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Everything posted by cmb1975

  1. I will take it a step further for you. I do have a child. I would never ever associate her with anything like this. I think its appalling and disgusting that this poor child has been thrown into this. Do any of you have a clue as to the kind of perverts out there who are just looking for young children to prey on. I certainly dont need to give them more places to look! Ugh. Utterly disgusted!
  2. I saw Spy Game a couple of weeks ago. I really liked it. Robert Redford is amazing in everything, unfortunately, some movies still suck. I wanna see Behind Enemy Lines. Is it worth renting?
  3. Saw The Castle this weekend. The premise was good, but the idea got lost along the way. It was too drawn out, too slow. And I love James Gandolfini, but he was terrible in this role. Of course Robert Redford was excellent, but even he couldnt save this movie.
  4. First of all, do not jump to conclusions about any of us. At no point did I say I looked better than her and at no point did I say I had a perfect and toned body. And DO NOT throw her being a single mother out there as some kind of excuse for her irresponsible behaviour. How dare you! How dare you compare her situation to any of ours, as if you somehow know that we are all skating along, living in mansions and driving fancy cars! You do not want to go there with me darlin, trust me!
  5. I totally agree with you MissKittie. My first thought when I saw this thread was my lord, what is she doing? I tried to look at it as a form of expression, but I still cant get past the..."hey look at me Im naked" attention factor. I think its wonderful to love yourself and your body, and if that is in fact how you feel, then good for you. It takes alot of people years to fully appreciate themselves. But in this age of interent technology, you should be wary of posting a half naked picture of yourself for all to see and for all to copy and paste. Also, for you to include your child in this thread leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This thread is about your naked body. Why would you include your child in that? That angers me to no end. How dare you make that decision for her. Leave her out of this. If you are thirsting for attention that much, then go totally naked. But dont pull your child into this mess.
  6. The only person starting drama on this thread is sexybabydee.
  7. AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! After Prom Tickets!!! I love you mikey!
  8. Did this thread start out in drama? Or was it posted elsewhere and moved to drama? If so, I wonder at what point it was moved here.... Im pretty sure I know.
  9. Different dj's on Saturday at Vinyl. Last Saturday of every month is DANNY HOWELLS baby!
  10. I cant get a good live feed. I tried MSNBC. I hate not havin a tv here at work. I heard possible gas explosion or transformer explosion.
  11. Thats the Galactic Gladiator. He's cool as hell.
  12. Dont even bother. He's like a hemoroid on the ass of this board. No matter what you do, he just wont go away.
  13. Id have to agree there. Who else, guy or girl, said they were pro life?
  14. That would be our village idiot...notallthere.
  15. While I agree with most of your statement, this particular section I have a hard time with. Perhaps if you explain what you meant before I assume anything.
  16. Dont make me smack you. Of course its early. But there are songs that we all go nutty for in the beginning of the summer and then there are the summer closing songs. So shaddup!
  17. I pray you are wrong. I cant stand that song.
  18. ...at Tempts this year? What will be this years To Be Able To Love, La La Land, Sweet Dreams????
  19. Actually these days, there are measures that can be taken so the unborn child does not get the HIV virus from the mother. There will always be extenuating circumstances and as Nabuc said, you really cant say until you are in that situation, as with most things.
  20. I stand corrected. I misread your post. However, the only drama I see in this thread is your own.
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