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Everything posted by roby

  1. Well done, Frank .. I usually find all the drama on this board boring, but you found the perfect subject to pick on - an intellectual lightweight. Those are the best people to provoke, because you can always count on them to say something that reveals them to be a moron. Hats off, my friend ... this was one of the funniest verbal battles I've read in a while. And you won hands down. ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  2. There are basically three categories of people in clubs: 1) Devoted fans who are there for the DJs and music 2) Hard core partiers who are there for the drugs 3) Clueless hipsters who are there because they've heard that clubs are the place to be (and the place to be seen). I started off as a cross between 2) and 3), but now I've morphed into a 1)-2) combo. But the DJs are what bring me into the clubs now .. rolling makes the evening more interesting, but I've had some wild Red Bull/ephedrine nights as well (not that the use of those substances is morally superior to rolls or K or anything else seen in the clubs. At no time can I claim the moral high ground in any aspect of my life). I'd love to go to a club on nothing but bottled water, but I'd fall asleep by 2am in that case. I'm an old man who needs his rest. Can't say I've had a bad roll that has turned me off future rolls (yet?). Just gotta learn to control the urges and resist the peer pressure sometimes ... ... although, damn, it's hard!!! That's my story ... anyone else feel the same way, or am I just a confused crackhead? ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  3. That sounds like a terribly uncomfortable ailment you've got there, Ooana ... it's great to hear that you're responding to treatment. Get well soon, babe!! We all miss you and want to see you 100% healthy back on the dance floor! And Chris ... you're a good man for taking care of Oo. ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  4. roby

    Ass Mania!!!!

  5. I just posted this on Lexxxi's later thread, but I repeat for the rest of you who got to the story earlier... I believe this is the 422nd time they've lobbed bombs at Iraq since the end of the Gulf War. Why are the news wire services making such a big deal of this one? Slow news day ... ... or perhaps this is being done by a faction of the U.S. military that is still loyal to Bill Clinton, as a way to distract media attention from the Marc Rich/pardon fiasco. Wasn't every other U.S. missile attack of the past 8 years simply a smokescreen to cover Clinton's transgressions? Maybe now the Republicans are learning that shit actually happens in the world and not everything is some sort of sleazy Clinton move ... ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  6. I believe this is the 422nd time they've lobbed bombs at Iraq since the end of the Gulf War. Why are the news wire services making such a big deal of this one? Slow news day ... ... or perhaps this is being done by a faction of the U.S. military that is still loyal to Bill Clinton, as a way to distract media attention from the Marc Rich/pardon fiasco. Wasn't every other U.S. missile attack of the past 8 years simply a smokescreen to cover Clinton's transgressions? Maybe now the Republicans are learning that shit actually happens in the world and not everything is some sort of sleazy Clinton move ... ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  7. What a terrible story, Casey ... the body of evidence proving that Twilo's management are total thugs and criminals is growing exponentially ... not only do they have a near-monopoly on all non-NY-based DJs in our fair city, but they are also singularly interested in making as much money as possible, without regards to human life or dignity or basic civil rights ... and we pay big money for this treatment!! It hurts that we, as fans of the world-class talent Twilo assembles, must put up with the excessive pricing, rude staff, racism, bigotry, overcrowding and generally unsafe conditions. What's even worse is that I can repeat the last sentence for the majority of the big clubs in New York. At a minimum, this town needs at least one more club that can compete with Twilo for the "name" DJ market. If those guys had to actually try to win clients away from another club, they might improve their treatment of all guests. But that would not stop the minority-bashing in other clubs like Exit. And as some of the out-of-towners are telling us, racism/bigotry is not unique to the NY scene. The bottom line is that modern dance clubs are simply not nice places. Huge crowds of teenagers and young adults cracked out of their minds and whipped into a frenzy by intense music - that kind of faceless, dangerous dynamic just invites mistreatment by dim-witted, criminal management who view each member of their clientele as nothing but a $35 crackhead. Try as we like to wish away racism in clubs, it just ain't gonna happen with mobsters and morons in charge. Yes, this is a defeatist point of view, but does anyone here honestly think we can "educate" these fuck-ups about racial sensitivity? You've just got to realize that you are entering a dangerous, racist room when you walk into a club. Act accordingly. ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  8. Damn ... my company is sending me on yet another business trip ... meetings on Monday, which means no DT/CC for me ... grrrr ... have a great time, everybody ... somebody get me a bootleg of both sets!! ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  9. Crackheads and bitches Crackheads and bitches I gotta get me some crackheads and bitches! ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  10. The kiddies are on their way ... you gonna provide the nasty ho's? ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  11. Hey! You forgot about me! Wasn't I on the original list? I posted my confirmation yesterday on your original thread. I'll be there! ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  12. Whatever restaurant you guys choose works for me .. I'm in the WTC, so it's a short hop away. What time are we meeting? ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  13. Congrats, Frank ... it was only a matter of time. I guess we'll now be seeing even more of you in Twilo, if that is possible. ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  14. Diggers is my number one right now, but my all-time fav was, and still is, Underworld. Yeah, they're more like a performing "band" than a club DJ outfit, but they had this minimalist, understated intensity with their music ... totally hypnotic, undeniably unique and extrememly danceable. Darren Emerson's spinning was so creative, while Karl Hyde was able to turn a pure vocal into a dance beat. I'm glad I got to see them at the Hammerstein a couple of years ago before they faded out of the scene. ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  15. For those of you that have not seen Dr. Howells before ... THIS GUY IS ONE OF THE TOP 5 DJs OUT THERE!!! Run, don't walk, to Twilo on March 17th .. see y'all there! ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  16. Prepare yourself, baby ... this will be a truly savage, Hunter S. Thompson-esque weekend ... I figure to lose around 10% of my brain on this trip (not like I have a lot left to spare) ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  17. Mr. Dick, you will see me in Toronto this weekend ... fire up the party favors And I would co-ordinate any NY visit with Lexxxi and Porn ... those two owe me a whole shitload of visits ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  18. Wow ... someone giving ME drama!! I'm now officially a "somebody" on the board! Thank you!! ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  19. Lexxxi, baby, you and the Pornster were on my mind the whole evening. It was a great party with all of our great friends from the board, and I wanted to make you two feel like you were down here with us. I'm glad to hear that my plan worked .. I think I'm going to start bringing cardboard cutouts of you two to the meetups .... .. although a couple of inflatable love dolls may be a better idea, knowing you two as well as I do. ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  20. Casey should pursue a new career as an event planner. From the excellent choice of restaurant, to the professionally-done name tags, last night went off without a hitch. Given the huge crowd of rowdies and malcontents in attendance, that is a major accomplishment. Great job .. thank you, thank you, thank you! BTW .. nice to see everyone in their non-club attire .. I'm surprised that so many of you own belts and nice shoes ... ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  21. Actually, I've been using the pictures I took to fill in the memory gaps ... but, hey, at least I stayed out of jail!! ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  22. no shirt if you're a guy ... some shirt that is two sizes two small if you're a girl .. enjoy!!!! ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  23. serotonin-deficient ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  24. Just got back last night from four insane days in Tampa, Florida, where I watched our local sports team get the living snot beat out of it by some team called the Ravens (I suppose the next expansion team will be the Los Angeles Pigeons or something like that). Here's my story for those who care: I arrived on Saturday after finishing John Digweed's set at Twilo on Friday .. life without sleep is actually quite interesting. I then went to a dinner with a bunch of other boring old guys who were along for the trip (this was a big corporate boondoggle ... a waste of cash, but I can't complain). Sean Landeta, the Giants All-Pro punter from the 1980s, joined us at dinner and offered us many stories of the G-Men's locker room back in the day (including some great Lawrence Taylor stuff .. "LT used to get by on very little sleep - I don't know how he did it" .. we know how he did it, Sean, he was on coke!!! For ten fucking years!!). Unfortunately, Mr. Landeta would not tell us about his glorious bachelor days in Manhattan, when he was the guy who dated Marla Maples before the Donald got his grubby paws on her. We then retired to Ybor City, which is the Bourbon Street/cheap bar neighborhood of Tampa. They had this festival going on (Gazpirilla, some sort of tribute to the pirates and swashbucklers of Tampa's past) that was a mock Mardi Gras, complete with guys offering girls beads for exposed breasts. I haven't seen that many tits in a while, so it was a good thing. Saw plenty of Giants fans complete with mullet-heads (short hair on top, long in back) and thin mustaches. Must all the NY fans look like low-lifes from the Bronx, or worse yet, from Newark? Ay carumba ... We were at the Sports Illustrated "Celebrity" party, which actually had very few celebrities (a couple of NFLers like Kurt Warner and Steve Beurelein, but that was it ... no super-models who, not surprisingly, would not show their pretty little heads in that kind of mob scene). We would have loved to experience Tampa's famous ballet (re: strip clubs), but the long lineups and excessive police presence kinda turned us off. For the record, this was the biggest white trash festival I've ever scene, yet the cops were only arresting the black guys. Hey, just like New York!!! We awoke on Sunday morning to a pleasant surprise .. Joe Montana was in our hotel and would sign autographs and take pictures with our tour group!! Joe looked SO hungover, but he hung in there and answered our silly questions ("Who do you like in the big game, Joe?" "If a schlub like Trent Dilfer can make it to the big game, do you ever think about coming out of retirement?"). We then went to a couple of tailgate parties, where we hung with the likes of NBA legend Clyde Drexler and NFL Hall of Famer and current Fox Network mouthpiece Howie Long. Then off to the stadium for the big game (but not before consuming many beers and smoking many doobies). The best scene was a group of tailgaters next to the stadium with no tickets who set up a van with a huge TV (plugged into the car lighter), planted a couch and shag carpeting on the asphalt, and made a makeshift living room to enjoy the game. Good ol' American ingenuity!! On the way into the stadium, I passed by Evander Holyfield and his posse (can't that guy travel by himself? At least he wasn't singing hymns like he does before entering the ring). We had great seats: 30-yard line, 15 rows off the field. Ray Lewis did that pre-game dance right in front of us, and I greeted him with the chant of "MURDERER!! YOU KNOW YOU KILLED THEM, RAY!!! THE BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS!!!" I'm sure that endeared me to the Ravens fans in attendance. After sitting through Sting and Styx(!?) for the pre-game, we enjoyed Ray Charles and the Backstreet Boys singing the national anthems. The coolest part of that was NOT hearing the Stealth bomber fly by overhead ... damn, if that thing doesn't really work!!! If any of you are football fans, you must see a game at Tampa's Raymond James Stadium. A true fan-friendly jewel, with lots of space to move around. I've never been to a pro football game where I did not have to stand in line for the toilet until last Sunday - hats off, Tampa. You all saw the game .. boring, sloppy, all defense. The halftime show was a spectacle, but not necessarily entertainment (although I must admit Steven Tyler has an impressive physique for a man in his 70s). But at least I was able to win some cash by taking the Over (which was 32.5 points .. thank you to my bookie for taking that bet!!). And after many more beers amid the post-game fireworks/party, we called it a day. All in all, a fun weekend. This is the great American cultural festival, whether you like it or not. I hope you all have the chance to experience it at some point in your life. But after hanging in Florida for a few days, I was so glad to come back to New York. That much white trash was too much to handle for a city boy like me. Good night, and may God bless ... ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
  25. Grrrr .... for the record, ladies and gents, my first name is Rob .. Roby is a nickname based off of my LAST name (I knew I should not have picked a board name so close to my real first name) ------------------ AIM name: noserotoninleft CRACKHEADS OF THE WORLD UNITE!! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR BRAINS!!!
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