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Everything posted by a12345

  2. When you see a beautiful girl with an old fart old enough to be her dad ... 1. SHe didn't have a male figure in her life and wants a "daddy" 2. He is putting her up in a pent house like a pet = $$$$$$$$$ 3. Some boy her own age has broke her heart and if she dates an old fart ....there's no way he can ever break her heart. I thought about dating grandpas - One tried to pick me up @ Vinyl - Body& Soul - he was pretty hip for an old man- sunglasses and a pimp suit ..lol ! ALSO - it's an ego/ status thing - girls who do that are saying = I'm soo fuckin beautiful for guys my own age I can date an old grandpa if I wanted too ! ALSO - DO YOU GUYS THINK 7 year age difference is a lot ?
  3. YES ! I MUST ! Because I don't know the answer. Because men love beautiful women the same way they love expwensive cars ... I don't know how men think and ...I just don't know...
  4. Most rich guys have these"trophy girlfriends" - kinda like a fancy car you show off to your guy friends except it's a woman. Are trophy GF relationships = true love ? I would never date anyone just becasue they look good and they can make me look good. Isn't it using someone if you just keep them around so that you can look good in front of others for dating such a hottie ?? FOR ALL YOU - MY SCREWS ARE LOOSE.
  5. REad your what ? what's an acid pm ? HUH ??? how do I do that ?
  6. NO . I'm the girl who spent a lot of money on a guy. I did that becasue I thought it would impress him and I was crazy about the guy and ...he was impressed but .. I never really saw him after that - I probably scared him away - now he thinks I expect something from or whatever ...
  7. OK ! In music Videos they have these anonymous gorgoues women ..and here's some of mine favorite - 1. Apollonia, Diamond and Pearl, Mayte , Carmen Electra ( when she was with Prince) I LOVE ALL OF PRINCE'S WOMEN !! PRINCE HAS FINE TASTE IN WOMEN ! 2. The girl in George Micheal's " I WANT YOU SEXxx" Video !! 3. That girl in Carlo's Santana's "Maria Maria " - video But NOBODY beats PRINCE'S Women !!!
  8. PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME. Why would a girl spending more on the guy be a blow to his ego ? EX ) If Donald Trump's girlfriend bought him a Girrard Perragaux Ferrari Chronograph - ( A very fine watch) - I don't think Donald would mind because he is a lot wealthier than his girlfriend . NOw in a situation - where - If the guys was already rich and his girlfriend ( who is not) spent a lot of money on him ... WOULD THAT still be a blow to his ego ?
  9. Thanks !!!!! That's one kick ass classic !!
  10. INTERNET DATING SHOULD BE ILLEGAL !!! Date # 1 ) a 700 lb. Jewish Foot Doctor- Date # 2 ) umm ..not what I expected Look- I'm a nice girl - I don't understand why I can never meet someone I'm attracted or even someone I like !! [This message has been edited by a12345 (edited 12-06-2000).]
  11. It's an old one but - came out in maybe 97' ? Johnny Vicious did - Ecstasy feat. LULA . Well I'm looking for a LULA track- it has Lula and some other guy talking to each other - This is not "MAN = DRUG" - does anyone know any other Lula records ???
  12. WOW - Thank you ! I'm surprise you actually pay attention to my psots. YOu are very correct !! And thanks for caring ! I did like myself somewhat - UNTIL- that guy broke my heart ! Ever since then I'm over come by these insecurities and beating myself up - trying to figure out what is so wrong about me. One day I will confront him ask him " What was so wrong with me ?" I thought about getting a gun for self- protection and such. I don't feel safe sometimes - I don't need a big scary boy friend ! I should just get a gun. Shit- that sounds fucked up ! lol
  13. i hate being small ! I feel sooo small -that's like one of the most insecure feelings in the world. O.K - I got punched in the face by an ex. boyfriend once and ever since then - I feel that I have to be BIG, STRONG AND TOUGH - because I'm a small girl I 'm afraid that guys will fuck with me and clearly beat me up. I guess that's why I'm always sizing myself up against wrestler and big guys..becasue I feel like I have "step up and be tough" .. ANd I'm a girl - I don't understand why I compete with men on size. I'm trying get fat so I'll look "bigger" - I wanna be BIG so I can protect myself and etc.. I used to go out to clubs by myself and guys used to fuck with me ...and I feel that I need to be BIG and INTIMIDATING - to get ahead in life - and that's hard to do when you're only 5'2 !! [This message has been edited by a12345 (edited 12-06-2000).]
  14. I'm a small built girl and I absolutely fuckin hate it !!!! I'm 5'2 and 100 something pounds ...and I wish I was 6ft. tall and BIG !! I'm not as big as I should be becasue I started smoking/dieting at a young age. I actually envy BIG men- the juice heads ! I HATE BEING SMALL. I feel so fucking small walking down the streets of NYC. I feel like an ant and can't stand it !!! I feel big in my own house but outside I feel so fuckin small !! Are there any steroids a girl can take ?? Girls usually don't have this- I feel small complex but I DO !
  15. NONE OF YOU are Answering my Question ! HOw would you feel if a girl spent a lot of money on you ? I.E. - bought you a motorcycle, an expensive watch and took you to fancy places ?
  16. MEN - DO you spend a lot of $$$ to impress girls ? Or becasue you have a big ego ? Also - Would you let some gorgeous gal sqeeze your wallet dry ? MEn throw away money at strip bars, spend money on pretty girls they don't even like just becasue ... I also realized that - Just because a man takes you places, shopping and buys you things - IT DOES NOT MEAN HE LOVES YOU . Right ? LAST Q. - Would you be comfortable if a girl spent alot of money you instead ? Society says men must pay for women but - how would you feel if girl bought you expensive gifts and took you out ???
  17. 1. Ugly people have more meaningful + fulfilling relationships. And ususally have more interesting things to say and interseting personalities. 2. Beautiful people have tons of superficial relationships - tons of phony friends, sex buddies, sugar daddies/mommies - 3. If someone likes you because only for your looks - that's same thing as someone liking you just because you are rich. BEAUTY IS SKIN DEEP. About RAPE - that's definitely gonn a effect her self image and how she acts around men. I used to dress like a bag lady at one point becasue I didn't want ANY attention from men ..LOL !
  18. THANK YOU SOO MUCH BLUE ANGEL !!! You're great !!! I feel like I'm talking to Oprah !! LOL !! I know I have to be happy with myself first and I am = But sometimes I keep bashing myself. Maybe I'm bored or maybe I'm too alone most of the time. Yeah- everyone says he's an asshole. But ..He's the only guy that makes me truly happy. You know - we have no control over who we fall in love with or who/what makes us happy. I don't know why Cupid shot me an arrow. I really don't. ALSO - DO you believe in coincidence ?
  19. Did anybody ever hook up with someone while they were at a resort/ on vacation in different country/ or a casino ? I met this little Mr. Dolce & Gabbana type of guy from Rome at Taj Mahal, Atlantic City. He came to the Casinos to gamble once a month all the way from Rome. He told me he was a hairdresser but- what kind of hair dresser travels across the world once a month to gamble ? ANYWAYS - I felt as if he was the "one"- I felt this STRANGE connection with him- Maybe it's becasue we hooked up at a casino and he's from Rome and all that glamor just added to the romance. But true lovve ? Probably not . Do any of you guys have a story like- When I went to (Puerto Rico, Cancun, Brazil, Paris) I met this girl/guy - fantasy stories ?
  20. Growing up- I never had any friends - I moved around alot or never really fit in any where. I'm 25 and the fact that I never had alot friends haunts me til this day and probably for the rest of my life. You really don't know what it's like. A new town every year- always the new person in town/ scene. I WAS ALWAYS the outsider. And always will be. HE IS LIKE THE BEST FRIEND I NEVER HAD. He's the friend I dreamt about . I think it's just my destiny- that I can't be with ones who make me happy or GOD doesn't want me to have any friends. Wait ....My only friend is GOD.
  21. How do I know if it was because I wasn't good enough for a guy ? or that he's the insecure one ? This one guy - I thought was for me - we click like a belt yet - he keeps telling me that I'll find the right guy for me/that I'm too young for him/ that he doesn't like me that way- then we rumble in the sack. I wish God would answer me and tell me why I wasn't good enough for him. People say move on. But in the back of my mind I keep asking myself why .
  22. GOOD ANSWER ! I'm a girl who for some strange reason has been classified as the "the girl you have fun " type. I don't get it. True love is someone who is a best friend. ALSO - guys - would you be with a gorgeous girl - who you didn't have ANYTHING in common with ?
  23. Guys classify girls into 2 types - 1.the one you have fun with 2. the "girlfriend" material Guys - what makes a girl as the fun type and "the girlfriend" type ? If you have sex with a girl but you didn't like her as the girlfriend way -does it mean she wasn't good enough ?
  24. Well ...first I'm a girl . Not some old man ! LOL At the age of 25 I have to focus on my career and get ready to "settle down" and be more mature . But this adulthodd makes me very unhappy and depressed. And it's not like I wanna dress up like some teenie bopping scank and start hittin the clubs again... Part of me wants to PARTY but part of me says - I quit. You PEOPLE LOOK LIKE YOu HAVE TONS OF FUN . ARE YOU GUYS HAPPY ? I don't know what my problem is .. I'm watching the whole world party right in front of me ..yet ...I don't really wanna be a part of it. I'm always the outsider looking in.
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