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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by roby

  1. Tomix - that's a great list! Merci beaucoup! the_Pharmacist - thanks for the tip dirtyslapper - I will be there the weekend of the 8th .. check your PMs missincognito - I will try to make it tonight to Cream .. I do want to go, but I've been fighting a cold all week and I don't want to travel sick. But a few vodka/tonics may help kill the bug. If I don't see you .. have fun while I'm gone. I'll miss ya!
  2. Seems like only the animated ones are any good these days - The Simpsons, Family Guy, King of the Hill, South Park, Daria (an overlooked show because it's stuck on MTV - that show makes me LOL every time!). Frasier is still good once in a while. Sadly, Seinfeld does not seem as enjoyable in reruns - the humor was too spontaneous, I guess, and had to be enjoyed firsthand. But how about OLD sitcoms (for us older board denizens)? I can still watch an episode of Three's Company or All in the Family or Cheers and have fun.
  3. I'm off to Europe tomorrow on a 10-day business/vacation trip .. I've got a couple of nights free in Paris, and a weekend in London. I've never been to Paris and I haven't done London in years. What's the best places to go for someone who is into electronic music and vodka? Restaurant/touristy recommendations also accepted. To those that know me ... I'll see ya in a couple of weeks. I miss the NY weekends with already.
  4. I walked by last night .. must have been 500 people outside the ABC studio checking him out. He was moving around in the block of ice and was sipping something through a straw (hot tea, I imagine. or Jack Daniels). And he was wearing what appeared to be a furry hat. Actually, it wasn't much to see. I was more fascinated by some of the passersby .. some of them were there for HOURS. First we had exciting non-stop coverage of the chad count in Florida, now we've got people staring at a guy IMMOBILE IN A BLOCK OF ICE. Has life become that boring that this is now what fascinates John Q. Public?
  5. Trippintrance64 has the right idea with the beer shots. Although I always remembered it as "The Century Club". One shot of beer per minute for one hundred minutes. Guaranteed to make at least one buddy puke. Of course, I'm kinda partial to copious amounts of vodka ... no beer belly and DAMN if you don't feel cool and sexy while drinking it (even when you're actually a sweaty slob!).
  6. Wow ... didn't realize there were so many Wall Streeters here. I thought I was the only professional/club kid/crackhead on the board. This market will remain in trouble until we have a sense as to how much the economy will slow down next year AND a sense of how much bad credit is stuck on the banks balance sheets. A lot of shitty companies got easy money the past couple of years, and the chickens are coming home to roost. This is nothing more than the bursting of a good old-fashioned bubble - perhaps the greatest investment bubble of all time. When you've got no inflation/pricing power, you can only make money by selling more volumes. And now the economy is slowing thanks to the Fed, oil, and the strong $. I still wouldn't touch the NASDAQ ... see you at 2200.
  7. da da da da DAH da DAH da You say it's your birthday! da da da da DAH da DAH da It's my birthday too, yeah! Thanks for the love, everyone. To those I saw at Twilo on Friday: thanks for making it a memorable evening/morning. To those that couldn't make it and sent a b-day greeting: YOU MISSED A GREAT PARTY!! (oh yeah, thanks for the best wishes). But alas, I'm not a young man anymore. Doing an all-nighter dancing my ass off to S&D has left me a beaten man today. A few cocktails will help ease the pain. I think I need to take a couple of weeks off from the local clubs (which I'm going to do anyway because I'm leaving for a European business trip/vacation this weekend. Yes!!) THANKS AGAIN!!
  8. I've never danced as hard as I did on Friday - the beats that S&D were dropping from 6am until 10:30am were insane. My jaw was literally dropping in shock .. just when you think they're done, they come up with something totally new and whacked out to get your ass moving (even when you're physically exhausted and the stimulants have worn off). As always, the ClubNYC crowd made the evening special (thanks for all the b-day wishes everyone!). And a hearty "job well done" to Artful and Pooh and Frodo and Jammy and Resident and Trippintrance64 and Mikey_M and the rest of the crew that stayed until the end. Another dangerous mission successfully completed. Hats off to all of you - you've served your country well. But I'm feeling it today .. getting up early for work was a bitch. My body clock is all fucked up. Clubbing takes its toll. Ugh.
  9. Ladies, my responses: Shannah - check your PMs Rachel1997 - what do you mean you won't be at S&D?!!! Thanksgiving is over, family obligations have been met. There's no excuse!! We'll miss ya, baby. And can I swap that virtual hug for a real one someday? Lexxxi - I love you too, sweetie. It's not the same when I go clubbing without you and Porn. And for the rest of you - see you under the disco ball tonight!!
  10. Clubbing has prevented me from growing too old to have fun. The vibe is too addictive to ignore .. great music, fun people from all walks of life, and the guilty pleasure of going wild while the rest of the world is passing out or is already sleeping. I'd be lying if I said the drugs weren't a big part of it too, but I've had plenty of fun experiences in clubs on nothing more than Red Bull and adrenalin. But the people are what the lifestyle is about. Friendly, non-judgemental, honest - I would describe the vast majority of the people I meet in the clubs with those words. Bottom line for me - instead of spending my late 20s stuffed into a boring suburban settled life, I have frequented clubs, and that has kept me full of energy and youth. I still enjoy going to bars and seeing live music and all the stuff I used to do. But clubs are where I really want to spend my time (much to the chagrin of my non-club friends).
  11. THANK YOU, ONE AND ALL!! One small problem .. my birthday is Monday, not today. (Close enough, Sarah ) No worries .. I fully intend this to be a weekend celebration ... you don't change the first digit in your age too often. Besides, this will be my last chance to party before my back starts giving out (just ask Charlie). The focal point will be S&D on Friday .. I hope to see all of you there. Saturday and Monday will be big booze-ups as well. As for tonight ... still up in the air and open for suggestions. As for gift ideas .. a hot young woman, some funky club clothes, and - oh yes - huge pectoral muscles!! (yes, a direct quote from Ren Hoek). Barring all that, a hug and a Red Bull will do just fine. Again, thanks for all the love everyone. I wasn't sure what kind of people I would meet off of this board, but I now know that there are some truly beautiful, fun, caring people here. I am proud to call all of you my friends. SEE YOU ALL THIS WEEKEND!
  12. You lucky shit. It's 20-below-zero out here and you're headed to a warm beach. Have a great time. And take it easy on the Cali girls .. they're not used to the in-your-face-ness of Charlie.
  13. Frodo is likely the only medical professional on this board, so I'll take his word over anything the Discovery Channel has to say. I'm with ya, Boris!! But you shouldn't assume that there are NOT any violent criminals on this board. I can think of a few candidates I've met already ..
  14. Here's a question for just4themusic .. why did you join clubplanet.com??? What are you trying to get out of this board?? If you want to talk about DJs or if you want club information, you can get it in several other places in this site. You obviously don't want to talk about partying or drug use, so why are you responding to messages like the one Apotheosis posted? Perhaps you think you were walking into a site that was EXCLUSIVELY devoted to the electronic music scene. If that is true, sorry for the confusion. Please direct your attention to the music categories elsewhere on the board. AND LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE!! NO ONE HEAR WANTS TO TALK TO MORONIC ASSHOLES WHO CAN BARELY CONSTRUCT AN INTELLIGIBLE SENTENCE!!! And to the rest of you that responded to Mikey's original post .. heed his words carefully. Remember them the next time you see a friend at a club who looks ill or disturbed. It doesn't take much energy or effort to help out a friend.
  15. Good job, Boris!! Nice catch-up after a late start ... I better get my ass in gear and post more before you pass me ... if only the topics were more interesting these days ...
  16. Let me get this straight ... there are actually people moronic enough to complain about drug use in clubs in the year 2000?!! THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR THE PAST DECADE!!! WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN HANGING OUT?!!!!! WHAT SCENE WERE YOU PREVIOUSLY A PART OF THAT HAS NOW BEEN RUINED BY "CRACKHEADS"?!!! THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THERE, FUCKHEAD!!! Sorry for the off-color language, but it burns my ass when people try to pick fights on this board for ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD REASON. Go to the clubs and dance in peace ... you need not fear crackheads. Don't talk to them and they won't talk to you. Have a good night.
  17. Welcome to our quaint neighborhood!! Some of the neighbors are jackasses, but for the most part we all are nice people who like to get together and share nice stories over tea and biscuits .. wait a minute .. what am I talking about?!! WE LIKE TO SPEND HOUR UPON HOUR AT DANCE CLUBS, IN VARIOUS STATES OF FUCKED-UP-EDNESS, ENJOYING QUALITY MUSIC AND EACH OTHER'S COMPANY!!! Share an evening with this crew and you'll be hooked for life. See you at the next party ...
  18. Had a great time on Saturday with you and the crew, Mikey (and, yes, I did pass out at Dave's. It was 5am after a Twilo night .. I lasted a LOT longer than I thought I would!!). And I still want a copy of your tape ...
  19. Since Porn is crashing at my place yet again, I guess I'm in.
  20. So now he's a 28-year old loser ... but he's our loser, Lexxxi. The only thing worse is being a 30-year old loser. Happy B-day, dude. It's all downhill from here.
  21. Oh yes .. Carter is still alive .. and he has become the one man the U.S. sends abroad to oversee elections in fucked up countries like El Salvador or Algeria (traditional hotbeds of democracy). This from the man who couldn't beat Reagan.
  22. This is not the first election in Florida that had problems. There was a mayoral election a few years ago that resulted in the arrest of 34 people for fraud and the overturning of the election result. The winner had something like 10,000 felons and 5,000 DEAD PEOPLE vote for him. But hey, they were all registered voters. WTF!! Is this fucking Central America or what? Maybe we should send Jimmy Carter down there to oversee a run-off vote.
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