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Everything posted by ibclubbin

  1. this thread is WACK but ill be there
  2. skribbles was pretty good....we walked in to some good house (most of which i had never heard before) but then he played WAY too much hiphop in a row...it made us leave....that and the fact that i couldnt stand up straight also he just HAD to play YBT - Tap the Bottle:rolleyes:
  3. clean out your pm box dooood im tryin to hit you up
  4. i heard Deko the 20th is JUMPIN OFF;)
  5. no it had Tainted Love, King Of Pain, Mutual, The Beginning, Lizard, Jump Like The Monkey, Fuck Like a donkey, Muscles, This Joy and a bunch more i have it but there are spaces in between songs:(
  6. would it be better to mention their list or show a vip card? or does it matter (i havent been to merge yet this summer)
  7. i respect your ideology of life....i just think your website is disgraceful...and no im not jealous, no im not hating, so DONT pull that jealousy is the highest compliment bullshit because i id rather have my life over yours any day of the week but as long as you're oblivious to your own ridiculousness then i guess in your head its all good.....god bless the meek for they shall inherit the earth
  8. i agree with everything kirk wrote but the moo is still a joke for other reasons
  9. all you need are the right people (and the right music)
  10. no need to waste time on this feg....lets get the party started:rock:
  11. lmfaooooooooooooooooooo fuck that call the FAA cause its gonna be plane crashes all night long eddie get the fuck off my thread and my dick while youre at it
  12. I did.....i dont remember:confused:
  13. save the drama for eddie's whore mama...just be there tomorrow night:rock:
  14. I think classics night is a good time...its just that too many DJ's play the same old music.....I think a classics night should consist of completely different vibes of old music...bring back some old SF anthems, some cheesy fist pumps, some pill-popping Draper bombs....and def some music from the past two summers that hasnt been played recently.... Thats what we will be doing at Platinum tomorrow night....For those sick of the same shore crap and the same songs you might want to come check us out:D
  15. Justin Haskins and yours truly will be spinning retro from 10-2 at Platinum tomorrow night. Last week for MBMA was a blast and we plan to keep the party going just as strong this week. Put your name here and any requests and you'll be on the Infusion guest list:D p.s. Dan Fury will be performing a stage show to Corrupt with Wakeup as "his man"
  16. lol thats what im expecting to feel but its been a while and im a jackass:rock:
  17. probably Relentless or Movin Up
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