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Everything posted by roby

  1. If it ain't too late, Casey, can you add my name to the list? This party looks too good to miss ... ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  2. I'm in ... Diggers will be a fantastic beginning of a big weekend for me .. heading down to Tampa tomorrow for the Super Bowl ... I'll sober up around Tuesday see you all under the disco ball! ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  3. Giants are Blue and White, and the Ravens are purple and black .... .. is there money involved in this? I want a piece of the action!! ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  4. That's some harsh shit you're smokin' ... you might want to see a doctor about that cough ... ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  5. I would tend to agree ... as long as IT doesn't involve champagne accidents ... ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  6. cool image, baby ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  7. I didn't find that champagne incident so funny ... ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft
  8. This move is classic politics .. Bush has to throw a bone to the pro-lifers, even though he knows the populace is too split on abortion to make any real changes to domestic law ... ... but after 8 years of hedonistic partying, we've got another uptight prick in charge of the world's only superpower ... .... the "dreaded R-word" in politics is not "recession", it's "Republican" ... ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft
  9. Unbelievable ... I didn't think I'd hang around the club scene long enough to hear a DJ set that could approach what Sasha & Digweed put together, but I definitely heard it last night. Howells just hammered the crowd with deeply layered thick beats ... it was twelve rounds of strong jabs, upper cuts and body blows that left the crowd beaten yet wanting more. The creativity of his work was what made the set truly special .. he pulled incredibly hypnotic grooves right out of his asshole when we all least expected it - and THAT is the mark of a great DJ. Keep the crowd on its toes and they'll come back for more. I immediately went out and bought the Howells Nu-Breed CD today .. any advice on where to find some of his other work would be greatly appreciated. And get that guy a fucking residency in NY!! See you at S&D (they've got a hard act to follow). ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft
  10. Of course ... always ready to party with the pimps and their fine bitches ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft
  11. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have no business heading out again tonight after the severe beating I put my body through last night and this morning. Having said that .. I'll see you at Twilo. I'll be the old guy with the huge dark circles under his eyes banging his head against the wall. WILL THE MADNESS NEVER END?!! ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft
  12. Worth a read, but yet another sign that Ecstasy/clublife has gone mainstream. There's a reference in the story to a doctor - late 30s, married, kids -who bought 40 pills, hired a band and had a backyard party ... EVERYBODY is doing it now .. I wouldn't be surprised if Bush was handing out pills before his inaugural speech today, if only to take the edge off the coke. The guy who wrote the article clearly knows what he's talking about from first-hand experience, as opposed to the government talking heads who try and tell us that our heads will spontaneously combust after one pill. He tries to strike a balance between how "wonderful" Ecstasy is in opening up emotions and dealing with neuroses, but how hollow your life can become if you totally rely on it for your mental well-being. It's a fine line between "beautiful person" and "crackhead" .... I crossed it a long time ago ... I'll see all of you on the other side. ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft
  13. How could I forget ... I'm already dusting off the vinyl before Vinyl ...
  14. Add me to the list ... I have yet to darken Vinyl's door, but I will this Friday. A cherry-bustin' extravaganza!!! See y'all there ...
  15. Add my name to this list ... I went to the Giants game yesterday (what a game!!) and it was one non-stop drunk ... had my first beer at 10am on our way to the tailgate and my last one at 10pm while I was introducing my new bong to my friends. Thank God today is a rainy holiday .... good day to chill at home.
  16. Seb was good, but what was with all the abrupt drop-offs? Example: he had an incredible vibe going around 7am - place was going fucking nuts - then he just killed the whole thing in three seconds . Not to a slower beat, but to SILENCE. I thought the show was over and management told him to shut down ... then he started it up again with something else. What the fuck?!! A DJ is allowed to fuck with the crowd once in a while, but he should also try and read the vibe in the room and reactions to his music (in other words, if the crowd likes it, keep playing it!!!). Despite Mr. Fontaine's toying of the crowd, it was a good set. Better than expected. And no cheese for the lactose-intolerant amongst us ...
  17. You are dead on right about Fontaine ... you knew EXACTLY what was coming next for most of the night. That's why guys like Digweed or Oakenfold are so special ... they pull beats right out of their asses when you least expect it. But Fontaine was MUCH better than expected .. as said earlier, no cheese and hard danceable beats all night. The crowd (which was much bigger than expected) was into it all night. All in all, a good performance, but not a legendary performance. It was worth the money ...
  18. Hey, Frank and Charlie ... I thought you both said last week that Seb Fontaine was too cheesy for you, so you weren't coming to Twilo ... you can't find something better to do on a Friday? You'll just have to have fun with us then ... admit it - you two are fucking Twilo-addicts, just like the rest of us See ya there ...
  19. Judging by the reponses from the board, Mr. Fontaine has plenty of NY fans, although it looks like there are a few here who think he is a little too cheesy for their liking. Should be a good-sized crowd, but with room to dance, unlike a PVD or S&D night. I've never seen him before, so I'll pass my own judgement. See y'all there ...
  20. mrdick, I know it's you - there's only one person who can TRULY be Mr. Dick, and that's you, buddy. Lexxxi told me you've infiltrated the board. There goes the neighborhood. Sorry I missed the gunplay at Guvernment (not). Didn't know it was that kind of club. Nice thing to see while all cracked out. I'm surprised you didn't just run screaming into the lake. I'll wear my vest next time I go (hope they don't use hollowpoints). You should come on down here .. the crew from this board will kick your sorry ass back to Ottawa .... later, Roby
  21. She "tries" to work out when she "possibly can" to keep her man? I think we can safely assume she otherwise sits on the couch and chows down on pizza and bon bons - thanking her god that she somehow is famous and wealthy - while Mr. Banderas is picking up some younger piece of Hollywood ass. Why are there so many stupid rich people? The rest of us have to work our butts off to stay ahead ... grrrrrrrrr
  22. Nothing interesting .. an old college nickname .. a play on my last name, Robis (and not my first name, which is Rob). Short, easy to remember, sounds like Moby (who I used to like before all of you opened my eyes and ears to real DJs .. the ones who don't sell Mazdas with their music). Also, thought if I chose something I was familiar with, I could respond when someone called out my name when I was all fucked up at Twilo. I think I need to change it. Perhaps I should use my AOL name ... "NoSerotoninLeft". Or how about "CrackheadBob"? Feels like that's what I've become these days ... see you at Twilo!!
  23. I think Guernica is a hidden jewel in this town - cozy vibe, kick-ass DJs ... thanks for the lineup update.
  24. Orgasmic ... that lineup is fucking orgasmic
  25. We are DEFINITELY running into a problem here with the size of the meetups. Is there a restaurant with good food that can handle a group of 50 or more people? That everyone on the board can afford to go to? I don't want to be negative here - I think your Japanese BBQ idea is a great one, Al - but I'm at a loss to think of a good place that will accomodate all of our needs. It looks like future meetups will have to be for drinks only ... maybe we could get some place to serve us hors d'oeuvres? A little chicken-on-a-stick or stuffed mushrooms before Twilo? Sure, Roby, whatever you say ... BTW .. KOREAN BBQ is also excellent ..
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