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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. Heheheh.. You guys are too funny Thank god you feel better. Def call me tonight. If you have time, lets go grab something to eat. I have the car today so I can actually go places Bye
  2. I'm not sure but I *might*. A lot of ppl say NYE is AWESOME at factory.. We'll see
  3. Yep, got this week off also. Have to take care of some stuff but other than that, it's all relaxing and partying
  4. I like to meet new ppl when I go to clubs and hang out with them. But I never "hook up" with them.. I can't say that I never WILL hook up with anyone, just didn't happen. I go for the music and people and the whole atmosphere..
  5. I agree with ravermania's point.. I don't care how good looking a guy is if he's grabbing my ass.. He can be GORGEOUS but if he disrespects me, he's an ASSHOLE. Looks so don't matter when it comes to manners and respect.
  6. *HATE* that song with passion. I think most of the ppl at SF do too. It's slow and annoying and I have no idea why he played it for 40 minutes!!!! I wish he'd play any other song for that long but not this one!!!
  7. The BEST foreign music I've heard was FRENCH RAP. Holy shit, I couldn't believe how BEAUTIFUL it sounded. Went to an HMV store in Montreal and just stopped as soon as I walked in. I'm not a huge fan of rap although I like some, but daaaaamn that sounded awesome! I'm still kicking my own ass for not buying that cd and not even asking for names of these cd's..
  8. You SHOULD've stayed past 6. Got in at 7 and the music was PUMPING.. He didn't play a lot of new stuff but he played a lot of really awesome recent stuff. (Other than the 40 min mix of ONE MORE TIME.. fucking hate that song).. I really liked the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">New Years </a> Day track and he played all my favorite songs So I'm a happy girl although I didn't dance all night. Just chilled out most of the night and enjoyed the music. Closing was wierd. He played the same music as he did at last week's closing (let the sunshine and others I don't remember at the moment) but all in all it was a good night at the factory.. Oh and the dancers were KICKING ASS!!! Those guys/girls can MOVE!
  9. Someone gave me the flyer at SF last night. He said that <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">New Years Eve</a> will be the grand opening party with house and hip hop music and Dr Dre will host it. No way of really knowing how good it'll be but don't know if ppl will risk going to a new party on <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">New Years Eve</a> ..
  10. I should be there for the 5.. If not, definitely for 7.. Hope too see ya there guys
  11. Uhmm.. I understand that you LOVE Twilo and all but don't tell ppl not to WASTE their time and $ at other clubs.. What kind of an attitude is that???????????? To each their own so chill with this "only place to be"...
  12. Sorry to burst your bubble but it's not exactly unheard of that ppl go to 2 clubs in one night..
  13. Took the words right out of my mouth.. I think the club looks BEAUTIFUL!! I *LOVE* those catwalks and the couches there are sooo comfy. Plus the 4th floor, so how could it possibly get smaller when they added more space to the club??? Sometimes if feels small coz it's so packed As far as sound, a bouncer told me that the new system is not even in yet. That's why they don't have the bleachers back yet... But it does sound much better.. I had to ask last time coz I noticed the difference. Can't wait for the new system.. It'll blow me away [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 12-23-2000).]
  14. Sounds like you are having a nice time What are the big plans for the rest of the stay?
  15. Hey everyone Just wanted to wish ya all a happy holiday season. I hope next year there will be much more peace and unity on this board rather than negativity and fighting. I know a lot of the drama revolved around me (not that I LIKE it that way!!!) but at least some ppl got a good laugh at my expense LOL.. See you all at the next meetup *hugzzzz*
  16. Oh man.. LOL.. Glad to see you haven't lost your sense of humor in that mess I missed S&D but stayed home.. There's always a next time!!
  17. Not sure if I'm coming but if I will I hope to see you guys there
  18. GUYS! Whoever participated in the secret santa thingy.... ????????????????? What's the plan??
  19. Are we doing the secret santa thing at this meetup?
  20. Are we doing the secret santa thing at this meetup?
  21. He's a cop? I almost have it as bad. My sis is a pharmacist. Knows ALL about drugs Not first hand, she's a goodie-goodie but I cannot even tell her that I smoke weed.. And if I ever mention e or anything else she'd just kill me...
  22. Haha.. I wrote this on the board already when it happened but I dunno if you guys read. My parents were home for Thanxgiving weekend (they live in DC), so I go to factory and come home on sun afternoon. Needless to say I'm a little fucked up so I just crash and sleep for like 7 hours. Finally my Mom wakes me up and tells me that we're gonna have dinner in 10 mins. So I sit there, pick at the food with my fork for the full hour coz I can NOT put a single bite in my mouth. My Mom KNOWS that I haven't had anything to eat all night and all day so try explaining to my parents why on earth you're not hungry after not eating for almost 24 hours? OH MAN that was tough.. I wish I had a dog so I could slip the food under the table LOL....
  23. Never underestimate the power of denial I can just see my Mom going "oh not my baby.. she'd never do that" LOL.. I hate to be a disappointment so I'd rather her not know!
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