couldn't eat anything either so my Mom got a little mad that I didn't like the way she cooked the meat Try explaining to her why you're not hungry after not eating all day. Oh why didn't I think of it.. I should've just said that I was on a diet or something. But there's always a next time for excuses like that
  8. 5 more days They'll pass by before you even know it. I wish we could go from Sunday straight to Thursday. 1 day of rest should be enough, right? Btw, is there a <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guestlist</A> for S&D?
  9. I posted on another thread already but I'll repeat myself. UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE is the correct term to use for last night. I just woke up after a looong night of partying and dancing and going crazy. This is what factory's all about. The performance was not so exciting in my opinion. But the music was incredible. Wish everyone could've been there because then we wouldn't have SF bashing on this board at all!!!
  10. Yes! I have to agree that JP was just AMAZING saturday night. Too many guys, yes, but if you go just for the music, then sat night was your night. It was loud and hard and just plain awesome. Love SF, Love JP, and love the crowd in SF too (most ppl are really nice and fun). Hope everyone's weekend was great.
  11. Brooklyn in da haaus! I live in Sheepshead Bay (South Brooklyn).
  12. Oh damn! Was supposed to go but didn't. Glad you had fun but daaamn, I wish I was there.
  13. I can get out whenever. Seems like most of the ppl will be there at 5:30 or a few minutes later. See you all in a little bit
  14. I'll be there. I'm wearing grey pants, dark shirt and a black blazer. 5'5", long dark hair. See ya all there I don't know what time to go though.. It'd be easier to meet outside but then we'd have to set a more specific time..
  15. vejita can u get on? this thing is really slow too. my parents never kicked me out but this definitely blows!
  16. Yes.. that's me every day at work. I like this job
  17. Blame Canada, Blama Canada! © South Park Canada's cool. Been to Toronto & Montreal and had a blast. Didn't go clubbing there though. Wonder what it's like. Anyone been to any good clubs there?
  18. Friday, finally! This week seemed to CRAWL sooo slowly. Yey! Party time!
  19. I LOVE natural tanning. Nothing better than lying out on the beach and getting all chocolaty But I hate tanning salons. They give you this orangy tan that doesn't look like real tan at all. It's funny though because all of our sorority girls on campus used to be bright orange in the middle of december in Upstate NY. Guys used to make fun of them all the time asking them if they can rub suntan lotion on them. Also, I don't think it's very healthy. I mean natural tan is bad also, but tanning salons, how safe are they?
  20. Nice to know there are still good decent people in this nasty world huh? That was really nice of her. I'd do the same though. Can't imagine keeping someone's money or wallet.
  21. Oh how convenient. Thanx Addaboy, I actually needed to do this since I just got my citizenship this year. No Commie jokes plz!!! Internet rulez! We only get lazier and lazier with it...
  22. you know i'm there, right? grand marnier it is Vej! i don't have a preference and can leave from work whenever. hope to see you all tomorrow, zoya.
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