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Everything posted by awkwardscience

  1. this thread needed a little revival this party is going to be Ill there should be more people talkin it up in any case I'll be there - personally I can't wait to see Ed rush and optical whats good with a meet-up by the way? peace Shine
  2. rotterdam terror corps - god is a gabber bumpin give the kids somethin to download seeking religion?
  3. I've been chillin with a friend of mine who is pumping nothing but wierd industrial shit and hardcore into my head its a shame I'm a late bloomer
  4. do I have to buy advanced tix? or can I pay at the door?
  5. Back in the group home days- the kids used to get all these funky meds- ritalin was one of them. They used to cheek thier meds so we would save up a nice batch of 20mg ritalins snort up like 3 each and bug- they are just speedy - good for cleaning up. stop being a puss and snort it up peace Shine
  6. Methodus tools has a decent no- pop - ups browser I think its methodus.com but not sure. You have to download thier aim program. which is fun to use to fuck with people at least using aol - and AIM. peace Shine
  7. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=53163
  8. something to consider- might be able to convince her to go with the promise of 45 minutes of live gabber- where are you spinnin- venue-location -hit me up with the 411. peace shine
  9. My friend is comin up to new york to visit and she loves hardcore -I tried to to tell her the the seen inyc and the surounding areas is pretty much dead but she insists that there has to be something -me personally I'm not one for the whole hardcore - gabber seen but I want to go with her tastes- anything decent going down on the 17th around or INYC. any info would be much appreciated - links to other sites - party info - yad-yada- anything Thanx in advnce peace shine
  10. Almost reality OR Almost Bullshit If you've seen the movie- you know what I mean. Is this movie anything like the era it represents. Whats up with the "MoJo" Peace Shine
  11. Damn you must have alot of time on your hands Me I scored 375 on the highest level - quick little fucker Does anyone know how to play that other game not memory - the other one - noone seems to no - its a common mystery Peace Shine
  12. I remember the last time Acosta stopped inyc. That was back in April - he spun at the tunnel and it was terrible. I was so gassed. I though I might actually have a good time but it was so wack. The only half way decent track he played was a 10 min remix of angel falls that I never heard - other than that he just spun a lot off his new album A.M. PM edition- it was supposed to be a record release party and only say 400 people showed up all night - and probably 350 were comps. It was a sad night to say the least- I'm sure this one won't be much different. Peace SHINE
  13. noodles and fermaldahide-oosh-goosh-goosh
  14. There is this gorgeous[sp] girl that just started working with me- and she has a tat of this eye on her arm[see below]. I was hoping to find out the signifigance of it-what it refers to-stands for- whatever. It would be a good way to spark a convo-and give me some brownie points as well. All I know is that it has something to do with a haunting I believe-any help would be much appreciated many thanks in advance peace Shawn
  15. I can't seem to find where I would upload files- Like pics for my sig. It used to be there when you replied to a thread-am I the only one that can't find it-thanx in advance Peace Shawn
  16. Don't you think the woman would have been alittle too late in her pregnancy to have an abortion? Good luck pullin that thing out-might as well give birth ------------------
  17. The government makes more $ by making things illegal than it does by taxing them-E will never be legal-it is to simple of a solution-look at the whole weed VS beer(liqour)issue for instance. The US gov. is all about money(the war against drugs is a money scam)the more people inprisoned the more gov. funding + more money they can spend sayin they are tryin to improve the situation- its your own body and mind-U should be able to do what you want with it. Shine rambles on and on PEACE Shine ------------------ [This message has been edited by awkwardscience (edited 05-02-2001).]
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