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Everything posted by flying_high

  1. wow it's that all it takes to have a guy drop his pants and have his ass attended to in the middle of Vinyl ....damn, why didn't tell me anyone before I met my baby :laugh:
  2. flying_high


    lol...Lina, I totally understand you... what I was trying to say is that I hate those lies that don't have ANY reason (the "what did you have for breakfast" for example......I mean, come on, who cares, what does it matter, where is the benefit...etc.). Bella....well, I do know that there are some people out there that lie out of habit. I once had a friend and she would constantly lie...stupid little unnecessary lies...I do believe that she just did it cause it gave her a thrill... kind of "will I be caught or can I get away with it"... it's pretty sad I think
  3. ...lol...yeah that's true too...but then let me think (and more importantly visualize) the situation.... .... Vinyl... everyone is jumping around and getting really sweaty...Moony is taking a bite (or rather taste full) off djjon's tasty ass...in front of everyone else....3 times...... that's even for THIS sexboard too much:laugh:
  4. ...better not believe anything today...it's April 1...also knows as fools-day, right?!? But hey, that's just my thought on that one...
  5. flying_high


    Lies suck and are stupid...especially those that don't make any sense and are about petty little non-important issues. Actually I have to say that I can't really remember having lied about those things (just referring to Lina's statement that everyone has at some point)...at least not those lies that don't have any reason. Sure sometimes you feel like you have to...maybe because you don't want to hurt the other person, or you don't want to start a whole discussion about certain things. When it comes to those stupid, no reason lies though...I really can't understand them. I do think that people that lie for no reason, about unimportant things - have issues...maybe they feel that the truth is not interesting enough, or they just want to see how far they can go with their lies..... either way, those people are pretty sad ones imo.
  6. Mmhhh...that is really weird...I mean, you say you "want him"...want him for what I mean I don't know, it's hard to be attracted to someone...but than aren't really attracted to that person... I don't know, but this all seems very confusing to me.... ...unless you are rather attracted to the thought of him wanting you and that's why you don't want to let him out of your life (been there and done that, I have to admit,....so I understand that notion ).
  7. ...well, exactly my point...and that's why I don't have a pager or wouldn't give a pager to my baby either... Get a cell phone for crying out loud and then the whole problem of finding a public phone, quarters or just a nice person that lets you use their cell phone...becomes negligible.
  8. I agree with spygirl here...everyone is handling chaos, stress and certain situations in a different way and maybe he really didn't want to talk to anyone at that moment. He called you in the evening and explained to you what had happened....so I really wouldn't make too much of a deal out of it (btw: I also hate those paging things....it's like calling a dog to IMMEDIATELY answer my call...and who wants to react immediatelyat a person's call). The second part of your story...doing "better things" when they arise and ditching you...well, that's a total different story....that just plain out shows that he doesn't really care too much. If I'm really into a person...than honestly, I'd rather spend my time with them than any other crazy party or something like this. Well, bella... good luck to you...and I hope you make/made the right decision.
  9. Can someone say 'romantic'...wow, who would have thought.... Nice idea though siceone...and good luck to you nitro...however you decide to propose
  10. I do believe that bellaragazza's statistic is probably right...only a small percentage of the population is naturally beautiful (these are the people whob are considered beautiful by a majority of people... not depending on each individuals preferences). The rest of us, I think is average, which doesn't mean we aren't beautiful. It just might take a little bit longer for our beauty to show, meaning the inner beauty will show through and enhance the positive points of our appearance (reducing the negative aspects). I've met so many good looking people whose beauty just started to fade away once their "inner ugliness" showed through....and so many average peoople became the most beautiful people in the world...once you got to know and love them for who they are.
  11. Actually those pics really make me laugh...I'm sitting here now and think of the scenario.... ... the woman just sitting down (as she definitely won't be able to put more than one penis in here mouth...so oral is out of the question) and multiple men standing around her, jerking off.... ....what a scene
  12. Mmhhhh thanks girlies for answering.... I guess I'm a bit more knowledgeable now ...although I guess it's just not for me. I keep on playing with my baby and no worries I don't think I'll ever have him bend over for me, so I can spank...hahaha See that's the thing...the whole idea just makes me laugh and I find it amusing...nothing erotic and sexual at all....I guess I'd never had the "naughty little girl" spank when I was a kid (and I'm also not too good with authority figures period....so there goes that fantasy ). Anyway, everyone else....have fun and I'll remember to spank you hard next time I see you
  13. Thanks tasty...you're the best....I knew I could rely on you to at least try to explain certain things. BTW: yeah you got the whole "chase the frenchman through the apartment" scene, pretty much down Anyway, I guess I can see you're point of view and why you might like that...the only question that I still have (and just tell me to shut up if that is too much detail asked here).... ...do you just lay on someone's lap and wait for it to happen, are you rather quiet throughout it or do you make "sobbing" noices... ...or do you even laugh through it. Sorry for all those questions...it's just something that we've been talking about...and I could never really picture.
  14. Sorry for always coming up with some questions here but it's the time of the day again. I know that a lot of you girls enjoy a spanking (the getting spanked that is) and it seems that there are also guys out there that enjoy the active part of spanking a girl. I do understand the part of spanking someone...as I do enjoy immensily to just do exactly that to my bf....although he is rather running and telling me to leave him alone...it's supposed to be the other way around etc. etc..... Here is where I'm a bit stuck.... I guess I enjoy the act as he is running and it's rather a kind of game between me and him.... BUT.... what is it really that turns you girls on about getting spanked, and do you just lean over and the guy spanks you...do you moan in the process or what do you do.....I just can't picture the whole scene.... ....and as I always have those conversations with my baby...I thought where better to come than here in order to get an idea and some answers.....SO PLEASE DON'T LET ME DOWN NOW Happy Spanking to everyone
  15. Are you serious????? Itchy nipples mean my boobs are growing...oh noooooooooooooo, damn, I thought I had left that age and stage behind me a long time ago....damn it
  16. totally agree with moonie on this one. The one above your boobs still looks pretty sore...ouchhh the clit one though....really nice
  17. flying_high


    ...me too....does this mean I'm a freak....ooohhhhh noooooo
  18. Oh regarding the eyes being the windows the the soul...I'll find really dark sunglasses much much worse...they really make me feel creepy as I always feel like I'm talking to a "soulless wonder"
  19. Oh Dee....how could you?! I was always thinking of getting myself some green contacts....just so I can switch back and forth between brown and green eyes... ...now I'm really confused on how it would make me look like (I've never tried them and I don't really know too many people that have colored contacts)....mmmhhhhh
  20. flying_high


    mmmhhhh....why shouldn't or wouldn't I ...it's fun, I think
  21. ...you're in an idiot!!!
  22. Yeah that's what I first thought too..but then I would feel really bad if the first time would entail the words: "TOO hard" and needs a smilie in pain :worry2: attached
  23. Considering that I'm not giving out bj's to anyone...actually I first have sex and THEN use my mouth and lips on someone...so hence, my answer would be a definite NO...not even if he is hot
  24. Why on earth did that thread get moved to the Drama Board??????????????????????
  25. That is a pretty difficult situation you are in. The thing is that you are still pretty young and of course one could argue that you should just live the moment and see where it is going...yes he might even change his mind after a while. I guess, I wouldn't give up as yet and would still hold on to the love you have for eachother (if he, indeed, loves you as much as you think and as you love him). The other truth told though...I definitely wouldn't want to wait 15 years for him to plan on a family. I mean, while he is a man and hence nature doesn't limit his ability of having kids, a 38 year old woman, is already considered a risk-pregnancy. So, if kids are something that you would not like to miss in your life....than I guess you have to reevaluate the situation once he leaves here in 2 years...and waiting might not be an option. The question really is, I think, are you ready and is your current relationship worth, the heartache you MIGHT experience in 2 years time????? Truth is, you never know where life will bring you and although no one else ever has an expiration date attached to their relationships....you never know when it will end (and the end might be already lurking behind the next corner anyways). So I guess, I would go for it and just see where it leads you. See, when I first met my bf, he was supposed to move to San Diego 3 months later. I've experienced a long-distance relationship before and it didn't work out that time...so I wasn't really too happy of having that thought already in the back of my head from the moment we started going out together.....well, things change, he moved to San Diego only to realize 3 weeks later that he doesn't want to go through with that and that he loves me more....so he moved back and we live together now. Well, I guess you never know what happens and a fortune cockie once told us (when we started dating): "Live like your future was uncertain!!!" ...well, good luck to you
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