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Posts posted by firegirl

  1. "Mr. Wiest was

    the second young person in recent years whose death has been linked to the club"

    --they've got to be kidding. only 2 deaths in 2+ years and this is considered a problem?! people will always exhibit poor judgement, no matter what the environment. if he died in a McDonalds, the city wouldn't be trying to shut all fast food chains down. for the love of god! this is just too stupid for me to tolerate!

    the first thing to come to mind:

    "it ain't eazy bein greazy in a world full of cleanliness and good"

    oh, toss it all.



    "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."

  2. remember all the gatien clubs closing in the mid 90s? if those drug dens can reopen, I'm sure vinyl will be up and running again.


    btw, I haven't seen a rave since that sardine fest at Exit many months back. are they extinct?


    "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."

  3. what an eloquent way to say a simple thing. I've always thought that...there are 40 y/o girls and 18 y/o women...it's a state of mind, not a state of body.


    Originally posted by vampienyc10:

    one is not born a woman, one becomes one


    "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."

  4. you coincidently hit the best clubs on their best nights. karma high five to you.

    lil' insiders tip for your next visit, check out TimeOut NY and other nightlife guides, see which clubs are listed as the "hottest" (note, not "best") clubs...and avoid those like the plague. that'll pretty much ensure a good time.



    "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."

  5. is this declaration prompted by something in particluar or are you just having a "I am woman, hear me roar moment" this morning?

    I kinda like CHIC--Crazy Hot Intelligent Creature...for some reason, I prefer to leave the "K" off, I like the double meaning...I think I'm the only person who does that.



    "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."

  6. um...guys?...I believe that's called severe dehydration. e is one of the few drugs that actually causes dehydration while it works. add to that hours of sweating while dancing. plus e raises your body temp and increases your heart rate. and not many people want to stop and have a meal while rolling.

    ...all that together means a possible temporary weight loss. to give you an idea of how severe that is for your body, the most fat/weight your body can actually lose per week is only like 2 lbs. which means everything else is vital fluids.

    so be good to yourself! drink lots and lots and lots of water, gatorade, juice, etc. do NOT drink alcohol, that will further dehydrate you. if you bring a baby bottle with you you may be more inclined to continue drinking (snip the nipple opening so it's larger).


    rave fairy


    as a final tidbit, I believe that most hospitalizations or deaths while on e occur because the person's body temp reached an exceedingly high level (or they did the drug cocktail)--not from the actual drug itself.


    "I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."


    I used to have cravola hair (crayola + rave) ...first pink, then blue. I'd wear it in high pigtails when I'd go clubbing and stick several mouth-size glow sticks in the bands. this served several purposes:

    1) I became the favored trip toy

    2) friends who were meeting me at the club could easily find me

    3) I was the homebase beacon when the group got seperated

    4) it gave me that "special" feeling


    recently, I became inexplicably annoyed at having hair and took the clippers to it... digging it, but...


    how does a rockstar pixie-ravechic reclaim her fabulousity with a 'do that's somewhere between "spritely" and "questionable sexual orientation"? I can't bear the thought of going out "spunkless." oh the plight of the creatively addicted.




    I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire...

  8. lordy, girl! calm down!

    a) ain't no embarrassment here

    B) you're a cutie

    c) you gave him your # saturday...it's only MONDAY

    if he has any kind of life, he was probably out and about during the weekend, which didn't give him much time to call. he's also probably trying to avoid (perceived) geekedom by waiting a bit. I mean, if he called you 2hrs after you gave him the #, he'd feel desperate.

    I don't know the circumstances under which you gave him your #, but just be friendly too him. pop over and ask how his weekend was, what he did. see if he wants to grab lunch together. if you're really diggin him, mention some hot night that's happening this week and see if he wants to meet you there. be friendly and casual. and for pete's sake, take a breath.





    I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire...

  9. AAAHHHH! so jazzed by this thread.

    I'm at the big 3-0, mentally going on 2-0.

    what a kick that there's a crew of you who didn't get into the club scene til the late 20s or early 30s. and all this time I thought I was the only kook.

    just a little amusing anecdote for you agers:

    I was at vinyl a few months ago and this nice guy grooved up and hung with me for a couple of songs. he introduced himself & told me his age (18). when I reciprocated (30), his face when blank for a moment. then he said "how nice that people your age still do this". then promptly went off to chat up a pony-tailed young-un. ...not that I'm trying to rob the cradle, I just thought it was fun to have some company for a bit, but man, was that funny.


    in the words of Jimmy Buffett:

    I'm growing older but not up

    my metabolic rate is pleasantly stuck

    let the winds of time blow over my head

    I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead

  10. Twilo's a free-for all. depends on the time of night and the night itself. chelsea boys, rave kids, very ordinary looking folks. I've even noticed some model-y types. its a scattering. dress in what makes you feel good, like rockstar good, not cozy slippers good.

    fyi, I usually "dress" a bit more going to twilo than vinyl, but that's more coz I can than I feel I have to.


    Originally posted by molly525:

    Speaking of dress codes, I've never been to twilo...What is the dress code there? Dressy or casual? I always go out dresses up. How should I dress for Twilo?

    Thanks in advance cwm9.gif

  11. hey, sorry to hear about your harrassing experience. I've had similar experiences and I've found that it mostly depends on the club/bar. I've never been harrassed at vinyl or twilo or a rave. but if I go to an uptown club, especially to the vip rooms, I meet the most disrespectful childish boys. I'm guessing it's a cultural thing, a way of acting that is acceptable in certain (and unfortuantely common) social circles.

    granted, clubs can be a very sexually charged environment and simple flirtatous interacting can be a lot of fun. however, most times I just gone out to have a good time with friends and dance til I sweat. uninvited company and rude behavior are a real bummer and usually puts a sour note on my evening. I find that some guys just can't fathom that every woman at a club did not arrive with the sole purpose of getting it on with them.

    I'm very polite but upfront and outspoken if I feel someone is crossing a line and I'm amazed at how many men won't respect the word "no." I once had a guy following me around a club and dancing with me even after I continually pushed him away, pointed to the door, and shouted that I did not want him anywhere near me.

    another time I had a guy turn suddenly verbally violent with me because I politely asked him to stop touching me (I wasn't even talking to him, he kept stroking me from behind while I was talking to my friends in a effort to creep in somehow). the argument escalated to the point that my friend was about to get the bouncer because she was afraid the guy was going to hit me.

    I've found the harassment falls into one of 4 categories:

    It's either the guys who think that coming up behind you and grinding your ass with their pelivs is an appropriate way to say hello. [hint to men: at least look a woman in the face before attempting to impress them with your pathetic molesting that tries to pass as dancing.]

    or the guys who think a friendly smile and two words of conversation is a green light for them to be constantly touching you. [hint to men: if you need to constantly stroke a stranger, buy a cat...or a blowup doll]

    or the guys who feel the need to keep putting their hand on your back or try to lead you around with their hand around your waist as a way of marking their territory while talking to you. [hint to men: if you need to leash someone, get a dog; and unless you've had her tongue in your mouth, don't start branding her as "yours"]

    and of course, the worst are the guys who just outright grab you on the floor. the only rationale I can think of this is either a) they still have some adolescent need to get a grab & run back to their friends and giggle that they "touched a boobie" or B) they think this is a sexy macho way to let a woman know they think she's hot. [hint to men: in either case, seek counseling]

    anyway, sorry I can't offer any solutions here. the only thing I have found that helps is my choice of location, becomming friendly with the bouncers, and a very loud aggressive voice. and of course, double knotting. : )

    hope your future outtings are more pleasant.

  12. big vinyl devotee, haven't been able to go much in the past month coz i've been sick. just heard about the raid...horrors...any word on when they'll be back up?

    and I can't believe they got raided of all clubs...they've always been a low drug use club, hell I've heard that years back they'd even confiscate aspirin and glitter at the door coz they were so anti-drug.

    if vinyl goes the way of the gatien closings in the 90s I think I'll go insane.

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