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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Snowball fights are a blast.. I remember in 3rd grade I got hit right in the EYE with a HUGE snowball! I had the blackest eye ever and it hurt soooo much. The doc said that I was lucky it was so big that it actually didn't hurt the eye all that much. So if we ever have one, I'll be wearing protective gear on every part of my body! I'll look like an astronaut but it'll be fun!
  2. Yeah, exactly.. I said it once, twice, three times.. enough right? Oh I don't feel guilty. I was just wondering if anyone else found it totally ridiculous..
  3. It's not just me. Any girl that he goes clubbing with. Maybe he just has a complex about being single and wants everyone to think he has a gf? WTF?
  4. True! Joey.. I'm just talking from my personal experience.. It's happened to me more than once or twice so maybe it was just a coincidence I don't know. But it struck me as interesting I know when I'm drunk, some things slip out that I would NEVER reveal sober.
  5. Ok here's the issue.. I had a talk with one of my guy friends a few weeks ago and I haven't spoken to him since. I haven't replied to his IMs, didn't call him, nothing. I just want your opinions if I'm overreacting but something he said totally made me dislike him. I went to SF with him a couple of times with a bunch of other friends and this guy was always all over me at the club. I would always push him away because I'm not attracted to him, and a few times I told him straight out not to touch me. He would still do it all the time so I stopped clubbing with him. We still talked and one time we had a discussion about this whole issue. He was asking me about his attitude towards girls and I told him that I think he doesn't know how to act around girls (judging by the way he was with me at the club). His response totally amazed me. He said that when he goes to a club with a girl (FRIEND, not someone he is interested in), they always act like they are a couple. Hug, dance together, all that. He said that if a girl FRIEND will not do that, what's the point of going with her to the club? I was pretty much astonished by this.. I go to clubs with my guy friends and none of them feel the need to act like they are my or any other girl's bf while we are at the club. I told him that I will never go clubbing with him again coz I'm sick of him being all over me and I think the way he perceives this is really fucked up. For some reason this attitude completely changed my whole opinion on this guy.. I'm wondering what ppl's thoughts are on this... Sorry for the long post
  6. I hate snow.. Who's gonna dig out my car? And slipping and falling on your ass is not exactly fun!
  7. Hmmm.. As usual a lot of mixed opinions.. You guys are no help as always LOL.. Just kidding 100 times the vibe of SF? That would be interesting to see.. Maybe I'll check it out some time..
  8. I started going to small clubs (those that are open until 4am) at like 16. But didn't get to the hardcore stuff until I was 21 (was away at college for 4 years so.....)
  9. JOEY!!!! STOPPPP PLLLLEEAAASEEEE... It's the most annoying song ever!!!!
  10. Definitely! I work right next to Rockefeller Center so this area is all Christmasy and soooooo beautiful! I just need to go buy gifts Clueless as to what to buy, but Christmas is only a week away!!!
  11. Hooooly shit! Wow! You KNOW I'm going Hope to see you guys there!!!!!!!
  12. Why don't we all have lunch tomorrow? If that's a bad day for ppl, then some other time. I can't do today or Thursday (both days I have company lunches!).. Anyone wanna do that?
  13. Morning everyone!!! Hope everyone's having a great morning
  14. How come I can't see the pictures? All I see are red crosses
  15. Oh man that sucks... What the hell is wrong with their security? I mean, it's one thing if they SEE you DOING something, taking a pill or doing a bump. But to ASSUME that if you have your eyes closed that you're fucked up is horrible. What if you had 4 drinks? That's just insane......... At least they didn't beat you Crazy assholes..
  16. YES! I did that at SF this weekend and today I can barely walk. I couldn't stop dancing!!! I don't think I ever danced so much in 1 night..
  17. Madison sucks just as much Btw, I live in Sheepshead Bay also... Nothing wrong with pills at all! Do whatever you need to do to wake that brain of yours up What's your name btw? Iiight I'm outta here. Enough work, gotta go home Ttyl..
  18. Why are you guys getting defensive? Nobody was attacking you.. As for the "not only about clubbing" comments, yeah of course there are those! Go to any other club or music board (or ANY board at all) and you'll see it. I'm a member of a sports cars board and ppl start talking to each other about other stuff too. Ppl are ppl and they'll always want to get to know others on all different levels, not just clubbing.
  19. Haha, you need more pills to remember something? Hmm, interesting... That quote is from signs all over Factory.. Go to the profile link at the very top of your screen and put it into the "signature" section if you wanna have it... Yes I'm Russian. Went to Sheepshead Bay HS.. The shittiest school in Brooklyn
  20. I've never been there.. What is it like?
  21. Either Cheetah or Centro Fly! Or both since they are on the same block Have fun and happy early b-day!
  22. Oh god.. I FELT it.. I had no idea I was taking one of the strongest pills so it hit me SO hard, I didn't expect that! But ppl say that some drugs you don't feel the first time you try it... I didn't feel weed the first time I smoked..
  23. I thought it was your signature: BUY OR SELL, WE ALL GO TO HELL S.F. IS YOUR HOUSE. REPSECT IT! But I guess you just put that in one post I still like it!
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