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Posts posted by happykittn

  1. Tuesday: 20-page, in-depth psych research report due (I'm going to do the actual research all day today)

    Wednesday: 15-page Traditional Lyric in Ancient China final paper due, 50-page final Education project due

    NEXT WEEK: 1 semester-long project due & 4 finals

    What do I have done so far?


    My honey's coming over to spend the weekend with me, Friday-Sunday... we're going to check out the Hdrome (www.hdrome.com) on Saturday night (grand opening, thanks brandie!)... and I'm going to drag him out of bed and into the library with me the rest of the days. *sigh* It's almost over, kids... hang in there...



    The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


  2. Reading (on average) about 6-7 books/month at the moment (at least 5 for classes, everything else for pleasure)... do coursepacks count? If so, I have a few million-page ones I'm working through right now. >o.O< As for magazines... Newsweek, National Geographic, and Cosmo... Reader's Digest is what I always pick up to browse through when I'm in a waiting room...

    eggmok ~ Archie comics were the *best*... cwm32.gif


    The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


  3. Don't you think there are some people out there that are labeled as "psychos" however they are just passionate or more committed then the other person? It is just easier to justify breaking someone's heart when you can call them a PSYCHO!

    When the person starts calling your parents and telling them you're making the worst mistake of your life by breaking up with him...

    When the person (age 25) starts e-mailing your three little sisters (ages 11, 14 and 17) and begging them to "please be his friend"...

    When the person checks up on everything you buy on eBay and e-mails your family about it ("ohmygod, can you believe she bought that skirt! it's too short! do you want her wearing stuff like that out in public?")...

    When the person contacts retired military personnel to do a private background check on your new boyfriend and spews forth complete and utter bullshit such as your new boyfriend cheated on you with hookers while drunk while he was stationed in Korea for a month this summer...

    When the person offers you ridiculous amounts of money if you'll at least read his e-mails and possibly respond to one or two...

    When the person calls crying "I love you! I can't live without you! I need you!", and "You stupid bitch! How could you do this to me! You heartless witch!", and back to "I didn't mean it! I can't stop thinking about you! I'll always love you! I'll always be here for you if you ever realize you made a mistake by letting me go!", etc. etc. soooo many times you've had to move twice and change your phone number five times...

    When the person continually tries to find ways to blackmail you, torment you, and make your life without him miserable (because if he isn't happy, he can't let you be happy)...

    THEN... I really wouldn't say they're "just passionate or more committed"...

    I think it'd be safe to say the person qualifies as "PSYCHO."



    The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


  4. Originally posted by joeydollaz:

    =( kittn ... did someone ruin the suprise and tell u what i got you for christmas ???? i wanted it to be a suprise !

    Oh no, nobody's given me any clues as to what Santa Joey will be bringing me this year... no tips, no hints, nothing at all. Did I mention I LOVE surprises? cwm4.gif


    The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


  5. Originally posted by xhead68:

    uh oh, I think I'm dumber than 80% of all kindergarten students...

    ummmm.... whats the answer?

    Does anyone else know?

    xhead68 ~ if nobody else does, I'll post it when I come back from my meeting in about an hour... you can mull it over until then... cwm30.gif *off to discuss public policy*



    The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


  6. Hehehe... cwm27.gif

    This one doesn't have any sexual connotations and it isn't meant to be funny... but I'll share anyway. smile.gif

    Here's a really old riddle that most of you have probably heard before... 80% of kindergarten kids got it right, compared to 15% of Stanford undergraduate students:

    What is...

    -more powerful than God

    -more evil than the devil

    -poor people have it

    -rich people don't

    -and if you eat it, you'll die



    The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


  7. Originally posted by majesticmelodi:

    what town is that by daytona.. my parents live by daytona too...ill be in orlando with my old high school buddies if anyone wants to chill with us there... mad fun...

    Hi hon... we'll be staying in Jacksonville, which is about an hour from both Orlando and Daytona... I've never been there before, can you recommend some good places to go? Maybe we can meet sometime while we're down there...


    The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


  8. Welcome! cwm7.gif As for Friday nights... I prefer Twilo, but I've heard Tunnel, Vinyl and Limelight are fun, too. Check them all out, you're bound to find something you like!


    The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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