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Everything posted by sheendawg

  1. Gotdammit, I said how is Wilson the Duck?!?!
  2. Maaaaaayun, ain't nobody arguing with you! I was pointing out the variety of context. Now let's go do some bumps at Cheetah. *sike*
  3. Hey, cottoncandy! Zeeker, let's go with definitions two and three. Causing discomfort, repulsion or harm. Discomfort and repulsion to those that may not use or don't want to be around those who do blatantly, and harm to the people who make a LIVING making sure we have a place to go and party, and that we're safe and entertained while there. I don't think the kids who use blatantly are evil, just selfish and stupid but the word choice does fit when we look at the definitions.
  4. Yeah, I think he means those that blatantly use it, like the countless times I've seen kids on the dance floor swigging out of a bottle of G like it was rum & coke. Or kids taking bumps off their hands and forgetting to wipe the powder off their noses. Damn, no one's saying you can't get high because we can't stop you anyway, do it in a way that respects the space you're in and others around you! Most of all, respect yourself.
  5. Hmm.....I like this Nympho character, a paper gangster!! LOL!!
  6. Whatever you do, just make sure you're gonna love doing it! That's a lot of money to put into an education only to hate it. My friends spent over $100K at Harvard Law only to find out they hate being lawyers!
  7. Well fuck that, I'm casting my vote for Deep Dish!!!
  8. I had a good time last night, didn't dance much because I was tired but I had fun watching the crowd. It wasn't as crowded as people thought it was gonna be, and the music was decent, though it did change up a lot. Got to meet Drone, who came up and put his arm around me like I was supposed to know him! I'm pretty easy to identify. I was worried that I'd met him before and just forgot - memory goes sometimes LOL. Thanks for the love, man! Saw Rob and heard Lavender Menace was there but didn't get to meet her. I may check out Tronic tomorrow night, and you guys would love Halo on Wednesday if you wanna hear some good techno.
  9. Aw, he's a cutie! NYChunk, how is Wilson? We want more pics! I was going to start a thread at you myself. LOL
  10. I think you may mean MBA's (Master's in Business Administration).
  11. Aw, isn't that precious? I think some of the afterhours are 18+, are you at least 18? If not, I don't know what to tell you but STAY OUTTA TROUBLE!! Check some of these threads, some have mentioned only being 18 as a requirement to enter.
  12. LOLA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you too! Ya fuckin A I'll be there at the WMC!! I can't WAIT. How's it going? I'm so jealous of you all down there. I miss Space and the palm trees. What have you been up to? What are your plans for the WMC? Is the rest of the gang coming (sobeton, stillrollin)? LOL Holla atcha girl!!
  13. Bananas, right? Wassup DC?!?! I miss you guys. I miss Buzz.
  14. Hey matt2mo! I just went to Shelter's website, I think I wanna go if I can muster up some energy! I love the song they have playing, it reminds me of these spots called Club Five and Red in DC. What time does it get poppin in there?
  15. LOL! I guess she was looking for bricks of coke and found hardbacks instead.
  16. Security has always been rather tight there which is a good thing now - probably saved it in the meantime! I always come from work with my messenger bag full of books and the chick looks at me like I'm crazy.
  17. Well go DO that then instead of telling us the same thing over and over!
  18. :laugh: Hey, everyone needs some good house music in their lives!
  19. Um excuse me, I didn't blame ANYONE for the shutting down of the clubs, I commented on the method in which it was done. As far as other hobbies go, not only do I read books, I publish them and if I want to go out dancing then I want to go out dancing!
  20. DON'T SAY THAT!!! What they've done is pretty clever. Shut down the two largest clubs, and then let the crowds destroy the others by 1. Piling into other spaces. 2. Fighting over attitudes, etc. 3. Fighting over drugs and "territory" Just go and have a good time people! If you are going to use drugs, use them "wisely", don't get carried out by anyone and bring more attention to an already jeopardized venue. I'd like to think we can all get along and enjoy good music in a space together without the bullshit. Let's see if we can, because right now we haven't a CHOICE.
  21. For real! That's where all the RAVE acts are coming from, they claim the clubs are modern-day and "upscale" crackhouses. I've seen a lot of cracked out folk gnawing on pacifiers and staring all retarded at glowsticks at Exit but this was a while ago. Imagine what the undercovers saw!
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