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Everything posted by sheendawg

  1. I've never seen this cat. But I DO remember a ballerina dude or some shit at Twilo.....he'd twirl around the club all fuckin night in the ZONE!!!! I know y'all know who I'm talking about.
  2. For real! You missed nothing. Just go to Times Square and the experience will be the same. Anyway, how is Wilson the Duck? Got anymore pics?
  3. LMFAO @ this thread!!! "Wait til she finds out Kennedy's been shot........"
  4. LOL! I'm just now getting over the cold that I caught last week. I had that and sun poisining because every time I get down here, I act like I can't get my ass off that beach!!! Then I'd come in and stay in a freezing ass room all night. Maybe a few hours at Space will make me heal completely.
  5. Awwwww shit, time for a new signature!!!
  6. I'm LOVING that pic!! Now it's REALLY gonna come together. It's time that hip-hoppers started to appreciate the music and culture.
  7. You guys, I can NOT get this song out of my head for some reason. Where can I listen to the whole thing? Some of it was on that mix with the Diddy track, but of course they talked over it. HELP! Thanks!
  8. Yeah, you can either meditate, OR you can go on down to Vinyl and walk into a party that's NUTS at 4 in the morning!
  9. Me and Danny T are gonna grow old together and dance happily ever after.
  10. I'm sorry I missed you guys last night, my girl gets off at 2am and we ended up falling asleep. Space for sure tonight, even though she works late tonight too, I'm dragging her ass there! Just got off the phone with Biz, good lookin out!
  11. LOL! And who do you think STARTED this shit 30 years ago? Shiny disco balls!
  12. As long as your parents don't show up and embarrass you or get G'd out and shit...... Seriously though, as long as YOU'RE having fun let everyone else do the same! You gotta FIGHT for your RIGHT to paaaaaaaartaaaaaaay!!!!
  13. I'm looking for it.....only heard Dark Beat 2 and Gypsy drums....do I keep listening?
  14. Pops is doin the dayum thang! That's what's up.
  15. You and me both, man. I believe that my best hours are from 5pm-6am. I like the silence and peace, or CHAOS if that's what I'm looking for!!
  16. Booty shakin' like HELL YEAH!!!
  17. Happy Birthday! Thanks again for the booking advice, easiest thing I've done this week!
  18. Congratulations! I love you, I love Space. And I bought that Space CD last summer just so I could be taken back to the patio when I was freezing my ass off in NYC this winter.
  19. I'll be the gorgeous sista with the banging-ass South Beach tan! Wearing a choker because I forgot to take it off in the sun and it looks like my head is separate from my neck!!
  20. So the party is at the old building tomorrow night?
  21. I'm coming out!!! It will be my first weekend out as a Miami resident, what time do you guys go out down here? I won't be on the beach until 3.........
  22. Thanks, Pod! Damn, I love this board!!!
  23. I have some friends that are interested in coming here to spin, how do I find one? Thanks!!
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