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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by awkwardscience

  1. You are a lucky man I am truly jealous - it is sure to be something you will not soon forget- Bjork is amazing - one of the best singers lyrically and creatively (damn who else could use household items to make beats and have it come out good Enjoy
  2. womans response: No Mans response: Well, would you like some Drop your worst pick up lines here...................
  3. The thing I don't get is that this thread is the image of hypocracy People scream things like I go for the music and than talk about the "fat chick in the hip huggers who should have never been let in" And then there are the people who go to SF in totally laxed clothing knowing that in some cases there is a standard as to what is let in - there are these requirements; if you will , that have to be met and you go there thinking that your the exception to the rule, but when your turned down you scream that the door person is a bitch. In my opinion if you go somewhere like SF you know what your getting into - So dress the part if you don't like it than obviously its not your seen. I personally am have no preference and this statement doesn't reflect all the places I chill - So save the drama for your mama Sci
  4. Personally I would say that you are to passive - you have had the chance to capitalize on moving in but didn't want to "rush in" and scare her away. Next time take the chance at rejection - it hurts but it will pass - plus you can never tell with woman - in this case she might just be bringing up other guys to check your reaction - see how you react. She might have an interest and like yourself not know how to go about bringing it up. All in all you should suck it up and take a chance At the worst you will lose a potential friend (who your not even interested in being friends with anyway) good luck just tell yourself no more lonely nights Sci
  5. The only suggestion I can give is do a search with the word Earth 250 threads will pop up - read them all and decide for yourself.................. Sci
  6. Face it - eventually he would have suffered the same fate as Big Pun anyway - - - - - - - - - - - -
  7. bwahahahahahahah heretic909 a modern day prophet
  8. Yea thats the kind of impression I want to make - strait off the bus. Classy - Anyway what is the age limit - 21?
  9. I myself hover around clubplanet instead of other boards because I'm used to it now---- no other reason - and I check the other boards from time to time and they just don't seem to have the "NACK" and accessability that CP has - I remember when shortly after the drama INYC CP was down - I was tight for like 4 days - I gave serious consideration to switching to EZDREAMER: (permanetly) Their board seems to run on almost the same wave length- chillin there made me realize there are a lot of board whores. Sci
  10. For just the cost of shipping I'll send you photoshop - plus like 8 other programs. If you have any music editing software or other programs I can get wrapped into - do a little exchange. Plus I'll send you a crack (which you can get anywhere but It will save you some time and effort) If your interested PM me or post and I'll set it up Sci
  11. the freakin thing looked like Jesus already ------
  12. What does the H stand for anyways ????????????????????????????????????????????
  13. So much for following advice - I popped three of those pills over the weekend - @ .5 Mil a piece - not too high then drank - these things are fucking ridiculous - @ first I felt a little sedated and then hyper - started to twitch and junk - so a friend suggested drinking to slow my body down. Not one of my smarter friends- but I'm just as dumb considering that I did so ---- anyway - the next day was terrible - my heart would speed up and down constantly - I was seeing things (but in a bad way ) and the shakes constantly. Not good - next time I think I'll ask for advice and actually follow it ---- Sci p.s. thanx for the warnings
  14. And thats supposed to be.......? If its made to be Jesus- I am highly disapointed
  15. Not only for this Sunday but for future reference too
  16. I'm curently staying with some friends out in Astoria and for sunday I want to rent a couple of scooters------------ I spent Friday night @ a couple Jazz clubs on the lower west side and then shot over to Vinyl for the reopening and I have been officially cracked out since----- I wanted to spend Sunday running around some of the hot spots in INYC - lookin to shop and truly take in everything possible (shopping , food, art exibits, etc.) in a attempt to relax - But I hate to have to take the train or numerous cabs -what is up with renting scooters - I know that it is possible - ( I satyed at a hotel that rented them to people with rooms ) but was wondering were I could rent one through some other company. Sci
  17. I second that - My schedule is Stressful too wake up @ 7:30am go to school till 1pm and then to work from 3pm to 11pm I'm ready to say fuck it and reserve my self a spot next to some bum @ port authority The weekend is almost here my friend Sci
  18. A new twist on the "Grinch who stole christmas" Every U down in Uville liked U.S. a lot, But the Binch, who lived Far East of Uville, did not. The Binch hated U.S.! The whole U.S. way! Now don't ask me why, for nobody can say, It could be his turban was screwed on too tight. Or the sun from the desert had beaten too bright. But I think that the most likely reason of all May have been that his heart was two sizes too small. But, whatever the reason, his heart or his turban, He stood facing Uville, the part that was urban. "They're doing their business," he snarled from his perch. "They're raising their families! They're going to church!" "They're leading the world, and their empire is thriving, I MUST keep the S's and U's from surviving!" Tomorrow, he knew, all the U's and the S's, Would put on their pants and their shirts and their dresses, They'd go to their offices, playgrounds and schools, And abide by their U and S values and rules. And then they'd do something he liked least of all, Every U down in U-ville, the tall and the small, Would stand all united, each U and each S, And they'd sing Uville's anthem, "God bless us! God bless!" All around their Twin Towers of Uville, they'd stand, And their voices would drown every sound in the land. "I must stop that singing," Binch said with a smirk, And he had an idea - an idea that might work! The Binch stole some U airplanes in U morning hours, And crashed them right into the Uville Twin Towers. "They'll wake to disaster!" he snickered, so sour, "And how can they sing when they can't find a tower?" The Binch cocked his ear as they woke from their sleeping, All set to enjoy their U-wailing and weeping, Instead he heard something that started quite low, And it built up quite slow, but it started to grow - And the Binch heard the most unpredictable thing... And he couldn't believe it - they started to sing! He stared down at U-ville, not trusting his eyes, What he saw was a shocking, disgusting surprise! Every U down in U-ville, the tall and the small, Was singing! Without any towers at all! He HADN'T stopped U-Ville from singing! It sung! For down deep in the hearts of the old and the young, Those Twin Towers were standing, called Hope and called Pride, And you can't smash the towers we hold deep inside. So we circle the sites where our heroes did fall, With a hand in each hand of the tall and the small, And we mourn for our losses while knowing we'll cope, For we still have inside that U-Pride and U-Hope. For America means a bit more than tall towers, It means more than wealth or political powers, It's more than our enemies ever could guess, So may God bless America! Bless us! God bless! Its sad that an old childrens story can be transformed and used to describe this event Sci
  19. You just mad my panties moist- were have you been all my life;)
  20. Bump I've heard some good things about the Jade Terrace party - but not enought to make a decision -- info? DJ's Door ploicy - jeans and sneakers or no cover you know "the usual" Sci
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