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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by roby

  1. Thanks Charlie .. I guess you won't be shaking hands with me next time we meet.
  2. I like the idea, Frank ... I'd much rather show up wearing shades than wearing a "Hello, my name is _____" sticker. And to those that have a problem with this idea .. lighten up. It's not like any of us are dressed to kill in Twilo anyway. People pick fights for no good reason on this board. Very sad.
  3. What happened to simply ingesting a pill via your mouth? Did that stop having the usual effect? Hey, maybe you should start shoving food up your ass .. it may help you keep fat off!! Or, if you are a smoker, you could stick a lit cigarette in there to enhance the nicotine buzz. Is the world that boring that we have to experiment like this?
  4. Can someone please explain to me why anti-social losers like this are roaming around on-line communities stirring up shit? If the people on this board are pissing you off, Jonserra, THEN DON'T TALK TO US!!! Fuck, there are some moronic people on this planet. You hate glowsticks and everything else, yet you are going to a rave-like club like Twilo. That's real smart. Fuck you!!
  5. Rainier Wolfcastle ("McBain") when he hosted his own "Arsenio"-like talk show: Wolfcastle (speaking to his "hip" bandleader, Scoey, who is wearing a shiny MC Hammer outfit): "That's a nice outfit, Scoey, it makes you look like a homosexual!" Politically correct audience boos. Wolfcastle, while pointing to the audience: "Ho Ho! Maybe you are ALL homosexuals too!!"
  6. Wow ... looks like nobody on this board is hitched up. I guess that's why we are all able to spend 12 hours on a Friday night/Saturday morning in a club dancing our faces off!! For the record, I am on my own as well. I've tended to be a classic George Costanza .. when I'm single I'd love to be with someone, but when I'm with someone I miss out on all the freedom of being single!! So I've decided to stay free as a bird and have fun. Makes sex harder to come by, though not impossible. Also means I'm keeping the call girls of NYC busy (as well as my right hand).
  7. I turn the big 3-0 at the end of the month. Am I too old to go clubbing? Fuck no!!!
  8. This is all-time favorites list, in no particular order: Wayne Gretzky (I was born and raised in Canada, I've GOT to mention him first!), Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Kareem Abdul-Jabaar, Muhammed Ali, Marvin Hagler, George Brett, Mario Lemieux, Joe Montana, Rocket Ismail (only at Notre Dame), Mookie Wilson (ya gotta love Mookie!), the young Roger Clemens (not the old asshole), Walter Payton (RIP Sweetness), the duo of Christian Laettner and Bobby Hurley at Duke in the early 1990s, Wesley Walker (my favorite Jet of all time - the man had a glass eye, for crying out loud!) ... I'll think of more later ...
  9. Many lines from the episode where mr. Burns ran over Bart and the Simpsons sued Mr. Burns: Burns' lawyer: "My client would like to remind the jury that he is wealthy and not like other men." Burns: "I should be able to run over as many children as I want!!" Lionel Hutz (Simpsons' attorney): "Mr Simpson, the law forbids me from guaranteeing you a big cash settlement, but just between you and me, I'm guaranteeing you a big cash settlement! My fee is 50%" Homer (upon losing the million dollar settlement because Marge fessed up that Bart's injuries were faked, and questioning his love for Marge): "Ah sweet beer!! My love for you will never die." And on this election day... Barney: "an election? that's one of those deals when they close the bars, isn't it?" More Gumbel, after Homer tells him how he is trying to set up Marge's homely sister: "Just wheel her in, Homer. I'm not a picky man!" ------- I've got plenty more where this came from ...
  10. I'll be there, Al, with my best dancing shoes on! See ya there.
  11. It ain't mumbo jumbo, it's merely life. If it wasn't confusing, we wouldn't care so much about it. I think I owe you a vodka/Red Bull and a big hug on Friday for making you deal with an impromptu psychology seminar.
  12. Sorry for making you the class project .. this is far more interesting subject matter than my job this afternoon. I'd volunteer my love life for public consumption, but it is far too boring. That's the price you pay for living in the ClubNYC spotlight, Kathy (complete with newfound enemies. That MisssKittie imposter is an asshole!).
  13. It's pretty crowded under that rock ... I've spent plenty of time there.
  14. I've always been a blunt guy, Kathy ... speaking candidly always gets the best results because it gets people to think honestly. (don't you hate talking to an old guy like me?). You should always reflect on past relationships as you move forward .. you learn from your mistakes. But you have to make those mistakes first .. I never understand people who marry their high school sweethearts - don't you have to screw up a few relationships before you figure out who is "the one"? Don't fear a new relationship. No one likes messy breakups, but the fear of it should not keep you from getting involved at all (believe me, I know .. that's how I've always been running my love life. So I tend to be single more often than not). Keep on partying and having fun with your friends, and see what kind of companions life throws at you. Just don't shy away from it, and definitely continue to talk about it with those you care about.
  15. Ahhh .. now we're getting to the heart of the matter. Do you want to overcome your basic animal horniness and have a meaningful relationship with just one person (male or female)? You sound confused, which probably means you do want something monogamous but are afraid of getting burned by someone who doesn't share that belief.
  16. Debates about music and venues are fine, as long as all opinions are informed. You shouldn't shit on a club or a musical style (or a movie or a book or whatever) unless you've experienced it firsthand. If you go to a club and hate it, fine! As long as you don't hate it just because you heard about it secondhand. Noiseboy is right .. have fun wherever you are. But if you don't like a scene after experiencing it .. dont' go to that scene anymore! Simple.
  17. Serious melancholy for a Monday afternoon, Kathy. The "problem" remains one of impossible expectations when entering a relationship. Monogamy is not a natural state for humans ... we're all just horny monkeys, despite our fancy computers and psychologists. You've got to CHOOSE to be with someone exclusively. How can you know enough about that person until you've spent lots of time with them, in and out of bed? So until you know that person well, you'll have wandering eyes (among other body parts). I'm not defending the act of sleeping around, I'm just trying to explain it the way I see it. You may disagree. Any other thoughts?
  18. That outburst came from out of the blue!! Are you sure you're not dating one of these guys? Can we dump on women who cheat on their men as well? Wouldn't want this to degenerate into a pure guy-bashing thread ...
  19. ... and by the way, Frank, nobody on this board says more with fewer words than you. It is a skill you must teach the others (although Stephon comes close). Perhaps you could write a PVD haiku for us. See you Friday.
  20. I'll be ready, Mikey ... don't worry about me. We shall chill again. Listening to PVD as I write this ...
  21. Perhaps the only thing worse than a dull post is a response to a dull post that does not develop the original post into something more meaningful or interesting ... hey, just like this!!
  22. I'm so there. I've just recently been turned on to PVD, and his are the only CDs you'll find in my player these days. I deliberately avoided the clubs this weekend to save all my energy for Friday. The whole board is pumped for this one .. looking forward to getting fucked up with all of you once again. And make sure you follow Noiseboy's earlier advice - prep that body for the torture you'll put it through on Friday!
  23. Whoops .. somebody took my comments the wrong way. I'm not very good at making subtle sarcasm come across on the board, I guess. I just think it's hilarious that on a quiet Friday afternoon we can talk at length about absolutely nothing. I was just trying to find new subject matter. I'm not into cutting people up on this board .. that's for the drama pages!!
  24. I'm impressed, dearest Kittie ... over 30 responses to a meaningless topic. What power you hold over the men of this board ... all you have to do is talk about your pants and we go mental. Any mechanical difficulties with your bra that we could discuss? Are you even wearing one?
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