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Everything posted by bumparella

  1. WHAT CHU TALKIN' BOUT WILLIS? (tell me this monkey doesn't look like that) LOL!
  2. I can't go! I'm really pissed!!
  3. I was wondering the same thing. I would love to know what is wrong with him. I just can't get over that one over-sized tooth in the front.
  4. oops!! [This message has been edited by bumparella (edited 02-15-2001).]
  5. ROLMFAO!!!! I am dying over here!!! Are you kidding me Horses'ASS??? You would like to know what us "geniouses" think???? Well asshole!!! Since we're so smart I'll teach you a lesson in spelling 101. It's "geniuses". First off! LOL!!!! I guess you need to have your assistant proof read your post before you submit them! Damnnnnn! All your money and still not enough to buy a dictionary! Your 740 can't make it to Barnes and Noble?? (that's a book store BTW). Maybe next time. Oh..I like both Denny and Danny. See we're just like you ...We like Danny!
  6. Shut up RAVERAT! And WHO do you think you're fooling?? And as for that annoying jennifEr. Get over yourself and talk to me when your 21...you dirty little juvenile WHORE!
  7. That was the funniest thing ever. "When I say 36 I mean 35" "I make 4 million dollars selling cars" "I make 1 thousand dollars on Monday selling cars"
  8. Yeah yeah yeah!!! Yada Yada Yada... You're a great promoter...Groove Lounge is awesome...and Darkhorse isn't a DJ(wanna be)! I'm 29...I want to get a job from you....and you and your "partner" are what's "HAPPENIN" in Joisey!!! IQZERO....you're doing a fine job of emabarrassing yourself here. I don't even think I need to continue!! Why don't you go to Paramus Park Mall and flood the lot with some flyers!
  9. Well Jarmenio...... I was trying to give Abyss some credit for last week's poor attendance. I stopped by Abyss first and then made my way to Hunka which IMO...was much better.
  10. I wouldn't suggest it. It has been really really bad there with the exception of a FEW nights. Hunka isn't bad. Everything in Sayerville has slowed down with the 2:00 closing. What about Luna Lounge??? I hear it's pretty good there. :-)
  11. Quick Question IQZERO55538738743. 1. Who's 29?? 2. Spending $$$ on E and K.....RIGHT!??? 3. The last time I checked 250 heads for "peeps" SUCKED! 4. Talk to me when you're a "real" promoter and you're able to pull in more than 25 "HEADS IN THE BIZ". You should be ashamed of yourself! I'm sure you're doing great that's why you keep promoting your corny party on every thread here! SURE!!
  12. Hey Brain Surgeon....We heard you the first time. What do you think....the CAPS LOCK LOOKS DIFFERENT???? Why don't you go promote something....wait aren't you that Groove Lounge idiot??? That's right!! [This message has been edited by bumparella (edited 02-12-2001).]
  13. BLEE BLEE BLEE BLAH BLAH BLAH BLEE BLEE BLEE BLAH BLEE BLEE BLEE BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Yeah hi...Ummmm I make 6 figures, drive a BMW and get mad bitches! (twirling finger in the air...woo-hoo!!!) Nigga Pulllllleeeeeeeaaaaassssseeeeee! You know you're really working at a record store...wishing you had a "real" job!!! LOL!! I don't think that a traders assistant makes 6 figures...especially with today's market. Hey I got an idea...WHY DON'T YOU BUT A FUCKING CLUE JERKOFF WITH ALL OF THAT $$$$ OF YOURS! Instead you write on a message board all day and you have "YOUR ASSITANT" answer your phone. What do you say...Ohhhhh Alice...can you hold my calls today...I'm speewing SHIT on a message board and I can't talk to any of my potential clients. I have an idea...BE YOURSELF...and quit hiding under a new name evey time we call you out!!! DAMMMMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!! Darkhorse....what is that??...some pony you want to fuck if you can't get your MAD BITCHES???? I saw that picture of you!! (hee hee) [This message has been edited by bumparella (edited 02-12-2001).]
  14. So everyone on here that talks trash is a girl huh??? Interesting.... And you know this how??????? Don't be so sure. And you are a "newbie"??? RIGHT!
  15. Wow!!! Nice Ass Darkhorse....Looks very approachable!!! LOL!!!
  16. Well said my dear Lady. Well said!!
  17. American History X---GOOD MOVIE!
  18. Alli..... Check your PM's You'll see what I mean!
  19. Holy shit...if I lived at home making that money I would be making it MY JOB TO MOVE THE FUCK OUT! Can you say LOSERRRRRRR??? Hey..doesn't he have some stocks to sell??? I hear the markets down. ! Don't you go to Vinyl on Fridays???? What's up with the Twilo PVD thing??? I guess a change of pace.
  20. That's my GIRL!!!! GO GET EM ALLI!... I'm going to PM you and tell you who this HORSE is! You're going to laugh!
  21. Yeah I mean last week we had that big night out...and she just disappears on us! HOW RUDE!!!
  22. Sin, Is it me...or is this shit sounding way too familiar???? Call me Crazzzzzy but I have a feeling that Darkwhore DOESN'T have a dick..unless it's a strap-on. He/She....sounds a tad too femine to be a man. But now a days...WHO KNOWS!!! !! I mean when is the last time you heard a guy calling out another guy with a "tooth-pick dick"??? Someone either has a bit of a complex....OR YET ANOTHER ALTER EGO SURFACES! BTW.....Where has our girl ALLI been???
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