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Everything posted by sheendawg

  1. I know, the bitch is starting to grow on me. What happened to some of the posts, did the kid get banned?
  2. Bah! They just like to bait people, funny as hell.
  3. Fuck it, I'ma have to do it up real big that weekend since the next I'm off to the London Book Fair and the WMC right after that! March is gonna be a great month.
  4. LOL!!! Danny was about to KIRK OUT!!! :laugh: pg23 is an amusing troll, from what I've gathered. Like Iliana.
  5. aural = pertaining to hearing or the ear orgasmic = ability to produce sexual climax aurgasmic = music so fucking good you might just come
  6. LOL @ y'all and these damn Guidos! Exactly what is the Guido drug scene? Italians on G, or what? Do they take offense to being called Guidos? I think I saw some the other night (not on G, Italians) at Arc, but they were just chillin like everyone else. Someone on this board mentioned the G "circle jerk dance" and I was cracking the fuck up, though!!!! Last time I saw that particular dance was at Exit. I hope they both re-open as well, just for the sake of the people who enjoyed those places, and with hopes that they'll be more careful if and when they decide to use drugs. *shrug*
  7. Yeah, Danny said on his board that they had made it just in time themselves..... What do you do with them? Don't worry they held it down. LOL I'm glad that everyone came and had a good time and made it home safely......
  8. $10 million a year profit...... What do YOU do besides TROLL the board?
  9. Well at least you got the ghetto booty right!!
  10. LMAO!!!!!!!!! Look what the cat dragged out of the snow.... Yeah, I'm a hoodrat publisher... I knew I could count on you for a good laugh.....didn't you say you were Cuban-American on another thread? You just like to torture people.
  11. There, now you're good to go......I say we get a catalog and see if Hofstra offers remedial English, best of luck to you!
  12. Ah, she's at it again....where the fuck did YOU go to school, since you don't know the difference between right and WRITE?!?!?!?! Be careful not to confuse homonyms. FUCKING BITCH. - Sheendawg
  13. Y'all not EVEN right! This is FUCKED UP to the nth degree....wasn't supposed to be open AND the bouncers sprayed that shit and blocked the door?!?! I saw some footage on MSNBC and they showed people carrying dead bodies.....
  14. A bouncer at another club told me that Factory was gonna be open this weekend, but that Exit could fuckin' hang it up............
  15. Welcome to the JUNGLE! Welcome to the JUNGLE!
  16. Yeah, when someone tells me that I just say, "TWO!!!" and hang up the phone. Did y'all see that Dave Chappelle special where he's talking about his white manager and how he likes to tease him because he doesn't know what he is talking about when he uses slang? Dave: "Aight man. Bet. I'll holla back. Audi 5000." Manager: "Uh............okay, m'bye-bye." He said he makes up stuff sometimes to fuck with him. Dave: "Aight, thanks. Talk to you later. Maaaaan, you got to zip it up and ZIP IT OUT!!!" Manager: "Uh..........huh...........zippity do-dah!! M'bye-bye." LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  17. Peace? It just means the person wishes you just that when you end the conversation...nothing to get excited about.....of course, we could always say war since we're about to be in the middle of a nasty one.
  18. It was BANANAS!!!! Would you expect anything less? Saeed and Palash played an aurgasmic set, I was on the floor dancing my ass off and right when Danny came on, Highmay's fine self came up and introduced himself to me. Danny hyped the crowd, and what a crowd it was! It was PACKED for us to be in the midst of a blizzard!!! Danny played his usual stuff (crowd-pleasers?), then got REALLY good around 8:30 and hit us with the hard tribal. I think I may have lost a good five pounds last night. LOL Shout-outs to Neptune and the little sweetie that introduced herself and us (I forget your name!)!! And I can't forget Mike Negron, the love of my aural life....... Highlight of the evening - Danny smelled weed, gets on the mic and says, "I don't know if you heard me the first time, but I asked you to respect the party.....I smell weed......don't make me come out there and get BROOKLYN on you!!" I was like, NO HE DIDN'T!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: I left around 10, because I knew I had to trudge to the subway.....I felt like I was in the North Pole walking down to Canal Street. Came home and crashed, just woke up an hour ago. Was it worth it? FUCK YEAH! Would I do it again? FUCK YEAH!!
  19. Yeah, I just went to Danny's board to check but nothing was over there.......
  20. I know I maybe SHOULD stay home, but common sense does NOT prevail on this party right chere!!!!! As long as it's not cancelled, my black ass will be RIGHT on the dancefloor. I'm taking the subway, so it doesn't matter! Aaaaaah, the underground baby......aaaaaaah, THE UNDERGROUND!!!
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