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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by trikki

  1. Maybe you can give him a little taste of SIN this weekend? :laugh:
  2. Maybe on Friday it is 18+, however little man, it is 21 & Over on Sat. You are obviously a very immature ass who has no clue what they are talking about. There is definitely not a better vibe when the children are out playing, but if you think so than stay at exit with the kiddies and when you grow up, you can come play with the more mature crowd!
  3. Don't think so, starting the weekend after Labor Day. It will be 21 & Over! Thank god. The kiddies will be kept out.
  4. And would they actually care what you thinK??
  5. First of all GROPANASSHOLE, if you were able to read things properly, which obviously you have some reading defecit, you would know that ceotter never talked of working in the bathroom at Temps! Where you came up with that is beyond me. All you do is come on this board and boast about yourself. You obviously have an inferiority complex and that is why you need do do so. Why not head back to your pathetic $2.00 per hour job and maybe buy yourself a clue , when you can save up enough cash. Nobody here wants to listen to your stupid bullshit anymore. :blown:
  6. Anyone who is as ignorant as this asshole deserves to have a LYNCH MOB hunting his ass down and ruining his evening. I am in who is with us? Let's get him!! :blown:
  7. Saleen, it's kind of funny that now you are sitting with your tail between your legs, appologizing for calling some of the other people on this board C****. Why not cut the bullshit and think about what you want to say or who you want to say it to before posting. So you don't look like the complete loser that you are by having to appologize for starting shit. Why not just head on out to the next state and try to "rule" the land there. BYE, BYE.
  8. WOW, you really hurt my feelings, Myself and Lady B have nothing to prove especially to a loser like yourself who can't get enough of the fact that we won't post our pictures. You see people like us don't GIVE A SHIT if you think we are C****. We and a few more of the bashing bitches will continue to jump on assholes like yourself that think you are the be all end all of this scene. You see my friend you are just an amature who really doesn't know what they are talking about. I guess if posting your picture is what gives you credibility in this world, then I guess in your eyes I have none. But really I could CARE LESS what an unemployed loser thinks. Bring on some more entertainment, SALEEN! :laugh: :laugh:
  9. First of all some of us CHOOSE not to post our pictures. People like yourself are obviously hard up and NEED to post your picture to make yourself feel better. Actually I don't hate guys and yes I am a bitch and can admit it & would NEVER waste my time talking to your ass if I saw you out. Thank you!! I don't really think that credibility has anything to do with posting a picture, let's come back to reality. And I don't think I need your okay to determine if I am credible. I could give a shit what you think. And so you've been coming to the shore since you were 19 w/fake id, big fucking deal, so has most of New Jersey! I can't wait till the winter when the clubs in the city actually pick and choose who can come in, because your ass will be out on the sidewalk, watching all the beautiful people going inside and you will be standing outside.
  10. First of all none of us "men hating bitches" are losers, maybe in your eyes just because we won't post a picture of ourselves. You don't always need to put a face to everyone's name. If that was the case, then instead of signatures on the bottom of your post, this board would require a picture. This board is for peoples opinions, good, bad or indifferent. Just because most of us don't put pictures up, I really don't think it would categorize us as LOSERS. Maybe we think that those of you that post pictures are LOSERS.
  11. Did you really think that this was true? Haven't you ever seen flyers for a club and it said that some star was going to be there and they weren't? It happens all the time. Get over it.
  12. I've been a lot of places in the islands and europe and many,many places BLOW EXIT AWAY.
  13. I tried it before, get a sample and use it on your face first to see what you think before spending your money. Actually I think the neurtogena foam works pretty well.
  14. Stay away from that shit. I've seen many people carted off to the Emergency Rooms because of that shit. As well as people dropping dead from it. People can say what they want that those who ended up in the hospital didn't know what they were doing, but you never know and how can all the ER reports be wrong??
  15. Okay, the only person that thinks that Exit is the greatest place on earth is bastardino, so what are you talking about??
  16. That picture is so foul!
  17. Very funny, we must know the deal there! Which Bastardino thinks that he knows. PLLLEEEESSSSEEE.
  18. And neither will you.
  19. Promoters get paid honestly????? That's funny I know some promoters that have to chase people around for their money because the asshole owner doesn't pay people. Honestly, I guess that includes the guest list girls that don't cross off names on the lists when you tell them so that promoter doesn't get credit for it when you go there. How can you call this club the greatest on earth????
  20. Try the gap online, they have school uniforms.
  21. WOW!!! A Tracker is a FAR, FAR cry from a SAAB. Maybe she has been just as fucked up and has been thinking all this time or wishing all this time that her Tracker was a SAAB, just like HIP HOP was playing at TEMPS on Sat. :laugh:
  22. NABUC, that was hilarious. :laugh: :laugh:
  23. Pick up Time Out Spain. It has all of the information you will need about clubs, restaurants, etc.
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