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Everything posted by trikki

  1. These are the facts, sweetie. He will be there and Trump did buy the building when David's lease is up. Where do you get your info from??? Obviously not the correct sources. Thank you!
  2. New York Magazine just put out an entire issue on shopping and in it there is an entire section devoted to consignment shops. Pick up the issue.
  3. Hip Hop in TEMPS? What planet were you on? Obviously not the same one that the rest of us were on the same evening.
  4. I'm with you and posting on every board with the same topic and same boring post is ridiculous! :o
  5. I hear you and I think that he should seek legal counsel but I certainly wouldn't go posting the contract info, ect. here. That shit would be my business and not for the public to read. Going around and posting on every board in all the cities is a bit much, don't you think?
  6. Believe me, I am not casting stones, I just think if you have that big of a problem this shouldn't be the forum to be putting it. I would be at a lawyers office handling in the right manner rather than boo hooing in a public forum.
  7. Junior will be there on August 25th for sure. Exit will evenutally be closing, don't know when, Trump bought the building and it will be turned into apartments at some point.
  8. Have you never seen Anthony LaMonte? The King of The Queens? You must be new to the club scene. He has been around for quite a while now. He is hilarious!!
  9. Yes, but when you have aired your dirty laundry out here you are putting it out in public for everyone to read so you have to expect some responses that you are not going to like.
  10. Anytime you post a reply on vlove's thread, he/she feels the need to send you a PM. Funny vlove can't take the heat publicly so he/she needs to send a PM and keep it private. :laugh:
  11. If you have a problem and feel like you've been fucked over then why not just seek legal counsel? Why come on here and bash those two? Nobody here gives a shit about reading your utter stupidity & your idiotic e-mails that have gone between you and them. Save it for the lawyers office. Thanks.
  13. Give it a rest w/ the slutting K off. Sick of it already. Someone must have stole your shit for you to be so uptight and stuck on this subject. It's a little boring already. :o
  14. www.offtherunway.com
  15. Homeless with a computer?
  16. Lady B., loves studio. Ask her about it.
  17. My, My people, do we sense some hostility here?
  18. I think that he must sit the night before and figure out exactly what he wants to write. Head into his pathetic job and put it up. This is obviously a very insecure individual that can't get enough of himself.
  19. Here we go again folks. Another long line of bullshit. :puke:
  20. I agree, why degrade yourself, if you want to be a Venus Model, just send a picture in. This is the club's silly way of trying to get people in the door.
  21. Do you help Denny make the song lists? That must be how you know what track he will be saving for Labor Day.
  22. Now, now the bitch crew will be ready drink you under the table, when your are ready. ;)
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