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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by roby

  1. ... you've got a picture of Twilo as your wallpaper on your computer AT WORK, and have no problem explaining what "progressive trance" is to colleagues ... ... you start drinking Red Bulls at breakfast instead of coffee ... ... you consider it a good idea to quit your job and follow Sasha or PVD around the world like some late-60s Deadhead ... ... you easily throw terms like "seratonin uptake inhibitor" into a conversation .... ... you feel the need to greet everyone you meet with a big hug, including cab drivers and that teenage girl who bags your groceries at the corner store ... ... and lastly ... you spend at least two hours a day on ClubPlanet to find the next party!!
  2. Lawler's music appeals to the most basic human instincts ... the crowd was downright tribal during his set. We should have set a bonfire under the disco ball and sacrificed virgins ... Three and Quivver were basically excuses to chill out with the bootiful peeps from ClubPlanet ...
  3. Lexxxi, I will dance my tushy off in honor of you and the Pornster. How I wish, how I wish you were here ....
  4. I'll be there ... I haven't seen Twilo in over a month ... need my fix
  5. Seems like there are lot of old headbangers and classic rockers on this board. I've still got all my old vinyl ... Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, The Doors, AC/DC, Guns & Roses, etc. Still listen to 'em once in a while and then I'll switch to Digweed or Oakie .. does this make sense? I can't figure out the connection between old hard rock and modern electronic dance music, but there must be one ... there's too many fans who overlap both genres. Any amateur psychologists and/or music experts out there want to take a stab at this one?
  6. Another good idea ... watching movies. There are actually some shrinks out there who recommend "movie therapy" to some patients. Getting lost in another world - away from your problems - for a couple of hours actually does help clear the mind ... I know that I'm much more lucid and happy after I watch a film (I'm talking real films here .. porn flicks help reduce stress too, if you're so inclined). And why is everyone talking about cutting back on the clubbing? Is this some group New Year's resolution I missed out on? Don't tell me people are getting old here ...
  7. Happy New Year, baby ... the earlier suggestion of exercise is a good one ... if I feel like shit (mentally or physically) or am stressed out, I make a point of dragging my sorry ass to the gym ... zoning out for an hour on a treadmill or lifting weights (while listening to club music, of course) is a great way to forget whatever is bothering me on that day. Of course, you go to bed, get up the next morning and the problem is still usually there, but at least you've got a better chance of dealing with it if your body feels better and you've got more energy. If exercise doesn't work, go get fucked up at Twilo and bring some piece of ass home ... how can that NOT relieve stress?
  8. Thanks for clearing that up, Lexxxi. But I knew that was you .. Porn is not the type to kiss other guys ... he'd rather grab their asses.
  9. The holidays have sapped my ability to work productively ... all I can think about is when the next club night is. Maybe I'll go home early and put on some fucked up trance and dance my ass off. Anyone want to join me?
  10. Very good time last night ... not bad for last minute plans after being snowed out of LaGuardia. Props to Porn and Lexxxi for showing me the usual love and good times in Toronto. The clubs here can get pretty fucked up. Hope everyone else had a wild time ringing in 2001. See you all back in NY.
  11. Does that mean we have to have a party on February 2nd next year? (02/02/02) Groundhog's Day fiesta ...
  12. I hear ya, Al. I'm stuck in Toronto ... my flight is cancelled, of course, and it looks like I'm stuck here until at least Monday. Looks like I'll be spending my <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">New Years </a> partying with Porn and Lexxxi. But I feel for you ... being alone on <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">New Years </a> would suck HUGE. Hang in there, friend.
  13. Why does the market have to crash? Why not just a continuation of what we've had all year ... consistent disappointments in earnings and stock prices? Economics rule #1 ... busts always follow booms. And to The Regulator ... sorry for the divergence from club news, but even you've got to admit that talking ONLY about clubs in NY is boring, for cryin' out loud. A club is merely a space to party, nothing more. How much "news" do we need? We ALL know where to go, and we usually all end up there. If we can use the board for the occasional interesting digression, it might make these dreary winter days a bit more palatable .. at least until the next roll. But I do object to using to board to plan our social lives ... that's what e-mails and phones are for, people.
  14. We need a calculator to figure out the odds of ending up in a back closet at Twilo during a Sasha & Digweed night. I'll hazard a guess at 1 in 800.
  15. Unfortunately, I didn't get much into the Paris nightlife ... the business portion of my trip took up more time than I thought it would and it rained the whole time I was there. I went out one night for cocktails and attitude at the Buddha Bar, which I understand used to be cool but is now a touristy place (I was taken there as a client .. oh well). Weird DJ there .. a Hindu-ambient mix. But I must return to Paris soon as a tourist to get into the fucked up shit. London was much more fun .. I had a weekend to enjoy it before the business end of the trip kicked in. Went to Fabric and heard John Digweed spin .. he was fantastic. Great space and nice people in the room. Other than that, I did a lot of pub hopping in Covent Garden (near my hotel) and a little naughty stuff in Soho. I could live in London .. no problem. Just have to get used to getting all my booze into my system early (or learning where all the after hours boozecans are). Glad to be back, but I'm fucking tired ... too much work and jet lag ...
  16. This has been the most unproductive, anti-social weekend I've ever had. This weather just saps the life out of you ... I can't get motivated to leave my couch. But at least I've partially paid off my enormous sleep debt over the past couple of days ... but I agree that rainy day emotions can be very satisfying - if shared with others. Other than that, it's only good for watching movies and chilling out. That's why I could never live in Seattle or London or some other notoriously wet city. Although London girls are a lot of fun ... hmmm
  17. Is Twilo the place tonight? Who's DJing? I'm a little out of touch with the calendar.
  18. I'm impressed you had the ability to even come close to hooking up while on that stuff ... it totally kills your sex drive. As you found out, your attention span kinda narrows a bit - that bathtub probably provided more interesting conversation at the time. But you get an "A" for effort for doing the ol' CF at a party on Miami Beach. Horrible thought of the day - Just picture doing that now while you're stuck at work ...
  19. Looks like James and Kittie have the most interest in making this thing work. How's about you two start off the festivities ... It would be a great way to start the careers of the many potential amateur pornographers on this board by filming you guys and selling the tape ... all profits go to charity, of course - we wouldn't want to be seen as being exploitative. But we've definitely got a LOT of potential porn stars in this crew, so let's have fun. I like the orgy idea .. takes the PLUR thing to a whole new level.
  20. ... how depressing. Oh well ... gives me a chance to stay home and listen to the Digweed and Oakenfold CDs I bought over there. Nice to be back .. I missed hangin' out with the usual crowd. Anything goin' down tonight, or should I save my energy for S&D?
  21. I don't usually post to the sex board, but I have to put in my 2 cents worth on this topic. I can't believe any woman on this board is worried about her "reputation" or being branded a slut. This whole fucking site is devoted to debauched living ... drugs, kinky sex, all-night clubbing, outright criminal activity. If you have reservations about sleeping around, then you should follow what your heart tells you. But don't look to this crowd for objective advice .. this board is for serious sex fiends only. You are all wonderful sluts!! Don't go changin'!!
  22. Anyone here heard of Revolution? It's a new techno/clubbing music & lifestyle magazine. They're trying to be the Rolling Stone of the dance music scene, complete with DJ/artist profiles and stuff like that (the latest issue has a big Sasha & Digweed profile, and a "serious" story on the increase in drug raids in clubs). And each issue comes with a couple of CDs full of new music .. that's the coolest part. The subject matter may not be news for people on this board, but the magazine is still worth looking at - their website is www.planetrevolution.com.
  23. I'm another newbie who has not met anyone, so don't feel left out!! We'll all get around to meeting each other .. there's definitely a friendly vibe to this board. We've all got the same goal ... to dance and party and have fun!!! See ya soon ... maybe next week's dinner.
  24. I'm new to this board and I don't know any of you, but I'll be there at Twirl before Twilo. Most of my friends are not into this scene, so I'll likely come solo. If you see a guy around 5'10" with short dark curly hair in a shiny gray shirt, go up and buy him a drink. I think I'll also be wearing one of those "hello my name is" stickers with "Roby" on it. Could I be more dorky? Who cares? I want to meet you all and have a great time!
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