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Everything posted by sheendawg

  1. @ sexxyh - Yep, I'm certain that's what it was, because my experience was similar to DGModel's aside from feeling very ill. I just woke up! I've been asleep for 10 more hours! That's all I did this weekend. Damn shame. I'm gonna call my boy who is an ER doctor in the morning. @ marci - Girl, that other chick should be lucky she didn't get her ass kicked! That is some slimy shit to do to a "friend". @ DGModel - You're lucky your friends looked out for you, that's all I can say! @ LavenderMenace & roha - LOL! I know right, these triflin motherfuckers need to be shot, doing that to people for no good reason. @ glowgirl - I was separated from my friends, who knows where the hell they went? Can't remember! @ Euro & Gabo - Yep. Roofies, first time I've ever been drugged. Can't believe this shit. I'm glad I'm alright too, I know now that if somone offers me a drink to just bust them dead in they face!! AND LAST AND DEFINITELY LEAST, ILIANA - For fucks' sake, leave me alone! All this attention makes me think you want some of this sweet black poontang yourself. But I'm strictly dickly.
  2. Aiiiiight?!?! But it's not even about what kind of club you're in all the time, it's being aware of your surroundings. I was at an afterhours once and saw my boy get G'd out when someone gave HIM some shit. It's less likely to happen though because kids will willingly abuse it and aren't privy to give out free hits of it unless they have it in for ya. LOL
  3. I didn't ask him, I was too heated to do anything other than get off the phone with his ass. It may have been his boy's Jeep though. Should he dare call me back, I'll pretend like I saw him driving somewhere and casually ask. Other than that, I will just accept the blessing that I'm okay and leave well enough alone. And stick to house music!!! :laugh:
  4. Now that I think about it, it was a late model Grand Cherokee, probably a 2000, and it was beige. The two guys in it were black. The other girls I was with were British and I believe were just visiting NYC. I hope they're okay too. AND someone just called me, someone I met at that party. I think he was the one that did it because when I told him what happened he was just like, "Oh shit." Not a "Are you okay?" or anything like that. Which is exactly why I told him, to gauge his reaction. Fucker. Then he gon' have the nerve to ask me what I was doing tonight! LMBAO! He's lucky I don't feel the need to invest the energy in getting him fucked up.
  5. Ooooooooh, it is SO on. I'm mad that I missed last night cause I was all G'd out or what the fuck ever!!! I will definitely be in attendence, I love Saeed and Palash. That night is gonna probably be one of the best in NYC clubbing we'll see in a while.
  6. LOL! I remember kids used to say this about Sandra when she'd come to Buzz in DC. Is she really off the hook like that? I've enjoyed her each time, probably because I was rolling as hard as SHE was!!
  7. Thanks guys, for all your concern, I am feeling a little better. Just taking it easy. The friends that I went there with got separated from me earlier on that night, so the chicks I was in the Jeep with I had just met! I'm thinking that the dude gave us all the same shit, and it must have started to hit her and that's why she got out. I'm just glad that I followed and ended up in a bathroom alone that was sectioned off as opposed to in a strange place with a sore booty!! The more that I think about it, the more I believe that it was a roofie because I couldn't remember anything at all, and am just now being able to piece it together. I didn't feel sick at all, just very high and out of it. It took me hours to be able to come down enough to get home, and when I got here I slept for 16 hours! Woke up at 2 this morning and I had gone to bed at 10 am on Friday! How about I just pulled some matches out of my pocket to light a cigarette and see that I was at Vue on 50th Street? That's where it happened, on the East side at a party for DJ Enuff of Hot 97. I was talking, dancing and laughing, next thing you know I'm hopping in a cab and waking up hours later. I don't even remember going up the stairs to the bathroom and no one remembers seeing me. That's some bizarre shit! I know now to be careful, and I hope you ladies do the same. It's a shame that we can't just go out and enjoy ourselves without worrying about trifling-ass predators with no game who feel they have to trick women into some ass. Whatever it is, I'm still feeling it, very powerful stuff. Still a little wobbly and buzzed, and mad that I can't remember how I ingested it!! LOL @ letsparty - Don't do that ever again! LOL @ Iliana - Thanks, BITCH! Glad to see you're still riding my clit. Now get the fuck out of here with your venom and bullshit. I can only imagine what may happen to you one of these days, the most unfortunate part is that you'll DESERVE it. *spraying the BitchBeGone Spray*
  8. All I know is that I was at a club. Dancing and having a good time. I can't remember being offered a drink or anything, I just remember chilling and having fun one minute, and then going outside after the place closed. I was in a Jeep with a few other girls I had met at the club, and these guys were in the front. For some reason, the girls got out and so did I. I jumped in a cab. THE NEXT THING I KNOW is that I am waking up in a McDonald's in Times Square. I come out of the bathroom and walk down the stairs and the employees look at me like I'm nuts. They tell me the section upstairs was closed, and I became indignant! LOL I was confused as hell, no one could tell me how long I had been up there, I don't remember going into the McDonald's at all! I woke up on the toilet, that's it. I sat there for another good two hours trying to get it together, I felt really high and out of it. What scared me the most is that I can't remember where I was or anyone giving me a drink. I think it had to have been those guys because they had at least 2 other girls in the back of the Jeep with me and I am so grateful that we had the sense to get out while we could. I was just passed the fuck out for hours! At least 3! For those of you who have used G, does it make you forget like this? I didn't puke or anything, but had been drinking heavily that evening. I also don't feel like I was assaulted in any way, I believe me exiting that Jeep may have saved me. Ladies, just be careful because that is some scary shit. Someone please explain, do you think that's what happened? Or was it something else?
  9. Leopard Lounge is a cool spot! I may come check you out, thanks for the heads up! It's right across the street from A Salt & Battery, and I'm in the mood for some of those BIG-ASS delicious scallops. LOL
  10. Happy Birthday, Bugout! I'll be sure to check out your party and dap you up next week. Have a good time this weekend and be safe!
  11. Crazy ass. I get lots of 2ways from Filter, how is it? I do wanna check it out soon.
  12. :laugh: :laugh: @ this thread!!!!! "whack your bags to interracial porn....." Y'all need JESUS!!! LMFAO!!!
  13. Okay luv, I will hold it down for you then. *muah*
  14. Maaaaaaaaayun!!! I have been PARTYING. Thursday night, I started at Discotheque, said I wasn't gonna stay long and ended up staying until closing. Went to an afterhours at some loft, then to another one at a bar in Chelsea. Left THAT bar at 11 pm, and went to Souk in The Village. Went to Vinyl from there. After Vinyl, I went to Bauhaus, where my boy Mike Negron was spinning. I just LOVE him!!!!! Stayed there all day cause I have no damn sense. Went to his house for a brief nap, then to Exit where he was spinning on the main floor. Left there then FINALLY came home Sunday morning. Slept til 10 pm, went back to bed at 4. Monday I caught up on work, didn't even sleep Monday night. Tuesday I was with Tigger at Rap City and Power 105 all day and night, so today I slept til 7pm. Gotta get up early tomorrow (TODAY) and work some more though. I need to cut this shit out. We will DEFINITELY meet soon, you let me know when you are around and I will get atcha!! But I'm still mad at you cause you reppin' Danny's shit and not even goin. LOL I suppose I can forgive this once though since I was in Philly fakin for weeks. WE LOVE YOU DANNY! I MIGHT JUST FUCK HIM UP AND BRING HIM ALONG WHETHER HE LIKES IT OR NOT! HOW BOUT THAT?!?!
  15. I KNOW you did NOT just say that you weren't going!!! I'ma get you. Hi Danny! I'm on your other board, was there last Friday, still catching up on sleep from the weekend, will DEFINITELY be there this Friday even though Elementx is a faker!!
  16. Awww, that's so sweet! Glad you had a good time. If you wanna move here, this is a good website to look for places. www.craigslist.org
  17. LMFAO @ Teklord's sig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Crazy.
  18. I hear THAT!! Well good luck, I hope you at least find a reasonably priced one. Sorry about your accident.
  19. @ Mikelanza - I tried to get it back on topic by asking how you were....how are you? I'm suprised to see that it's grown to page 4, but not suprised that she bumped it back to the top from THE OTHER DAY, or that the other posters express the same sentiment about her. Had I known that she was a well known and loathed troll, I wouldn't have bothered to respond to her in the first place!! Did you straighten everything out? Hope so. Be easy.
  20. Sounds like a plan! I will bump that all week in preparation for the anniversary party!! YUH!! I'm gonna hit you tomorrow, so we can plan our meet-up.
  21. Is that what you had in your sig the other day? It's a new release, right? I will cop that shit THIS WEEK.
  22. Ya damn skippy!!! I mean that both ways....back to the basics....you wanna get down, let's get down....you're white, I'm brown, let's hit the town!! Back to Basics!! We LOVE Danny!!
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