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Everything posted by noiseboy

  1. she's pretty evil all right. . . like a snake that slithers it's way into yr bed. . . oh, wait, that's me. . . ummmmmmmmmm. . . she's got a purty mouth. . . and when she's up for words, she makes full use of a smutty vocabulary. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  2. and no days off until Presidents Day. . . great cash, but i need my play time!! definitely down for Deep Dish, and of course, CC/DT. . . until then. . . i live, eat, and breathe theatre. . . think of me fondly. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  3. i thought it was: did you have yr period?? ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  4. what's up my "fallingoffthefaceoftheearth" friend??? pm me yr phone number again, lost it with my cellie a week or two ago and am still recovering. . . lookin' to chill??? aiight. . . see ya at White Castle, which happens to be my new address as well. . . good thing i like sliders. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  5. lookin' for around $750/month. . . which pretty much keeps me in a studio in Queens, but you never know in this city. . . will also sublet, crash, whatever. . . will accept ANY info, no matter what the price though. . . gotta keep the info comin' in. . . boa_boy. . . sorry!! pm on it's way. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  6. and i don't want to stay with schwingep anymore. . . he's getting that "anxious" look when i put on my pj's. . . any info is helpful!!! ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  7. HOOGA!!! ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  8. hey bitch! you know what's better than yr mom winning the gold in the special olympics?? NOT BEING RETARDED. . . whoo-haa, got you all in check. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  9. **bumpin' and jumpin'** CHAKA KHAN!! ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  10. and last thing at night. . . we can only understand what we are shown how was i supposed to know our love had grown. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  11. i don't think that the internet causes memory loss. . . it's all relative, because think of the sheer amount of information that is processed by our brains nowadays, as opposed to, say five years ago when EVERYONE wasn't on the net. . . sharing information, music. . . things like that i feel more worldly intelligent, personally. . . but i'm pro-techie. . . just a bit biased. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  12. you have to regress to do these things?? it fun being eight yrs old. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  13. does that mean i don't get to perform MY one-man show??? Jurassic Park: The Musical this is a crazy island dinosaurs everywhere i wish i never came here they're really getting in my hair. . . yeah baby, i was an actor too. . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  14. oh dear. . . this one is interesting. . . <opens door> step into my office. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  15. now that's what i call eatin' out. . . get me some biscuits and red beans and rice. . . you never made me money anyway. . . now you can repay me for training you. . . and once i find a place to live, you'll all get yrs. . . congrats, man!! you make yr mom proud. . . at least that's what i think she muttered as she was lickin' the red eye. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  16. you people ROCK MY WORLD!! i appreciate all yr help. . . furnace and boa_boy will expect pms from me. . . y'all give me that warm fuzzy feeling i usually get when i get payment from my bitches. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  17. when the news got out that people were ODing at Twilo during PvD nights, there was a definite spike in popularity. . . all that press. . . news about kids gettin' fucK-ocKed up. . . obviously, it sounds like a good party. . . what more publicity does it need?? i'm not goin'. . . but if you do, get in early and camp out in the VIP room. . . room to dance, meet-up and chill until 6am or so. . . have fun, stay safe, and try not to kill the out-of-towners. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  18. i'd scare her away. . . which would probably be a favor for both of us, eh?? when can i move my leather gear in? i get the truck Saturday. . . btw - **bump** ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  19. yo, i need a place to stay. . . i can teach you the fine art of being a crack-whore as payment. . . you can be my assistant. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  20. my info is as such: i can scrape together around $750/month for rent, but would LOVE to pay less (of course). . . right now i pay around $550 and live in a two-bedroom in Queens. . . i would like to live in Manhattan, but unless some senior bequeathes their pad unto me after they mysteriously pass, that's probably a pipe dream. . . i'll definitely be up to stay in Queens, and i'd consider Brooklyn, depending on the area and price. . . no Jersey for me, but check back in a few weeks. . . desperation changes everything. . . i'm basically looking for someone with the same schedule/lifestyle as me. . . work mainly afternoon/early evenings, late night type peeps. . . thank you ALL for yr help. . . it really means a lot. . . just pm me with any info. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  21. need to find a new place to live. . . looking for an apartment/sublet. . . for myself, one noiseboy, and my cat, one falstaff. . . ANY INFO WOULD BE HELPFUL!! please please please please please please <sigh> ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  22. i've obviously hurt you in some way. . . perhaps it was when i was mocking yr skills in the janitorial arts. . . or my critique on yr mom's tacosalad. . . or the lackluster cleveland steamer yr dad gives. . . i dunno. but i'm sorry. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  23. right. . . so that's why she called me her favorite grandson. . . it's amazing how sensual a cathader can be at just the right moment. . . man, when she took her teeth out, she did things to me that i didn't think were possible without a major brain hemmorage. . . btw - C H A K A K H A N ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  24. ohhhh, you mean that large, moist, dark, warm place you took me to a few weeks ago wasn't yr room??? man, that's where i met yr mOm!! keWl!! ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  25. now, i'm a very busy man, but if there's one thing i ALWAYS make time for, it's the local Queens strip clubs. . . if noiseboy's broke, which is most of the time, it's because he spent alla his cash on hooches and booze. . . so what i propose is for all the fellas out there who like to get taunted by some tri-state stretch-marked ass to head on out to Queens where we will convey upon such fine establishments as: Honey's Scandal's Cityscapes (of course) so let's pick a night when our girls won't play and find some that will. . . bitches. ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
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