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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by mysteriousss

  1. I don't think there's any theme or anything "special" going on this Saturday. Just a regular night, thank god...
  2. I used to play a lot of computer card games a while back. I would play for hours.. The best was playing hearts at work, with 4 ppl in the room on a network, against each other .. We'd go for HOURS.. It was great!
  3. The Grown Up WTF????????? This is dumb...
  4. Yes, agree with all said above. Harsh cold reality is better than the most beautiful lie. I'd rather know what a scumbag the person is and not waste another minute of my life on them. No matter how bad it hurts at that moment, the truth always comes out in the end and the sooner you find out, the better. The more time goes by, the harder it is to move on and forget about that person.
  5. YES.. I was wondering the same thing!!! I didn't get searched at all and carried a HUGE bag in with me.. I get searched like crazy at SF every week, they go through every single thing in my bag (last weekend she went through every pill in my bottle of advil!!!).. But the downside is too many cracked out teenagers..
  6. Hehehehehe Rachel, I'll dye your hair black for this one!!! Watch out!
  7. My choice would be PVD for sure. Just a happier vibe, although S&D are awesome too. They are very different but both good. I love PVD more though
  8. What do you mean "now you tell me"??? I've been raving about it forever now. Ppl are going to SF that weekend too just for my bday Remember Lucie's goodbye and my bday same day What kind of a present is that? *sob*
  9. I love the PEACH stuff from Bath & Body Works.. Drives me crazy Not on other girls of course or on guys but you know what I mean LOL>.
  10. LMAO... Def will come in handy some day Saving this one!
  11. Damn girl you're fast.. I was still discussing details with Mario and logged on to post LOL... See ya in a little bit
  12. Hahahahahaha!!!! GO CASEY Good one! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to Rachel!!! PS: girlie, you're so burnt out LMAO Mario just told me that you thought he was me on IM.. why the hell would I have a Mario icon? HAHHAHA... I mean I'm cool with Mario but to put his icon on my IM? LMAO You're too much
  13. Why do they all need to go away? There are SO many ppl who do like them, even if they are all teenagers. It's good to have variety! And it'd be pretty boring if MTV only had club music and nothing else..
  14. I agree.. Too much fighting and tough acts.. It's ridiculous and totally ruins the good vibe on the board. I checked out the soundfactory board for the first time in months and it was so surprising to see ppl disagreeing without being rude or acting all tough.. I hope we can get back to everyone at least not being rude to each other!
  15. Of course life without clubbing is possible and there are a lot of things that are fun, but still, I LOVE going to clubs And Trippintrance is kewl too LOL *hugz*
  16. Damn.. wanted to say that it was a good post but it seems like every post turns into a fight.. This is so stupid, why the fuck do ppl have such nasty attitudes and feel the need to threaten or put each other down on a board??? Ughh... Rachel, that was cute too Love new your signature LOL..
  17. LOL.. Where did I end up on NYE? Take a FUCKING GUESS [This message has been edited by mysteriousss (edited 01-04-2001).]
  18. I got one explanation for the low numbers. NAPSTER. I'm one of the very few ppl I know who BUYS club music on cd's. Just because I don't have a fast connection at home yet
  19. Today just sucks so bad. I cannot think straight or concentrate on anything but IM and e-mail I need to do work but can't... Oh boy...
  20. cathyo.. that situation is CLASSIC. I always do that. Every time I promise to just SAY IT when something's bothering me and end up pouting and being all mad
  21. Hmm.. everyone is going but nobody is willing to tell me who Steve Lawler is and what kind of music he spins? Damn ppl...
  22. Exactly what I was talking about.. I'd go to a lounge if I wanted to chill out and listen to music.
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