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Everything posted by luigi_scarpini

  1. where'd ya get that bump at, i thougt the yellow label factory was closed?? ----------------- c am el t oe
  2. i'm in the can honey i'm uhhhhh, uhhhhhh, uhhhh, 'takin a dump'.....yeah thats what i'm doin. ------------------------- c A m E l T o E
  3. oh shit, she found the board. Luigi's pickle is gonna be dry for a few days. dont worry folks, i will just have to take matters into my own hands... ----------------------------------- m e a t c u r t a i n z
  4. hopefully, i can yolk danny into letting me use his flashlight to put some m o o s e k n u c k l e s on display for all the like minded individuals such as ourselves. ------------------------------ c A m E l T o E
  5. i got a few, but this is a public forum and its lunch time so's i'll keep em to myself ------------------------------ m o o s e k n u c k l e
  6. right up front screamin like a fawkin madman!!!!!!!!!! Danny all night!!!!!!! FAWK YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!! ------------------------- c A m E l T o E
  7. it is my mantra... m o o s e k n u c k l e c a m e l t o e p a n t i e b a c o n M e A t C u R t A i N z t A c O s A l A d -------------------- fall into the gap...
  8. can you guess the reason why???? (hint: it rhymes with "goose-buckle") --------------------------------------------- c a m e l t o e in e f f e c t
  9. i will reveiw the talent on the dance floor then go to the can to rub out- err I mean to think about the compe'tit'ors and cum to- err I mean to reach my conclusion on who the winner is. (ha ha I said "reach my" ha ha) luv, luigi ----------------------------------------- m E a T c U r T a I n Z....
  10. You like me, you really really like me (*sob* *cry* *tear*) dammit, cant get da friggin picture to work, anyway, i luv you's all too. Please show your support for the Luigi cause by wearing your tightest mooseknuckle-condusive-est lycra stretch pants to vinyl tonight. and dont argue over the pickle, i got plenty of mayonnaise for all of ya's luv, luigi ------------------------- C a M e L t O e [This message has been edited by luigi_scarpini (edited 10-27-2000).]
  11. I say it everytime i see a beefy set of M E A T C U R T A I N Z. ------------------------------------------ t A c O s A l A d (spoonyd fawkin rocks!)
  12. EASY! just slip some GHB in their drink when they aint lookin. Works everytime. Be careful doin this at Twilo cause one of the bouncers might stuff her in the closet if you leave her unattended. ------------------------------------ m E a T c U r T a I n Z
  13. Sometimes I like to go to the can at clubs and rub one out. Especially in Vinyl and the Roxy. Not so much in Twilo since they put the cameras in, I mean who do I look like, Green fawkin Velvet? c a m e l t o e
  14. hey brandy, got a question for ya hun, ullsoutdick: whos got the second cock??? you love two right/????? does rob have a double header??? what the 'dilly-yo' you got a two for one deal goin on over there or what? and if so, what kind of moose-knucklage do ya got goin???? i need SOME kind of incentive... loves2meatycurtains (betwixt ya legs dat is) i love cameltoe, "always&forever"
  15. You forgot stage six: 6) the point of intoxication in which you decide to have sex with misskittie. just a joke, i couldn't help myself ...all in good fun.... nothing personal misskittie, it just happened to be your post. lol
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