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Everything posted by noiseboy

  1. bitch please. . . i posted response to this on the Twilo board. . . must i repeat myself? i think not. ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  2. i'm sorry matty. . . it's just that, well, spoonyd isn't producing as much life-nourishing milk as he once used to. . . he's changed his eating habits, and sadly strayed from his normal fiber intake. . . you wouldn't want his teet anyway. . . (apparantly it's beginning to taste, and i quote, "like, uh, really really bad. yo." - shadowchaser) talk to deanna11. . . she knows what to do with these problems. . . how's that discharge, babe? ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  3. natalie was in front of the line as i walked in through the velvet ropes right off the street. . . very nice way to start off the night. . . heard Oakey and Johnny Vicious was in attendance as well. . . any validity?? ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  4. it's time for a revolution. . . what can i say about Sunday night?? for a certain period of time, i thought it would be quite possibly the best party of all time. . . then i thought it would be anti-climactic. . . by the end, i thought it was the perfect capper to my first year of clubbing in NYC. . . got to Twilo around midnight to find the line already most of the way down the block. . . screw that shit. . . Twiloboss list, bag check, coat check, twenty minutes. . . i'm lovin' it already. . . Carl was pounding as usual. . . got to the main room, already packed to the brim. . . walking around was pretty difficult. . . usually on heavy nights i'm able to walk the entire main room in about twenty minutes (those that know me well understand,) but Sunday took me about forty minutes. . . was chillin' in VIP until the tag-team. . . dancing under the discoball when "B" got dropped. . . what remix was that again?? the place was magic when Danny got on the mic. . . only the second time i've heard live human voices coming out of Phazon. . . there WAS room to dance, you just had to stake yr claims and keep 'em. . . the place really started clearing out around 7am. . . but that's when the real fun began. . . there were too many songs for me to namecheck here. . . let's just say DT got dark and dirty for the Twiloites. . . by the end, it wasn't Vinyl-heads vs Twilo-ites either, just NYC clubbers not wanting the night to end. . . even though it did around 3pm or so. . . saw so many people. . . at one point, sitting in my usual position, looking at the crowd, smiling as usual, i said "this is who i am. . ." see ya at Diggers. . . to all those who went to MickyDee's afterwards, yr hardcore. . . btw - my sleep schedule is FINALLY back on track. . . after almost a year, i woke up for work refreshed. . . after 16 hours. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  5. well, he wanted a simulation of the closet at Twilo. . . he just figured that once yr in, you stay until they TELL you to come out. . . of course, he's not the same. . . but he was never the definition of "normalcy" to begin with, so. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  6. Layo and Bushwacka - sucked. Deep Dish - picked up all the slack and shoved it down our throats with all the shit they brought. . . for all those that missed the Sunday nite warm-up, too bad!! you missed quite a night from the DC duo. . . started pounding tracks due to the openers blunders and kept that shite going all night long. . . never a dull moment. . . many moments were had with people throwing their hands up in the air and giggling estatically about how much fun it actually was. . . about one hundred or so hardcore revelers remained at the end of the night to hear a blistering remix of Dido's "Thank You" that had everyone singing along and breaking that ass off at the same time. . . the characters involved: ooana crossy (both left too early) spoonyd the-id mik-E-smilz blueskygirl nycdee p00h P-Funk Daveraver then i went to work a mere three hours later. . . warm-up night complete. . . make way for the main course that is Sunday. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  7. wow. . . in a moment of non-cracked out clarity, deanna11 has a good point. . . crazy. . . and CM, my man, the minute you stop giving a flying fuck, the more enjoyable everything becomes. . . take it from me. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  8. Coldplay - Yellow not a dance track. . . it's a change of pace. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  9. 'cuz i was gonna say. . . the last time i seen ya, i didn't think you'd ever wanna see a thighmaster again. . . good to know yr "bad back" is doing better. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  10. if Coxie drops "Wack Ass Motherfucker" on Sunday. . . you'd better believe i'll be under the disco ball gettin' funky with the lovely ladies. . . jammy, where u at?? ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  11. wow. . . they really ARE like humans. . . after all, how can you say no to. sweaty, dirty SEX ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  12. first, social at Leopard Lounge. . . then downtown to see John Creamer raise the roof. . . new party, bah-bee!!! wanna know where it is?? nuh-uh. . . pm me or check back later tonight. . . only the patient will survive. . . (i'm such a tease. . . but i haven't had a day off in over two weeks. . . i've got to find something to amuse myself. . . ) ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  13. anyone up for partyin' tonight with a dashing, handsome, young stallion tonight??? well, i'll call him later to see if he's up for it. . . other than that, social at Leopard Lounge tonight. . . then off to see John Creamer lay down some phatty beats. . . see y'all there?? ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  14. sounds like deanna11 needs a good deep-dickin'. . . myrlin, shadowchaser, good luck next time. . . mattyparsons - i sure hope yr getting some fine action for the amount of abuse you pick up. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  15. check yr pms. . . yes, i'm still homeless. . . not that there's anything WRONG with that. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  16. i want to party. . . can't. . . it hurts. . . <whimper> ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  17. fuck me?? fuck ME??? hey, man, FUCK YOU!! and the whole weekend at Twilo is gonna blow Nazi dick. . . who's up for Exit?? ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  18. what's the problem? she gives great rimjobs. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  19. crack whores the lot of ya. . . makes me feel better about my life. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  20. Andrew's mom doesn't count. . . everyone's had a piece. . . BOOYAH!! ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  21. come to noiseboy. . . everything's gonna be all right. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  22. all of you will truly see noiseboy for the first time at Carl Cox/Danny Tenaglia. . . put yr seats and tray-tables in their full, upright positions. . . buckle yr seatbelts. . . do not stare directly into the light. . . do not taunt Happy Fun Ball. . . . . . in accordance with the prophecy!!! CHAKA KHAN!! ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  23. hmmmmmm. . . methinks he forgets who treaded that path before. . . s'aiight. . . when someone asked once where i was, someone said "everywhere". . . that's my style. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  24. bitch, please. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
  25. any goodies "inherited" by deanna11 will be "checked" and "sorted" by all of us here at pimpMastAflash hq. . . thank you cUm again. . . ------------------ no bullshit, no drama, just pimpin' since 1976. . .
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