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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Ok As long as I know you still love us I like dressing up for clubs. The few times I didn't get dressed up I felt wierd.. Sneakers are comfy though How are your eyes? Better?
  2. What kind of music is it? Never heard any of his stuff.. If I did, I didn't know it was him What's he like???
  3. Damn.. I saw a flyer, I'm pretty sure it said 18..
  4. Hmmmm.... I'd like to hear that. I LOVE the sound of guitars (all kinds) but I cannot imagine it mixed into a trance track... But I'm sure it could be done. And I LOVE remixes of old rock classics
  5. I'm pretty sure it's open bar 10-11 or something like that.. Not sure if it's ladies free, could be..
  6. Yo, you'll never catch me call ppl at other clubs losers or anything.. I might say that I dont' like the music there or that I had a bad experience with ppl there, but I'll never say anything to offend anyone. Especially if I know that there are SO many ppl who like that club... Charlie's comment just got me mad coz I didn't expect something like this from him, especially since he's always so nice to me and Lola and we represent SF and Exit
  7. Grrr.. I keep forgetting Picotto is tomorrow I'm so used to Twilo fridays!
  8. Oh god.. my club your club.. this is not your house so whoever wants to go, will go regardless, whether you like them or not..
  9. Why can't ppl mind their own fuckign business???? Girlie, I got a meeting to go to.. I'll give you a call towards the end of the day
  10. Listen.. why can't ppl just accept that different ppl like different clubs?? How hard is it to understand this? It's not about which club has more meatheads, which club has more ppl with pacifiers, or whatever.. It doesn't matter. You don't have to like places I like. It really doesn't matter. But it's really wrong to generalize especially when it comes to a NYC crowd when it's so diverse!
  11. I DO get along with everyone who doesn't call me an ugly bitch!!! Ask ppl who know me.. And tell me if anyone says a bad word about me..
  12. Russ, my point exactly!!! I don't care what club you like or don't like. But don't fucking call everyone who goes to "other" clubs TRASH... WTF???????????????????????
  13. Lola.. nyc420 seems to find it so goddamn funny.. maybe we lack our sense of humor?
  14. Hahahah.. isn't it an interesting coincidence that you used the same term "delusional bitch" in our little IM conversation 3 minutes ago? STFU loser... Don't fuckign play games with me...
  15. Thank you.. I'm probably the calmest person on this planet but even I have limited patience....
  16. Chris... I knwo this is a message board. But lets see someone call you an ugly motherfucker every 5 minutes? Lets see if you can just laugh it off???????????? Maybe you think I'm immature, whatever, but I'm not gonna sit here and let some PATHETIC LOSER talk shit about me or my friends!!! And I'm glad a lot of you find this funny...
  17. - [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 12-15-2000).]
  18. My UGLY ASS looks better than your FACE ASSHOLE... Take a look in the mirror or that link on the 1st post!!!
  19. DO NOT FUCK WITH ME... And stop bullshitting, everyone KNOWS it's you.. COWARD... And you're threatning to beat me down? Lets see? I'm up for it. I'm not a big girl but I promise you, you will not walk away from this one...
  20. Hehe.. You KNOW it will be da bomb
  21. Listen buddy.. Come and say all of this to my face.. I know who you are, you were STUPID enough to give me your business card at the last meetup.. So you better shut the fuck up or I will track you down and fucking beat the shit out of you...
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