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Everything posted by bastardino

  1. Mne nushna vasha pomosh. Ia ishu horoshah new yorkskih shluh for pimping. Oni dolshna bit ruskie s bolshimi shopami. Esli koto to imiet information nashet atovo ia budu ochen blogodaren
  2. Kto zdes lubit ebatsa v shopu?
  3. I dont know but this is kinda becoming a patter. I dont know about yall but I don't feel comfy going to hear a Gay DJ spin. Such as JV or DT. Is it possible for these guys to keep their private life in closet and pretend they are straight so I could go to their clubs without being afraid of being attacked by a colin cowboy? Am I the only one that feels this way?
  4. I'm sorry but please correct me if i'm wrong but everything I say in this post is the god damn truth. I get there and there is a mile long line of morons trying to get in. Anyway, I'm hooked up so I walk right in. Inside I am even more dissapointed than outside. I think I would have had more fun watching Paint Dry. There is ten million underage asians and other kids. Running around screaming that they want ecstacy. I asked why, they said this muzik is horrible and we need to get fucked up in some way to enjoy it. So i left.
  5. to have sex with. I personally prefer sheeps. Can't really say why but it's just something about their personality. What about the rest of you?
  6. Is it me or am I sensing that people on this board a little ignorant and are just a little bit afraid that this may be the damn truth? That's right ya all. It is the damn truth. No one in the world could enjoy these ridiculous repetetive beats that take zero talent to make while being sober.
  7. I think so. I think this is even worse when hippies used to smoke weed to enjoy grateful dead. House music and trance are so bad, they're unstandable without being in an altered state of mind. Does everyone agree with me?
  8. you dumb mother f's don't even realize that your muzic sucks so bad you need to be in an altered state of mind to appreciate it.
  9. Nuff said you dumb druggie mother fuckers. DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Your retarded weed and exctacy related web sites are directed and organized by fucking druggies such as yourself. They are useless and do not contain any real information. Regardless of the Drug or quantity of the drug you ARE contributing to the crime problem. I never said that 100% of crime was resulted from drugs but 80% is. That's a h ell of a lot. So next time you get mugged by your house you know who to blame your crapatinos.
  11. Can this thing be bought any other place than Internet? Do they sell it at sex stores down at the village for instance?
  12. You bunch of Ignorant fucking assholes. What you dont realize is that every country in the world has drugs banned. FOr a fucking reason. Look at fucking Netherlands, they have drugs such as Pot legalized and it's fucking chaos. Their crime rate and people addiction to Pot rate skyrocketed. Now they don't know what the fuck to do. DO some research before you answer you turds.
  13. I can't believe that we are surrounded by fucking assholes that do drugs in this day and age. Knowing everything we do, phsysical and psych effect on human body that they have you still have all these morons doing drugs at these clubs. You all should fucking hang I say. And next time you see a crime story being covered on TV you should look at yourself as being part of the problem. Every time you buy that bullshit pills you are contributing to murders, rapes, robberies and etc because it all ties into drugs. Every country's GOv't recognizes that the biggest problem with drugs is associated with Crime. Crime's roots are drugs and everyone who does them should be locked up to say the least.
  14. For all you retards that just go and repeat some stupid ass rumor that some fucking asshole started I am going to clear it all once and for all. TWILO DOES NOT Have the best sound system. That goes for NYC and especially the world. There are dozens of places in US as well as internationally where the sound systems make TWilo's make like 15 boom boxes taped together. In NYC, VINYL, SF, and Exit are just some. Internationally, HOME, Fabric in england and Guvernment in Toronto are examples of some others. Stop repeating bullshit that other people started.
  15. I have heard a lot about it in a few posts, my question is where the hell can I get this thing? And how much is it.
  16. If you are a dude having sex with a girl unprotected on regular basis and you use the plain old "pull out method" what are the chances she will get pregnant. Has anyone had any experience with this. What are you thoughts.
  17. I gots two words for ya, FUCK OFF
  18. Im sorry but on the serous note, PVD is completely overrated. Just like all the other DJs. I think half of the people on this board could do the exact same shit if they had his records. You guys worship a guy who plays other people's music. That's plain sad. SO as i had state in the Subject line PVD blows fat cocks it's true. And also notice how i said Cocks not Cock because he blows a multiple of cocks. That's plain Sad. Im sorry.
  19. I don't know what the fuck your guy's problem is but I have voice stream and I have never had a problem with it. And I even have one of those free phones that you could get for free when you sign up. All my friends that have sprint or verizon constantly complain about not being able to call in or when I call them I get some bullshit machine. I on the other hand have never had a problem Even the customer service one time when they screwed up a little bit gave me 2 months of free service. So all I have to say to all Voicestream haters is you better check yourself and Fuck you.
  20. Who the fuck has even heard of any of these bands or groups. I mean what the fuck happened to listening top 40 stuff like BSB or NSYNC or Britney or Christina. Seriously.
  21. Hey glowgirl, tell us the details on here, kinda like Mrs kitties guide to a blow job. We are all dying to know.
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